#blessed be


This is your reminder to put some water outside for birds, squirrels and other small animals in summer!

In summer it can be very hard for them to find something to drink, so please put either a flat plant saucer or (if the bowl/pot you put is deeper) place a big stone inside or next to it, so they can reach the water safely.

Thank you ❤️

I am filled with intense happiness and gratitude for the life I have been blessed with on this earth. The world may be falling apart in many ways and injustice, cruelty, and hatred are extreme but there is happiness, love, gratitude, and most importantly kindness to be found in extreme measures also. But I’m not really trying to talk about the world. I am want to talk about the happiness I feel in my personal life: my very small, but dear to me, personal life. Though I don’t have a job and it stresses me out and my mind isn’t as healthy as i want it to be, I am getting so much closer to who I want to become and to truly loving and believing in that person. And this time I have been given to heal has been priceless. I am so thankful that I have this chance. I am so grateful for Tim and his support. He has given me so many invaluable gifts. I am thankful for the time to sit and think, think my way out of bad habits and into healthier states of mind. I am grateful for this time to sit and reflect on my life and what I want from it. I am so appreciative of the time to put toward my spiritual side: the greatest cure to my anxiety that I have found (and maybe traveling). I am so thankful that the woods are so accessible to me, that I have the privilege of driving into them in less than an hour, to the sweet escape that is the wilderness. I am so thankful for the friends I hold so dear. I am so grateful for the beautiful, loving, kind relationship that I share with Timothy. I am thankful for our family, our fur family and are human family. I am so blessed. I wanted to materialize this gratitude with words, to put forth the energy and focus on it, to manifests it and pass it on to others. This is a wish for those in the world to feel the blessing that this earth provides and that humans have the capacity to provide. I want this prayer of gratitude to be a reminder to be kind, to take care of one another, and insure that everyone can feel grateful. If we feel more gratitude towards the earth we can treat her with the love and respect she deserves. She has blessed us. I hope this blessing is heard, felt, and passed on. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Blessed be.

Spirit Nest Time to stir up your kitchen magick with these high-quality and eco-friendly bamboo spoo

Spirit Nest

Time to stir up your kitchen magick with these high-quality and eco-friendly bamboo spoons. The laser-etched original designs add some character for decor and presentation, plus the spoons are functional, lightweight, and extremely durable.  Shop Here!
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Hello Everyone! I am here, yet again, to remind you of the full moon!!! (I almost opened this post with “it’s that time of the month again!”…yikes!) Anyway…

April 11th, 2017 is the full Hare Moon. In other traditions/sects it is called the pink moon.

The Hare Moon is a time of both fertility and also a time for self-care and growth. April is known as the time of year when everything is beginning to wake up, plants are beginning to grow, and a sense of beautiful things to come is on the way. It is said that those wishing to get pregnant have the best luck during this Spring season. Think about it…this holiday falls between Ostara and Beltane! 

For the rest of, though, the Hare moon is a good time for personal growth. A time to enhance your spiritual and emotional self. Perhaps do a spell for self-esteem or a ritual to get in touch with your inner power. 

If you planted seeds during the March full moon // Seed Moon, take a moments to whisper your goals and intentions to your newly sprouted seedlings.

Happy Spring, everyone. And Blessed Be!

(photo credit: ornament,pentacle)

Seasons Greetings, My Friends! I am happy to say that the time of the Winter Solstice is almost upon us. December 21st will be the longest night (or shortest day, depending on your outlook) of the year. Winter is officially here, and though there is still darkness, the wheel will continue to turn and daylight will return.


Yule is one of the most widely celebrated of the wiccan/pagan holidays. It is a time to spend with family, spreading love and appertaining friendships. Peace, joy, positivity, warmth, happiness, love. Celebrate this holiday by creating a feast, burning the Yule log, and preparing to dive into the new year with spells and charms to bring motivation, hope, and positivity. And, of course, we can’t forget to exchange presents to our loved ones and leave a special offering to the Lady and Lord!

Take a look at the following Yule activities and crafts:


Yule Log –

Traditionally an oak or birch was harvested for the purpose of a Yule log. One could drill small holes to fit tapers or votive candles, and burn the Yule log in the fireplace. It sits on the altar, decorated, until Yule Eve at sundown. It is lit, and the fire is kept until sunrise, to represent the sun.

Of course, this may not be possible for all people, but there are many alternatives. Such as burning a candle throughout the night. It is tradition to keep a small piece of the Yule log to ignite next years log, or the stub of your candle to ignite next years candle. (witch tip – for those that use a candle as opposed to a log…you can still find and decorate a log. Just place it on display and you can use it year after year!)


Written Wishes –

Similar to a New Years Resolution, people like to write their goals, wishes, or dreams to burn during Yule. I had once read of a tradition in which people would leave out pens and papers during their Yule celebration. Guests could freely write a wish, fold the paper, and hang it on the Yule Tree. Later on in the night, during the ritual burning of the Yule Log, people would collect their wish from the tree and toss it into the Yule fire, sending their wishes and dreams up to the divine.


Bake –

Who doesn’t love holiday cookies, winter spice, and buttered rum. The kitchen is the best part of any winter celebration! Here are some links from around the web for you to try:

Buttered Rum

“Winter Sabbat Wine”

Chocolate Yule Log(yummy!)

Any of these traditional recipes


Your Altar –

Decorate with reds, greens, whites, and golds.

Cinnamon, pine cones, mistletoe, ivory.

Make a positivity jar, add some special sigils or wishes.

Make a special wreathe, or create Yule ornaments!


Whatever you do this winter solstice, be safe, be happy, and be healthy. Blessed be my friends!

(photo credit: wheel,log,altar,wreath,writing,tea)

To those of you who celebrate the holiday, may you enjoy your family and your feast.

To those of you who do not, may you be happy and healthy regardless. 

Remember to be grateful for all things, from this world and the spirits. Show thanks to your loved ones and the Lady and Lord this Thanksgiving!

Blessed Be,

Missa and Karter.


finding out just how many of my mutuals are mcr fans rn

Nuovi inizi ⭐️

long time no post! i’ve had a huge block these past few weeks restricting me from my practice ): i’m easing back into it however, and will be more fueled than ever ✨ hope my fellow witches are doing well these days c: blessed be!<3

I pray that we survive this

That our ill will recover

That this ends soon

That peace and health will find you and keep you

Blessed be, my friends. Wear a mask, wash your hands, and stay safe!

I feel this- 2020 is really where my journey started, had a lot of awakenings and really got the fee

I feel this- 2020 is really where my journey started, had a lot of awakenings and really got the feel of who I was as a person. found myself outside of being a mother and really became invested in my practice and in my life. 2021, I had breakthroughs and realizations, trying hard to break generational curses and toxic behaviors. did tons of shadow work and also gained some wisdom. moved states and realized things don’t always work out the first time, and sometimes the universe pulls the rug on you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try again someday. learned that even I am blind to my shadow and let it take over way too often. but I’m done with that. Dec 23 was a very hard night full of realizations and I haven’t stopped having them since. I feel myself growing. I have real life dreams and goals for this year for the first time ever. I am a better mother than I’ve ever been, I am a better girlfriend, a better person. I will be accountable. I will take responsibility for my actions. I will show up for the people in my life. I will always think before acting. I will give myself breaks. I will take care of myself, and the ones I love. I start my vegetable and fruit garden this spring and it’ll be successful. We will live off the land, and off the grid. buy a couple goats and chickens. start my children in prek homeschooling  and teach them the ways of the land and connect them with nature. I will start my metaphysical business and become a certified birth coach/doula. I will bloom this year and nothing will stop me. I fully welcome this energy into the new year, blessed be.

unknown artist (my mom sent this to me)

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0- Blessed Samhain & Happy Halloween!

What a HELL of a project this was. When I set out one summer day back in July, I never could have imagined the amount of support I would receive. 100 posts, 100 days, that’ll be no problem. How insane that was! It has been an incredible personal journey, and I really hope anyone watching the series took something meaningful and profound away from it.

Over the course of the series, we’ve seen so many amazing and incredible women. From ancient Greek goddesses, to American psychics. From cult-classic films and groundbreaking television shows, to many amazing real historical women who both created and defined modern Witchcraft, Wicca, and Paganism. We spanned millennia in time and space, riding our own brooms across the sky of witch-lore.

When I began this project I had hoped to show how, over the centuries, the figure of the witch has been used to marginalize and oppress women. From the first post, the Witch of Endor, we saw how women with power were pushed out from the center of society and forced to reside in deep forests, shadows, and far removed castles. From the final post, Hecate, we see how witches nevertheless retain their power, reclaim the shadows, and stand at the gates of the unknown.

A figure that for centuries has incited fear, hysteria, and panic, resulting in the innumerable loss of life, has now become the archetype of our generation. Due to the tireless work throughout the 1900s of occultists and witches, men and women alike, Modern Witchcraft, Wicca, and Paganism continues to be one of the fastest growing philosophies both in America and globally. The Witch, the evil hag and consumer of flesh, has now become The Witch, the empowered autonomous modern woman. This transition of archetypes was not easy or painless, but comes from decades of PR campaigns run by very real women who adopted the term for themselves, highlighting its persecutory history, and elevating it to a term of personal conviction.

Witchcraft is a magical system that can provide many, many things. Its primary purpose, its primordial telos, however, will always be as a tool of liberation for the weak, oppressed, marginalized, and ostracized. In a moment of chaos and despair, when it feels like all hope is lost, Witchcraft is the light that shows the best path on which to forge ahead. Witchcraft can uplift, elevate, and empower. The Witch is uplifted, elevated, and empowered. She should never feel lost and alone, as she continues in the legacy of the countless women who came before her. Channeling the spirits of hundreds of witches, the Witch herself is the incarnation of this arcane archetype. But she is so much more than a literary device. She is a very real presence, with very real strength, and unaltered autonomy.

I have felt so much love and support over this project. From everyone who likes, comments, shares/reblogs, and follows my accounts, to those who now reach out directly to me for guidance in their own descent into the realms of witchcraft. If you take one thing away from this project, its that there is no single, cohesive, right or wrong way to be a witch. You are a witch if you are one. Be weird, be freaky, be unique. While I’ve shown the similarities of 100 witches, they are in their essence each distinct personalities. Do not let anyone, least of all me, tell you how to be yourself. Your witch identity is for you, and you alone. Love your sisters— their power and your power are holistically entwined. Magic is not a finite resource, and their successes do not diminish yours. Live and let live. Witches are simultaneously solitary and sociable—our power comes through both ourselves, and our coven. As witches, we should not be in conflict with one another. The true adversary lies outside of our holy circle.

I’ve had so many highs and lows over the course of this project, and the support of everyone has helped me push through. There were nights where I wanted to throw my computer across the room and say fuck it to the entire thing, but I knew that was a disservice to the Witch and I wanted to see this project through to completion. Losing my familiar towards the end of it all was perhaps the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through, but the love and outreach from friends and total strangers helped me cope with his loss. I’ve met so many amazing people over the course of this, and I am looking forward to the next chapter and evolution of this project.

There are so many more witches. Hundreds if not thousands more. We are everywhere, and we are no where. One of my few regrets of this project was not pushing harder to feature more witches of color and brujas. This is a systemic problem throughout witchcraft, especially in terms of pop culture representation. The tides are shifting, however, as more and more people from various backgrounds are reclaiming their own interpretation of witchcraft and living their own truths as Witches. Going forward with this project, I hope to draw attention to an even wider array of witches, showing the fullest spectrum of this diverse and enigmatic archetype.

When I began this, I stretched to fill all 100 spots. As I continued, the cauldron bubbled over and I still have at least an additional 25. This doesn’t even include the sheer volume of contemporary witches and authors who have pioneered witchcraft in a social media age, creating new platforms, visibility, and access for more and more women. It is these latter witches who I am most interested in featuring through any continuation of this project. I still need to go back and do my full analyses for the witches I shortchanged surrounding the passing of my familiar, which I will get to imminently. Keep a look out for more to come, but for tonight, we fly.

As Bridget Owens would say, “There’s a little witch in all of us.” To which I’d add, “and in others, a great Sorceress.”

Blessed Be.

NEW: BLESSED BE PLAQUES now available at Eclectic Artisans Pagan Marketplace! http://www.eartisans.n

NEW: BLESSED BE PLAQUES now available at Eclectic Artisans Pagan Marketplace! http://www.eartisans.net/collections/home-garden-plaques/products/blessed-be-plaque-stone-finish

Our Blessed Be plaques are the perfect magical way to welcome friends, family and fellow cunning folk to your home. Notice the hidden imagery within the plaque’s knot work border. Can you find the two stags, the chalice, the pentagrams and the moon phases? Buy your Blessed Be Plaque now. 

See all of our new plaques, here at Eclectic Artisans: http://www.eartisans.net/collections/home-garden-plaques

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Welcome the new year with open minds and open hearts. There is always much to learn from the past th

Welcome the new year with open minds and open hearts. There is always much to learn from the past that we can carry to the future but only pack the essentials, if you cant carry your luggage you’ll miss your train.

)o( Blessed be )o(

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Zoë van Dijk - ‘Blessed Be’ (2019)

I was tagged by @dinedwithwolvesand@gabbigabriella to take a hit! I’m passing this (to the left) to @astr0zombies@alkaloid@421druglife@moreeeeweedddd@high-habits@mulatto-baby@shelovesplants and any of my other followers trying to catch this vibe I love sharing my favorite moments of my day with you, stay high, be well

A little full moon magic to warm your soul





Some people are uncomfortable when you bless them. Here are alternatives you can use so you don’t insult or offend people who don’t want your blessings:

  • “Good health to you”
  • “Happiness to you and yours”
  • “Fair winds”
  • “Farewell”
  • “Sweet water and light laughter till we next meet”
  • “May your journey be swift”
  • “Well met”
  • “Until our paths cross again”
  • “Good fortune to you”
  • “Pleasant travels”
  • “May your forge burn bright”
  • “Until then”
  • “To your health”
  • “Guidance and clarity find you”

Feel free to add some you use or enjoy.

Ooh! Tell me, do any of y'all use an alternative to “blessed be”? If so, care to share with me what you use?!

In honor of Hephaestus, I want to start saying “May your forge burn bright”

I’ll probably start using good fortune to you
