
Oh hey beans, it me! Also it’s been a while!I’m having a little social media break as

Oh hey beans, it me!
Also it’s been a while!

I’m having a little social media break as I try to focus in my health, prioritising paid work only. I’m seeing a physio now for my hands, although it seems like I’m going to have to manage my injuries for life as they’re caused by hypermobility. Another fun thing is trying to focus on getting out of the house and socialise! I’m getting more confident in my identity, and I think I’m up to the challenge of showing my face a bit more
(maybe vlogs to come???)

To that end I’ve entered @illustratorsaus SHOUT exhibition! I’ll announce dates when my entry is posted, I’d love to see some of you sweet arty beans there

#update #genderqueer #enby #gendernonbinary #gendernonconforming #enbypride #agender #genderless #asexualpride #asexual #aroace #melbourneartist #artlife #bodyconfidence

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‪Finally some new ace themed art from me~ been makin some ocs to go along with my tv head‬

My Insta/Twitter: @ zombiecare_rot


Heart shaped aroace phantom thief icons

Credit me if using


lgbt heart dividers pt. 2

please rb if saving! credit is appreciated ❦

part 1 here



lgbt heart dividers










baker 8-stripe

please rb if saving!

plain flag dividers here

part II here














7 stripe lesbian







really eye-opening (and heartbreaking) how many people on my last big post are talking about how they’re scared to id as aspec because of exclusionists. here’s some advice from a lil’ tiny baby minor who only really caught the tail-end of the ace discourse peak in 2017; carve your online space out efficiently and violently. do not be nice about it.

you see an exclusie in your fandom’s tag? on the edges of your circle of mutuals? you shit on them publicly. hell, make a callout post if you feel up to it. what are they gonna do, send you hate? block them. close your asks and dms down.

remind your followers periodically that you are aspec and a big mean allophobe and they can fuck off if they don’t like it, and at some point the aphobes are gonna start preemptively blocking you. chances are you’ll get more people telling you how grateful they are that you’re standing up for aspecs than anything else.

you don’t keep your door open and then chase burglars out when they’re already inside. you lock your fucking house down. (and keep a metal bat in your room.)

look I know that it’s very easy to see a genuinely harmless post and immediately assume it’s in bad faith because something about it rubs you the wrong way (the same goes for bad-faith posts that seem harmless on the surface) but it costs you absolutely nothingto take 5 seconds out of your day to look at op’s blog for context before you make a fucking clown of yourself in the notes [pointedly looks into the eyes of everyone who’s ever seen what is clearly a vent post by an aromantic high schooler and been so personally offended that they just hadto reblog it to add the most redundant and laughable take in the history of this stupid site and claim that op shit in their bed and kicked their baby]

god seeing people afraid to id as ace/aro because “what if it is just a phase? what if it is just hormones? what if it is just mental illness? what if I do find "the right person?”“ makes me so righteously angry because I promise you, I promiseno one in the community is going to revoke your aspec card on account of hypotheticals. if someone told you that then the stupid motherfucker lied to you. you do not look at water and go "well I’m not sure if I should drink this, because if the temperature drops below zero, it’ll turn to ice.” relax. let yourself just be. drink the water if you’re thirsty. because it’s water right now. doesn’t matter if it’ll be ice by tomorrow, or mist by next tuesday. it’s water and you can drink it if you want to.

the way some ppl only learn about the existence of sex-favorable aces and romance-favorable aros and oriented/angled/electio aroaces and qprs once their favorite character is confirmed to be aspec and they have to scramble for an excuse to still make porn abt them and ship them with other characters. like oh, nowyou care about aspec ppl’s terms and identities? funny how that goes

True Crime based Aroace/Trans moodboard! ^^For an anon! Hope you like this!!Want one? send an ask! -

True Crime based Aroace/Trans moodboard! ^^
For an anon! Hope you like this!!

Want one? send an ask! -mod Jay

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Is this a niche experience or can other aros relate?


As an aroace, I think I will start to use the phrase “love loses” as a positive phrase to describe when characters become canonically aroace. 


Sometimes I wonder what Aphrodite would look like to me.

It’s said that she will appear as the epitome of beauty, according to the observer.

But what happens when they don’t have one definition of ‘beautiful’?

Will Aphrodite look like everyone I have ever seen? Or someone I have never met?

Will she even look human? Will I see a person standing in front of me, despite not knowing what one definition of beauty is?

I’ve never seen someone and thought that part of them was truly beautiful, without thinking the same for hundreds of others.

Will her appearance change? Will she even be a ‘she’?

What does Aphrodite do when she meets someone who sees beauty everywhere, in everyone, in every place, in every time?

What happens to love when the beholder doesn’t know the difference between a field of wildflowers, and a person?

When the beholder can’t choose if the dark alleyway is more full of life than the gleaming city, just like how they can’t choose if the person claimed to be the most handsome, or the prettiest, is actually better looking than their best friend?

What does Aphrodite do?

What happens to love when the beholder doesn’t experience it the way others do?


The funniest shit is when aro and/or ace people realize “wait… y'all are serious about this? This isn’t hyperbole??”

aro ace mspec solidarity flag-


[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are pastel grey, green, yellow, orange, purple, pink, orange, purple, and grey. End ID.]

flag by me, requested by anon :3


Happy Pride Month!

[ID: A traditional drawing, lined in black felt tip pen and colored with colored pencils. It shows a daisy, each petal showing the colors of a different pride flag; clockwise, the flags are: Agender, Polygender, Lesbian, Aromantic, Pansexual, Polyamorous, Intersex, Demisexual, Achillean, Trans, Genderfluid, Aroace, Gay/MLM, Omnisexual, Asexual, Genderqueer, Queer Chevron, Sapphic, Demiromantic, Diamoric, Bisexual, Nonbinary, Pomosexual, Polysexual. The middle of the flower shows the Progress Pride Flag, and around the flower are the words “We’re at our best when we stand together”. ‘Together’ is written in all caps and underlined.]
