


*through the Robins group chat*


Tim: Jason it’s 4am

Tim: it better be important

Jason: stfu timmy I’m going through something

Jason: is the mansion haunted???


Jason: I was half asleep and then?? A big shadow was towering over me??

Jason: and don’t tell me it was a dream bc I heard the door closing

Damian: It was father

Tim: oh yeah, he does that sometimes

Jason: excuse me what

Jason: why is the old bat watching me sleep???

Tim: he wasn’t, it’s winter


Tim: he probably wasn’t able to sleep, so he was making sure we’re all warm so we don’t catch a cold

Damian: He just left my room

Jason: damn, the older he gets the crazier…

Dick, reading all the messages in the morning: what the heck

Dick: so the winter fairy isn’t real :c??

Dick handling Bruce’s ‘death’ in an emotionally mature way I see. (Gotham Knights 010)

Dick handling Bruce’s ‘death’ in an emotionally mature way I see. 

(Gotham Knights 010)

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I have to share this whole exchange. (Gotham Knights 008)I have to share this whole exchange. (Gotham Knights 008)

I have to share this whole exchange. 

(Gotham Knights 008)

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Some more Dick being a (playfully mean) big brother to Tim. (Gotham Knights 008)

Some more Dick being a (playfully mean) big brother to Tim. 

(Gotham Knights 008)

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I have to share this flashback Alfred (talking about Bruce) moment. (Gotham Knights 007)

I have to share this flashback Alfred (talking about Bruce) moment. 

(Gotham Knights 007)

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Have a Bat Boys wallpaper for your phones because you are awesome and I love you.

Have a Bat Boys wallpaper for your phones because you are awesome and I love you.

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Batman icons

Icons by: Junezinhaicons

Please if you want to like and share.

Por favor caso deseje usar de like e compartilhe.

Happy pride month according to Nico Bascuñán, the artist of the upcoming red hood and the outlaws WEBTOON, DC gave him the green light to give Jason an earring in his left ear

Here’s a sketch he shared where Jason clearly has a tiny hoop earring

Here’s another sketch where you can see a glimpse of the earring

And here’s him confirming the earring as canon in the comments

Red Robin (Tim Drake) icons from Red Robin issues #1-4 (Yost, Bachs, Thibert, 2009)



DC comics culture is watching fifteen thousand different versions of Batman’s parents’ murders and his subsequent gritty and dark descent into vigilantism when all you want is fifteen minutes of him interacting with his seven and a half adopted children in an even vaguely healthy way


a friendly reminder from the second Batgirl to not be a racist bigot :)

If any you, my followers, support Asian hate, unfollow me right now. I’m part Chinese, part Javanese, fully Asian, and I’m proud of it!
