#beautiful quote


Beautiful Scottish Gaelic Words and Their Meanings

  • Blate (adj.): Shy or bashful.
  • Bogle (n.): Scottish ghost used to describe a number of folkloric creatures.
  • Braw (adj.): Excellent, pleasant.
  • Bruadarach (n.): Dreamer, visionary.
  • Camhanaich (n.): Early morning twilight.
  • Coorie (v.): to cuddle or nestle in, especially when it’s cold.
  • Dook (v.): To dip in liquid, especially water.
  • Faodail (n.): A lucky find.
  • Fearthainn (n.):Rain.
  • Gallus (adj.): Cheeky or bold.
  • Gloaming (n.): Twilight or dusk.
  • Loon (n.): Young man.
  • Neach-gaoil (n.): Sweetheart, beloved.
  • Peely-wally (adj.): looking pale or sick.
  • Piece (n.): Sandwich.
  • Saorsa (n.): Freedom, liberty.
  • Solasta (adj.): Luminous, shining.
  • Stravaig (v.): To wander without a purpose.
  • Stocious (adj.): To be very drunk.
  • Udal Cuain (adj.): To be tossed arround by the ocean.

i think the scariest part of this time is the possibility of everyone making it to the other side, unharmed, but unchanged..

The smashing of plates, the slamming of doors, the punching of walls. It’s all domestic violence. It’s start of a burning wick that leads to a horrific end. These objects that we hit, are placeholders for people we aren’t allowed to hit. And one day, those placeholders don’t do the job anymore and you end up laying hands on your partner. A push turns into a punch, which consequently turns into smashing them against the wall. Which at the end, most or some of the time, escalates to murder.

If you have anger issues, please make sure you don’t release it onto some objects or something else. Learn to deal with your anger yourself. Go out. Get some air. Sit down. Take some water. Take deep breathes. In and out. And then tell yourself that this mere smashing the door, punching the wall, smashing the plates can turn into something bizzare later on in your life. Seek therapy the earliest if it isn’t working, because you need to let go of this toxic trait before it ruins your, and your partner’s life.

Just sayin’

“Everytime you are alone you are not really alone, people are either with their memories or their demons, either reminiscing or trying to escape.”
― Kriti . G

thank the universe for your blessings today

Release all stagnant energy . If it does not serve you, you do not need it. The host does not rely on its parasite.
