#car thoughts


“I mean, if you don’t want to go to the party that bad then just don’t go, right?”

A huge common misconception about Social Anxiety I’ve never seen address is that I DO want to go to that party. I DO want to see our friends have fun like everyone else. I DO want to go, but my fucking brain has already played out every wrong possible scenario that could go wrong with tonight. I DO want to go, but I feel like it’ll be obvious the moment anyone sees me alone not talking to anyone. I DO want to go, but I’m afraid of being seen as weird, as a loner, or as rude if I’m too quiet. I DO want to go, but I don’t want to have to fake one dimensional conversations with people I may not know well.

People with anxiety DO want to go out with you, they want to have fun just like you. It’s an everyday struggle and some days are harder than others. Sometimes we just want someone to listen and understand us.

Women in my life have broken my heart deeper than any boyfriend ever has.

Stop invalidating yourself. Not every reaction is an overreaction, and not every worry is a result of you over thinking. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your friends in fear that you’re annoying them, you aren’t. And you definitely would do the same for them if they came to you.

I think the scariest thing I’ve ever learned in Psychology was about a long study where people who reported low satisfaction in their lives at a young age almost always reported the same outcome toward the end. This was despite having similar lives to the subjects who reported being happy and reported the same happiness at their end of life. Not to say there isnt hope for unhappy people, but the fact that your biology can affect how you perceive the world that much is awful and scary.
