#depression quotes

depression quotes

Sometimes I wish I were dead,
So I lay in bed
Staring blankly at the ceiling
Waiting for this feeling
To pass


Shoutout to every single person who struggling with any type of anxiety or mental illness and is doi

Shoutout to every single person who struggling with any type of anxiety or mental illness and is doing their best to have a normal life. You are going to get through this.

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Depression has its ups and downs but the most amazing thing about depression is that you become a ve

Depression has its ups and downs but the most amazing thing about depression is that you become a very strong fighter and warrior.

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You should never give up on a dream. It may be difficult to wait of for a result but its more diffic

You should never give up on a dream. It may be difficult to wait of for a result but its more difficult to regret not attempting to do it.

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How many times a week do you fight the urge to stay in bed all day when you know you have to get up

How many times a week do you fight the urge to stay in bed all day when you know you have to get up and battle the day?

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Decisions decisions

Might fuck around and kill myself, might decide to keep living like this. What to do. I’ve reach a point in my life where I care so much I don’t care anymore . It’s like I can feel the anxiety in me some times but I just don’t have it in me to do anything about it. It’s almost like I’m dead but in pain.


Sometimes I literally allow myself to fantasise about being in a relationship. Being with someone who loves me, being intimate. But it only takes that one thought to bring everything crashing down. That one thought that says that “I’m not good enough for that”. And the sad part is I believe it. It’s ridiculous really but so heartbreaking

Stop invalidating yourself. Not every reaction is an overreaction, and not every worry is a result of you over thinking. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your friends in fear that you’re annoying them, you aren’t. And you definitely would do the same for them if they came to you.

Sometimes when I’m sad I’ll envision myself 30 or 40 years into the future. I think about her looking into my present life and how hopeless I felt about so many things. And then after, I imagine her laughing at me with tears in her eyes, I picture her saying that it’ll all work out and my life will end up okay. That I found the love and the life my soul had been searching for.

They say depression is not real then why does this feeling of chaos there? Why doe it feel like you’re screaming but no one heard you, like you’re downing but you breath. the pain fills you whith every breath we take, people will tell you it is fine it will go away and that we all have depression. I say FUCK that because it is not fine, it is not ok, if you need help get help! Remember you ARE CARD FOR AND LOVED@
