

the woods are talking to you, you just have to listen for her voice

If I were a werewolf, I’d be a really bad werewolf, because as much as I love staying up late and looking at the moon, I refuse to step outside from October to April.

I’d be hungry a lot.

Look, some “creepypasta monsters” really don’t deserve the mockery they have gotten in later years as generic and juvenile, especially things like Slender Man, Momo and Siren Head whose origins are all infinitely interesting rabbit holes just based on subtle horror art from simple, everday artists who rarely are even mentioned as the original creators of these massive media phenomenon adaptations. The looming eerieness and vagueness of the original creators’ work that beckons and forces people to create elaborate backstories as a means to comfortably process and understand their own feelings of dread when seeing it, it’s genious and monumental, and reducing it to something that glue eaters snort-laugh at Youtubers and peers getting low-effort-jumpscared by is such a shame.

anyways, I’ll take the chicken quesadilla and a Sprite, please

“Horror” is a great word because it can be mistaken for the word “whore” with barely any effort, and usually, it fits surprisingly well and makes the thing way better.

°☆•~ Eldritch whores ~•☆° just checks out somehow.

Anyway, in other news, anyone wanna start a band with me?

Me, brushing my teeth for the first time in several days, at 4.33 AM, glaring at myself in the mirror through tears of frustration:

The local W*ndigo peering through my window:

Yelling at random pieces of furniture isn’t therapy, but it sure feels like it

a re-post of a drawing i did on my main. wanted to try out some new stuff and this was the result.

coyotes outside my house at 3 am: screaming and barking like they’re being fucking murdered.

me: yass queens, sing.
