#daily motivation


The Ambitious Sugar Babe

So what happens when you’re getting a steady allowance and you want to take your sugar money to try and advance yourself in life? Society hates SWers and women who use their body, looks, personality to make money so be prepared for that. I’m in the process of trying to purchase property and have hit some roadblocks with my lender.

Finding out that my whore moneyisn’t good enough to get me approved for a mortgage Now I have to push back my timeline for buying a home while I “make legit money” is probably one of the most frustrating things to happen to me lately. I’m just fortunate enough to have parents that support me and will help legitimize my money. Do y’all want me to document this homebuying process? I feel like this may be a common problem SBs and other SWers may face when trying to get loans, mortgages, etc.

The allowance and/or camming money can be saved and used for down payments but you’ll still need a “legit” job with a steady paycheck coming in every month to get a bank approval. After talking with my lender, I learned that even having a steady income from camming isn’t good enough to get a mortgage approval unless you’ve been doing it for a year and even still it’s considered freelance money so lenders are less likely to feel comfortable approving you for a loan So my suggestion is have a “normal” job in addition to SW money always.

  • If it’s hourly you’ll need to have the job for 1 year.
  • If it’s salaried then at least 6 months.

I used to have a legit job with a boss I hated but when covid hit I took the opportunity to leave and channel my inner whore to make money at my leisure which was so great and easy for me to balance school with.

It’s so frustrating that in 2021 women can’t do what the fuck they want or have to explain why they’re doing what they want with their own life and body. The upside to all this is that I’ll have a lot more money saved for a bigger down payment and better mortgage loan rates when it comes time to fill the application. Trying to stay the course and keep positive while the Universe works her magick in my life.

Heaux power always ✨

Enhance Your Vibe In The Kitchen

Cooking and baking are such great ways to increase your vibe and get creative! Test your baking skills with this relavitely easy and fun dessert recipe. Perfect for kitchen witches, project bakers, or anyone who loves watching cooking videos.

Cookingreleases endorphins in our brain that enhance our mood.

  • The pleasant smell activates the olfactory sense and sends neural signals to fire in your brain.
  • Using your hands keeps the motor system sharp and working.
  • Creating something yourself increases your energy and elevates your vibe, helping you to have a more positive outlook.
  • Cooking is another great way to get yourself out of a funk or low vibrating mood. Even just watching cooking videos can begin to stimulate visual creativity centers in your brain and elevate your mood.

How to make Baked Buttermilk Donuts ft voiceovers from Brown Sugar Doc, The Podcast - episode Energy Alignment with Goals

The Top Freestyle Experiences

This episode features Koko, a former SB current hypergamous dater, businesswoman, property owner, leveled up boss bitch. She’s joining us this week to talk about the best cities to freestyle and meet wealthy men. We’ll be recounting some experiences as well as a bonus Q&A.

You don’t want to miss this one!

Digging Deeper

Getting deep again and covering spirituality, science, and religion. This week’s episode will tackle topics of self evaluation to allow for continued growth and success.

  • Factors that shape our experiences
  • Figuring out what your passions/calling/driving purpose in life is
  • Analyzing our own patterns/habits to find out what truly makes us happy

I hired someone for this new cover art, and I love how it came out! It’s very strange because I didn’t supply the artist with a picture of myself yet she created my vision. I have those exact same glasses in that color (which I never told her about) and switched back to wearing out my natural fro again. More signs from the Universe ✨

End of the Year Reflection/Saying Goodbye To Sugar Dating

I meant to post this before the year ended but dating in med school has been incredibly demanding! I had a fling with a millie (one day I will meet my billie). I actually had to retake my block 2 exam because I was so wrapped up in the money I’ll record a podcast episode about it soon but for now here’s my reflection on last year and what I’m looking forward to in the future!

  • When I started this blog I was a newbie in the bowl. Had no idea what sugaring really took. Didn’t even realize the difficulties I would face as a brown sugar baby. Thought it would be so easy… I’m so grateful for all the experiences good and bad because they are part of my story. This year I really wanted to take my experiences to the next level. I was able to purchase an investment property with my sugar sis, start med school, elevate my business, had a wonderful sugar daddy, start healing from past traumas & forgive myselffor staying in an abusive relationships for so long (still very much a work in progress). I love counting my blessings because it reminds me of how far I’ve come and excites me about what has yet to come.
  • I love sharing my experiences and connecting with so many people who enjoy the same lifestyle and mental frequency. That being said, I’m saying goodbye to sugaring. I feel I’m at a point in my life where I am ready for the next chapter. Sugaring has been so helpful in getting me where I need to be but it’s time to transition. I talk about hypergamy often, and it just seems like a more appropriate setting for me now. My experiences in the sugar bowl have really taught me a lot about men and the dynamics between men + women.
  • I have a few upcoming trips planned where I will have the opportunity to be around affluent people with millions/billions of dollars. I’ll still continue to document my journey because I’m sure it’ll be a wild ride. If you’re interested in hearing more about my decision and the reasons behind it, check put my podcast! The season finale episode is up now.
  • Unfortunately I have to change the set up of my episodes. The sugar/hypergamy related episodes will be available on my public platform until the start of season 2, and then I will be moving them to a private podcast space. It will still be on Brown Sugar Doc, The Podcast but limited access. This decision was made after a few classmates bombarded me at a party about a sugar date I went on. It was very bizarre but a necessary lesson learned. So to protect my sanity I’ll be continuing to document all things hypergamy related on my private podcast. I’ll still post on my regular pod but for the hypergamy listeners, I’ll continue the journey exclusively for us.

I love everyone who has joined me at any point on this journey. More to come!

Spotting Male Manipulation Tactics

Whether you’re sugar dating or vanilla dating, manipulation tactics are often used by both parties. This week’s episode takes a look into some of the most common manipulation tactics men use in the dating game.From personal experiences, accounts of other women, and even the men themselves I’ve compiled a list of the top male manipulation tactics. See if you can spot any of these tactics that may have been used on you in the past or that you’ve seen happen:

  • Texting endlessly with no real plans to meet
  • Asking for pics
  • Trying to get you to pick something cheap on the menu
  • Buying nice things to throw it in your face during an argument
  • Lovebombing
  • Lowering your expectations
  • “Leaving” without any real intention to leave
  • Backhanded compliments

P.S. I’ve just launched a few Self Development Courses (1 free course for Insiders and 7-day free trial for Subscribers before I make it available to the public for purchase!). If interested register on my website hereorshoot me an email and you will receive info about the course description, layout, and registration:

  • Health/Wellness/Fitness Course
  • Brand Development and Monetizing Yourself Course
  • Hypergamy/Leveling Up Course
  • Magick Course

43/100 Days of Productivity - 13.02.2022

My study dest is different (again) as I bougth some new stuff for both of my desks. I am so happy that I finally got new cactus for them!

In my study desk I put the “Hapiness” cactus and for my work desk the “Bloom” one - it is written in the vases.

For the weekend: take care of my house, study Java, and have fun too. Good Sunday guys!

40/100 Days of Productivity - 10.02.2022

5 a.m. studies and the yesterday afternoon work.

Busy days, sleeping early, and trying to catch up with my readings. Keep going!

36/100 Days of Productivity - 06.02.2022

What a week! I am still trying to figure out how to reorganize my life now, but I think I made it.

It will be impossible to keep waking at 3 a.m. or even 4 a.m. as I am learning a lot of new things, and my brain is exausted in the end of day, I definitely need to sleep well or my afternoons will be painful :p

Plus, I need to study during the week (earnly in the morning) and the weekends. I will wake up 5 a.m. from Monday to Friday, and at 6 a.m. on weekends to take care of everything… wish me luck <3

29/100 Days of Productivity - 30.01.2022

Oh my God guys! My life will change next week, so I am changing things here. I will use this desk for studying, and the other for working, once I am finally in a tech company!!!

I quit my job last Friday, and in February 2nd I will start working at MJV Innovation. I am excited, scared, happy, thankful… all in once.

I will show you my new layout for the desks as soon as possible! And one thing: this doesn’t mean that I will stop the hard work for studying, no sir, actually I will study lot more now, focused on the technologies I will work on all based in Java.

Thank you for your support, kindness, messages along the way, this will always make the difference in my life! The Tumblr studyblr community is wonderful.

Keep fighting you all!

21/100 Days of Productivity - 22.01.2022

Final project from Java School coming and I need to hurry up as I will not be able to finish it on Monday or Tuesday, it must to be done by Sunday night. The presentation is on Wednesday, and I have to go to the office at least on Monday to do a lot of things in place.

There is a huge news coming up, and I am happy and a little nervous, but I can deal with it. Until there, I need to code a lot, be focused on my project, and test it until works.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

14/100 Days of Productivity - 15.01.2022

Woke up early today to take a walk hearing music (rock) and to think, as yesterday I had a hard time at my online Java class. We suppose to make a database integration using REST API coding live with the teacher, but some things went wrong with my configuration, so I had to stop and just watch once the whole class couldn’t stop just because of me.

I fell terrible! It is hard to realise you will take more time than others to be good at something (when you want that so badly). I know we cannot compare ourselves with other people, however, from time to time we tent to forget it.

Well, is another day, the class was recorded, and I will study my heart out and deliver the best Java project I can, no matter if I am only a begginer. I will not give up!

5/100 Days of Productivity

My second desk for working (yes, it is very important to have diferent places to work/study, mainly during this “eternal” pandemic).

Work and study is very hard, but I feel I can achieve something better and leave the company I am working on in the moment.

So if you are fighthing for the way you really want to live, do it and believe in yourself! Do not give up. My programming job is coming, I have it inside my heart ❤


Digging Deeper

Getting deep again and covering spirituality, science, and religion. This week’s episode will tackle topics of self evaluation to allow for continued growth and success.

  • Factors that shape our experiences
  • Figuring out what your passions/calling/driving purpose in life is
  • Analyzing our own patterns/habits to find out what truly makes us happy

I hired someone for this new cover art, and I love how it came out! It’s very strange because I didn’t supply the artist with a picture of myself yet she created my vision. I have those exact same glasses in that color (which I never told her about) and switched back to wearing out my natural fro again. More signs from the Universe ✨
