#elemental witch


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Blessed Ostara ☀️

Check out the link below to see how you can also celebrate Ostara

How to celebrate Ostara✨

Hi my name is Riley! I’m non-binary and I use they/them pronouns. Most of you have known me by my dead name Kat for pretty much my entire time on here but what you didn’t know is that I’ve struggled with who I am and how I’ve identified myself for almost my entire life. For the longest time I just thought I was confused. I never felt as if I were meant to be a girl but I also never felt like I was meant to be a boy either. After many months of soul searching I have finally found who I am and turns out I’m just a person who doesn’t have a gender identity and I’m okay with that but I wasn’t okay with my dead name I still didn’t feel as if I were completely whole as a person yet. After a lot thinking and talking with some of the most wonderful people in my life I decided to change my name to something that was more gender neutral and I came up with the name Riley. So from this day forward I would appreciate it if you referred to me by my new name and pronouns ☺️ Thank you so much to everyone who has been supporting me through this journey! I wouldn’t have been able to do it without all of you

Also I’m so sorry that I’ve been so inactive as I stated above I’ve been struggling for quite some time and because of that it’s effected my work but starting tomorrow my free readings will resume! I plan on going through my ask box tonight an answering all requests! Thank you for being so patient with me and I can’t wait to start this new journey with you guys!




I just wanna throw it out there that my 3rd cousin on my mom’s dad’s side(who’s a witch and most of her family [i.e my abuelo’s side] like never talk to her/about her because of it) made my Aunt Irene this candle that like is supposed to attract your ideal man and when it’s flame dies out, he’s supposedly close to meeting you.


So like now- My Aunt Irene is married to my Uncle Marlon who she met on MATCH.COM like three days after her candle’s flame died and like they have 2 kids and it’s great and I’m over here like:

For real tho, like I wish I knew her whole process so I could like do it for myself. My aunt paid like $40 for that candle.


I reconnected with my cousin Eliana and she made me a love candle FOR FREE.

She also taught me A LOT about the craft and helped me discover some powers I didn’t even know I had.

Y’ALL- life is great.

I’m sorry I go on hiatus often ~ life just be like that sometimes….

I am back tho!!!

UPDATE!!!!! My Love Candle has been lit!! Now, we wait <3!!!!!!

Weight loss potion spell

You will need ( you don’t need all of the stuff, if you have a little or all of it , the spell will still work) :

  • A dark blue candle: weight loss, change
  • A yellow candle: activity, action, energy, focus , confidence
  • A green candle: success
  • Sodalite Crystal: metabolism, soothes hunger pangs and cravings, helps you make healthier choices
  • Sunstone: metabolism, willpower
  • Amethyst: portion control, prevents over eating
  • Green adventurine: appetite suppressant
  • Fluorite: keeps you focused and confident
  • Picasso: self control , metabolism, prevents overeating
  • Flax seeds: beauty
  • Lemon balm leaves: success
  • (Medicinal factor) Lemon balm , lemon grass or peppermint tea: will help digestion , weight loss and body health

How to:

1. Organize flax seed, lemon balm leaves, crystals and candles into a circle formation and place your cup of tea in the middle before you put your tea bag in!

2. Put tea bag in, and as it steeps for 2-3 mins, visualize the energies of the magickal items flowing into your cup as you Chant “I will reach my goal weight” for as long as you feel you need to.

3. Drink your tea and place the crystals, leaves and seeds beside your bed in a circle , sort of crystal grid like formation.

Keep the lil Crystal and herb grid by your bed until the leaves go kinda gross. You should be able to lose weight and stay in better control.

Extra tip:drink one of the suggested teas above at least once every day before bed. A tea recipe can be found below!

Make your own tea for this spell

If you have your own lemongrass, lemon balm and peppermint leaves, collect some from your plants and bake them in the oven on a cookie sheet at 260 F for 7.5 minutes and make a tea from it, it tastes like fruit loops! Doesnt really need honey or anything but honey does make it a lil more delicious!

Lemon balm: helps bloating

Lemongrass: diuretic, aids digestion, strengthens your system/ body

Peppermint: weight loss, aids digestion, appetite suppressant

Crystals for Dissociation and Derelization !

  1. Sodalite : logic, calmness, truth
  2. Black onyx: cantering, self control
  3. Unakite: grounding
  4. Aquamarine: clears confusion
  5. Dumortierite: stops detachment, clears a scattered mind
  6. Snowy Quartz: stops overwhelming and limitating emotions
  7. Tree agate: relaxation, cleansing, Balancing, grounding, awakens perception and awareness, clears mind
  8. Blue tiger eye: sharpens senses, helps with detachment, stress reducer, shows you the big picture / the truth
  9. Blue Calcite: aids in healing mental disorders, calms
  10. Apache tear: balances emotions, grounding
  11. Chrysophase: aids in healing mental disorders, healing, rids of negative thoughts