#eudora patch


diego: patch talks in her sleep sometimes. it’s adorable

patch, sleeping: fight me… you motherfucker… square up… i think the fuck not

Eudora: Were you dropped on your head as a child?

Diego: Bold of you to assume I was held.

my headcanons for the hargreeves siblings:

luther- straight, also never bothered trying anything else bc thE MOON

diego- bi boi, he just likes b a d a s s e s

allison- straight but girls are super pretty and she’d try it out if the right one showed up

klaus- ultimate pan, also open to a poly relationship bc he rlly likes comfort cuddles

five- he’s ace, bc after all those years alone he just can’t deal with people and hasn’t ever been interested

ben- gay but he died too early to ever have fun

vanya- biromanic but in all honesty, pretty people scare her and she’d rather not
