




You know whats funny about kpop stans?

The concept of duality.

Like have you ever seen them use the the term “duality”?

Yeah its cause rooted in the fact these girls love to infantilize these grown ass men. Who are in there 20s hitting their 30s. They call them babies, literal kids, assume they are the purist and know absolutely nothing of the real world. But when the kpop stars just idk. Get angry, or do a sexy dance, or just give an intense gaze.

girls explode and go “OH THE DUALITY!!!”

Like bro. He’s human, he’s a complex human and pisses and shits like you do. These niggas can go and serve in the military and hold a gun, and have sex, and these girls will go “HE’S NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT HE IS LITERALLY TOO FRAGILE!!”

While simultaneously making erotic fanfiction of the kpop guy fucking his bandmate and showing it to the musicians.

Another thing. Like… stop acting like you know these people.

Stop making invasive essays about their personal life and how they ACTUALLY act

You treat these people like they arent even human. But little characters you play with. Like dolls. Projecting your disgusting fetishes onto real people. Like stop.

They’re people. Who didn’t consent to you being a fuck ass weirdo. Like stop. They’re human beings.

Why are you drawing them in lingerie and showing it to them.

Why are you writing weird mpreg fanfiction. Why are you harassing random girls who just stood next to them.

Dont idolize human beings for fucks sake.

notice how its really only a thing with kpop? theres an element of racism methinks

Fetishization is wonderful isn’t it?






One of my long term fandom friends (back from ye olde message board days of yore) has been posting for weeks about how her teenage daughter is “out of control” and she just posted in the facebook group about how her daughter has ruined Christmas by deciding to be a lesbian and the whole group just went “Karen, you’ve been writing gay m/m slash fic for three decades” and she went “but that’s different, that’s not REAL” and I’ve never tried to actively set someone on fire with my brain before but

“I came to you guys for support not to be attacked”

That’s funny, that’s really funny, because that’s probably how your child feels. You fucking shitheel.

Two of the other mom’s in the group just offered to take M for Christmas and keep her with them when school restarts because she deserves to be loved. One of them actually said “deserves a real mother” and I just spat my tea everywhere.

We all just got banned from the group but for anyone concerned “Aunt” Bee (wonderful, great A+ person) just posted in her personal feed that M showed up at her house and is safe.

crash course in why anyone who implies liking slash makes you an ally is talking out of their ass





okay like. supposedly being interested in m/m relationships, or even a specific m/m relationship because you like the specific dynamic depicted is fetishizing. because it’s only acceptable to take an interest in any m/m relationship if you’re a man who likes men, apparently. BUT then also m/f relationships are supposedly relatable and accessible to everybody???

or maybe.

just maybe.

that’s a bullshit argument used to shut down enthusiasm for anything that isn’t heteronormative as well as to shame a group of what is perceived to be young women and girls. because any time young women like anything at all, however harmless or even positive and uplifting, that thing is relentlessly mocked and derided as shallow and ridiculous.

this post has so much going on that i guess i gotta write a whole essay so here we go

as a gay man, i can say with full and total confidence that more often than not, women’s consumption of our relationships, and our sex lives, and our trauma is fetishistic. it’s not about fighting heteronormativity. it’s really not that deep.

finding another man loving man in fandom is incredibly difficult, especially in shipping circles. i’ve been in the tumblr business for almost seven years, and i’ve met maybe 1 or 2 guys total who write slash besides me. slash fiction is dominated almost entirely by women and woman-aligned people, and it’s been this way for a very long time. even a good amount of smutty slash fanzines in the 70s-90s were written by women who liked to write about boys fucking. when i met another guy who wrote slash fanfic, i was completely shocked. it had taken 6 or so years to meet him, and i was completely bowled over. and i just thought “boys don’t write about boys loving boys, that’s not our thing”. but what i wanna know is why isn’t it our thing???

why aren’t most slash fanfics written by boys who love boys? why isn’t a genre, a subculture ABOUT US, something that we’re seemingly not allowed to participate in? why do we feel like outsiders when writing our own stories? why are some of them most praised “gay shows” and “gay books” (for example, the song of achilles and yuri on ice) all written by women, and read by women, and aren’t really catered towards gay men at all even though we’re the SUBJECTS of the story.

when you go through websites like goodreads and look under the “gay romance” section, you see names like madeline, jane, abigail, marie, amy. i mean, abigail roux’s writing alone probably takes up half the list! you might see a sean or a david thrown in, but for the most part, stories about men loving each other are written by women. ones that are written by men often don’t get the attention reigned in by the foxhole court and cut and run. that’s where the issue lies. in a community supposedly dedicated to us, our love, our sex, our relationships, we take the back seat. we don’t get recognition. we don’t get control. we don’t get to tell OUR stories OUR WAY.

not to mention, much of slash has always been smut. and that smut, for a lot of questioning boys who love boys, that’s our first exposure to sex between two men. i know it was for me. but when it’s written by someone who’s never been a man having sex with a man (and no, if you’re a cis girl having sex with a cis man is not the same way trans men have sex with cis men, but y'alls abysmal treatment of trans men will have to wait for another post), it’s often written inaccurately and unsafely. not using a condom? unsafe. spit as lube? definitely not safe. SHOVING IT IN???????? REALLY NOT SAFE. rimming someone without having them clean or use an enema first????

not only unsafe, but also really gross. the general consensus (and yes i asked) about this is that safe sex has been deemed by slash shippers to be “boring”. they want to get right to the fucking, no time for prep (which is literally the most important part), no time for cleaning, no time for lube, no time for protection. this is incredibly dangerous for young men who love men who are trying to figure out all the different ways that we can make love to each other. if this is their only exposure, they’re going to think that doing this is okay. they’re going to think “yeah, i can just shove my tongue into someone’s dirty asshole” or “i don’t have to prepare my partner before shoving very large into something very tiny” which is not the case and will get people hurt. i know fic isn’t supposed to be a sex ed class, but the lack of sex safety is really concerning.

and when men who love men like myself bring up the fact that maybe you guys should stay in your lane a little and let us take the wheel in a genre entirely dedicated to us having sex with each other, you somehow claim that we are “kinkshaming” you and being misogynist by taking away “the one place where women can explore their kinks without judgement”. which is complete and total bullshit because FIRST OF ALL gay people are not your kink. we are not your fetish, we don’t exist for your entertainment or your gratification. if you really think that two men who make love to each other is your “fetish”, then maybe that’s telling you something. human beings aren’t kinks. so fuck outta here with that.

and the obsession with boys enduring homophobic and sometimes transphobic abuse and rape for the sake of ~angst~ and hurt/comfort is uh pretty fucked up. the obsession people have with gay trauma is by far the most disturbing of all. like so many woman slash writers go out of their way to subject gbt male characters to all sorts of injury and abuse just so they can be ~comforted~ and possibly get comfort sex. the idea that you want to see us hurt just because you think it’s cute when we comfort each other isn’t okay. like, didn’t someone want to write a check please fanfic about the pulse shooting??? yeah how can any of you look at that and think it’s okay. it’s not okay. in no world is that okay.

so this brings me to your claim that if gay/bi/pan men (including trans men and male-aligned people) tell you to maybe chill out and maybe let us write stories about us for a change, that’s a misogynistic/homophobic/shallow statement. this just blows my mind. i need a little more clarification about why it’s such an evil no-no for us to want to represent ourselves or speak for ourselves or tell our own stories. because it kinda seems homophobic that you’re so angry about gbt men wanting to represent themselves. it almost sounds like you only think our love and our sex and our lives exist only for you to write and read about. you’re making it sound like we are objects made for your consumption, and by establishing ourselves as real people is ruining your fantasy.

nobody’s saying you can’t be supportive of gbt boys and want to write about them in your stories. but for the love of god, don’t get angry when we want to tell our own stories, and don’t pitch a fit when we express that we’re uncomfortable with being objectified for your own sexual gratification.

tldlr; men who love men have never existed for your consumption. we are not your “escape from heteronormativity”, we are not your “safe space for kink exploration”, we are not your favorite ships, we are not your kudos on ao3. we are real men with real stories who want a chance to express ourselves in a genre that’s about us but that we seemingly aren’t allowed into. we are people, and we deserve to and be seen as people and treated like people. stop speaking over us and invalidating our concerns about how we’re being treated. and that’s the tea. ️‍‍♂️☕️

@ all you straight fujoshis

Oh my gods this. This is everything I try and fail to say when people ask me how to explain fetishization vs storytelling.

Do you know how many books by gay men I edited in my time at the erotica publishing house? One.

Out of literal thousands of manuscripts, there was One gay man writing m/m, the rest were all by women, and I feel safe in saying, the majority of them, not from within the LGBTQA+ community.

And boy howdy did they pitch fits when we turned to them and said “your manuscript does not meet our health and safety requirements please revise” because our house had a strict safe sane consensual rule, along with body positivity, which everyone LOVED when they were writing m/f stories. But when it came to m/m we had so many authors say “ew, but that’s not ~sexy~ :/” to which my reply was often a very politely phrased “literally don’t give a fuck Susan, you know what else isn’t sexy? Bleeding assholes, which coincidentally is what you’re being.”

But y'know, nicer. Because I’m a fucking proffesional.

Anyway. Do you want to know what happened to said singular man writing m/m fiction? He got dropped after a year. Because, and I quote, this is a direct line from our then marketing team, about a gay man writing gay erotica: “that’s not what women want to read”

And if that’s not one of the most precise and fucking infuriating demonstrations of what the fuck is wrong with the “but I write gay slash fic! I can’t be homophobic!” “~allies~” (spoiler: you’re not) in fandom and yes, even in “real” publishing, I dunno what is.

There is a Difference between storytelling and fetishization, and all y'all crying “kinkshaming!” when someone asks you to treat them with respect, need to stop.






One of my long term fandom friends (back from ye olde message board days of yore) has been posting for weeks about how her teenage daughter is “out of control” and she just posted in the facebook group about how her daughter has ruined Christmas by deciding to be a lesbian and the whole group just went “Karen, you’ve been writing gay m/m slash fic for three decades” and she went “but that’s different, that’s not REAL” and I’ve never tried to actively set someone on fire with my brain before but

“I came to you guys for support not to be attacked”

That’s funny, that’s really funny, because that’s probably how your child feels. You fucking shitheel.

Two of the other mom’s in the group just offered to take M for Christmas and keep her with them when school restarts because she deserves to be loved. One of them actually said “deserves a real mother” and I just spat my tea everywhere.

We all just got banned from the group but for anyone concerned “Aunt” Bee (wonderful, great A+ person) just posted in her personal feed that M showed up at her house and is safe.

crash course in why anyone who implies liking slash makes you an ally is talking out of their ass



It started when I was in kindergarten, and I was so proud I did not have to go to Bingo class, unlike my friends, because I could speak good English -

although I had no idea what a yellow dog that could spell had anything to do with Chinese. 

(I figure out now that it was probably called Bilingual class)

I am lucky. I speak the fluent, accentless English of newscasters, the dialect spoken by the children of immigrants, that we learned not from our parents but rather from watching Sesame Street and other things on tv.

Last year, a white facebook friend of mine posted, “In order to celebrate Chinese New Year, me talk rike chinese man arr day.” 

And then told me that she was “sorry I was offended” and “she didn’t mean anything by it” when I (nicely, sweetly) told her that that shit was not okay. She said that she saw it the same as doing an accent, like Irish. Or British. Or Italian. (for bonus points, she even said that she has lots of Asian co-workers and friends, and LOVES Asian people, and so is not a racist.)

And when one of my white friends gets drunk, he thinks his “Asian accent” is hilarious.

And I was told by a coworker about the time my Asian coworker mispronounced “Barroway” as “Bwawwoway” and how hilarious it was.

Here’s the thing - can you guess how many Asian people I know who actually say

me rikey

me from _____

me so solly

(or, if you like, the fetishized versions: me so horny, me love you long time)

if you said ZERO, then ding ding ding! Congratulations, you have working brain cells.

No, my misguided fb friend, the “Asian accent” is not an actual imitation of an accent, comparable to your bad British/Irish/Italian - but rather a mockery of Asian people and their supposed inability to speak English. It is the perpetuation of the image of Asian people as perpetual foreigners in America.

Like that time when my family was at an Italian restaurant, and we were speaking to my father in Cantonese, and a drunken white lady said very loudly, “GOD when you come to this country at least learn the language!”

Or when my father was pulled over for speeding, and although he said “what’s the problem, officer?” the first thing the state trooper said was, “Do you speak English?”

Your fake “Asian accents” are not harmless and silly, because at the root of the joke, it says - you, you are stupid. You cannot speak English. You are Other. You do not belong.

my parents have been in this country for 30 years. They have been American citizens for 30 years.

And they are very self-conscious of their imperfect English, afraid that it makes them look ignorant, knowing that it marks them as immigrants. That, after 30 years, you can still be told (in not so many words) that you do not belong.

The Cultural Revolution started in China when my father was 13. He was pulled out of school and, later, sent to work in the fields. (He escaped to Hong Kong when he was 18, but that is another story for another time.)

When my father came to this country, he had a middle school education and did not speak a lick of English. He worked as a busboy at a Chinese restaurant, the evening shift that ran until 3 or 4 in the morning, and went to school during the day.

It took my father ten years to earn his bachelor’s degree. He is now an engineer.

Is this not your “American Dream?”

When my mother came to this country, she spoke very little English. She got a job as an entry level clerk. Over the years she earned one promotion after another. She is now management at a large federal agency, and manages funds for the whole state.

Is this not your “American Dream?”

And my father didn’t understand why his coworkers said, “flied lice, flied lice!” to him over and over and laughed.

And my father is still afraid to speak in a professional setting, even when he has ideas. 

And my mother still checks and double checks her professional e-mails with me, for fear of mockery from the same people she manages.

And people don’t understand why I can’t take a harmless joke. Why I don’t think that shit is funny.

No, I don’t “rikey.” 

No, I won’t “love you long time.”

And no, I’m not sorry.

So, please, kindly - FUCK OFF.

Reblogging this for, like, the fiftieth time because it has never stopped being relevant to my life and it always, always breaks my heart.

It’s not funny. It’s not okay. It’s not harmless. It’s alienating and hurtful.


you know… with this rise in interest in east asian culture and “aesthetics” over the past couple of years also comes with a rise in asian cultural appropriation… so for every nonasian out there who would consider themselves a fan of cutesy asian things or stuff like kpop or anime, you guys have an obligation to people of the culture you’re enjoying to be informed and educated about their struggles. it’s not right to love and consume cultures that’s not your own while ignoring the people who are part of them. read up on appropriation, the fetishisation and infantilisation of east asian women and desexualisation of asian men, whitewashing in media, xenophobia, the erasure of our achievements and the model minority myth. you owe it to us east asians to be educated on topics that concern us if you’re going to continue to consume media and content we make.

EDIT: if you’re nonasian please reblog this so that other nonasians can see it!!




ok. im gonna say it. some of y'all need to learn how to consume media without looking for two men that could potentially be romantic/sexual partners

lot of people in the notes talking about fetishization, and while that is also correct, let me go ahead and clarify that what I meant by this post was: pieces of art and media are often deeply significant narratives on themes like race, gender, identity, terrorism, religion, crime, morality, classism, opression, and discrimination but Tumblr often forgoes all of that for ‘uwu soft gay kings’

Here’s a blog post I really like that talks about the white prioritization of the “Roving Dudeslash Fandom” phenomenon.

Everybody come and boo this cracker who thought it was cool to come up in my comments section and use a slur.

@alto1964 they also fetishize the ever living shit out of interracial couples (particularly black men with white women), which is literally all their account is about.

diaryofanangryasianguy:01/22/18 Constance Wu Calls Out The Fetishization Of Asians At Women’s Marc



Constance Wu Calls Out The Fetishization Of Asians At Women’s March

The “Fresh Off The Boat” star made an impassioned speech at Saturday’s Women’s March in Los Angeles, where she encouraged women to fight fetishization and stereotypes about Asians and opened up about her own negative experiences with men.

“I march today for Asian-American women who have been ignored, or judged or fetishized or expected to be a certain way to fulfill a certain idea of what a sweet girl should be,” Wu said in her speech. “To that, I say you can be anyone you want to be.”

Post link


since international romani day is coming to a close i’d like to remind non-romani of a few things:

gypsy/gipsy is a slur, if you’re not romani it’s probably best u dont use it. while we’re at it, don’t call us gippos either

gadje/gorger/gorja and any other variant word from any romanes dialect that means “non-romani” is NOT a slur, and it’s most definitely not a slur towards white people specifically

you’re not a gypsy because you have a “free spirit” and wanderlust and wear flowy skirts. you’re not gypsy because you want to be one. if you are a gadje, you have no right to call yourself gypsy, full stop.

romani is not a fashion statement and we’re not here for your fetishization/romanticization/aesthetic (appreciating romani fashion and culture is fine. what’s not fine is appropriation or pretending to be romani when you’re not.)

do not invalidate the racism romani people face. people don’t even consider us human. i can’t even tell you how many times i’ve read comments and messages from people literally calling romani “subhuman” and meaning it. don’t silence romani voices when they speak of the racism they’ve experienced

romani people are varied and diverse. some of us are white-passing, a lot aren’t. lots of us are mixed, and when we are we can be any number of bi or even multi racial identities. we can be almost any religion or even atheistic, we’re all over the world, and we speak many languages (there are many, many dialects of romanes alone)

and lastly: we deserve to be respected as your fellow human beings

Some important reminders on this International Romani Day!


@exlibrisastra excellent addition, thank you!

noedandelion asked:

Hello ! I’m currently writing a comic where my main character is a mixed Asian/white man, to be more specific, he is half Portuguese half Japanese. And it’s there that i’m asking myself a question.

I’m consuming a little of pop culture from japan (I say little bc it’s not the same as when i was younger) and because of this i’m kinda worried that this could be seen as fetishism of Japanese people, he’s not the only Japanese character in the comic bc i have a lot of characters and i try to include several characters who share the same ethnicity. As my mains, he is the only one, not the only Asian character but they are not Japanese (he is not not the only main protag but he is more central, i hope i’m clear sorry).

I’ve never have any people told me it was not okay but bc i’m white, i’d like to have feedback. I don’t remember why i make him Japanese because i have him for a while, but i know it has nothing to do with worshiping of Japanese people. I’m writing him as fully developed character, he as flaws, qualities, things he likes and his development is not related to the fact he is miked or anything, i’m learning Japanese culture, tropes etc for writing him respectfully (and i ofc don’t use anime as reference of representation).

I’ve always seen people tell “as long as the character is written respectfully it’s okay” but maybe there’s things I don’t know that are fetishization, like well writing a Japanese character when you’re white and consume a little of Japanese pop culture/like to learn about Japanese history culture etc. (i’m actually learning about a lot of different culture not just the Japanese one but still).

I was thinking also that if it could be seen as such, i could change the fact that is half Japanese and make him from an another Asian country as ethnicity (east or south-east Asian), i don’t want to whitewash him (i will rework my character of course to be accurate bc it will not be the same culture), but i don’t know if it’s okay.

So should i keep my character the way he is ? (and be careful of how i’m writing him as I do with every character i have) or should i change it ? Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day. (I’m sorry for my english, I’m italian so my first language is not english)

When people say “Write a character respectfully”, they often mean “Write the character as if you were treating that character with the level of respect you would want accorded to a character from your background.” 

In my experience, many individuals from European countries, like their American counterparts, do not have the requisite knowledge of cultures outside of their own background to create characters from many other cultures in this fashion. This is rarely bad intent. Rather you can’t know what you don’t know. Fetishization, particularly, is often the result of lazy/ ignorant writing, and ignorance is often linked to poor research or limited education. Japanese pop culture, for instance, does not remotely qualify as education in Japanese history or culture.  It’s hard to write a well-developed character if you have difficulty understanding the way their culture and background might (or might not) affect who they are. 

If you are new to this blog, you likely haven’t yet heard that:

  1. We are not a great source of information for people in the early stages of research (These are called Google Scholar and Wikipedia)
  2. You will often only be able to ask good questions after you have done considerable research

Are you planning on distributing or sharing this comic to others at this stage? My advice is that if you have all these doubts about what is or isn’t fetishization that you keep this character to yourself and play around with his development on your own while you do more research:

  • Read notable literature by Japanese writers in Japan
  • Read literature by members of the Japanese diaspora (ex. Kazuo Ishiguro, Shusaku Endo, Ruth Ozeki)
  • Consume nonfiction content on or by mixed Japanese people (Eg. Hafu: film, 2013, Naomi Osaka: 2021, docuseries, When Half is Whole: book, Stephen Murphy-Shigemitsu) 

Becoming familiar with a wide range of Japanese experiences is the easiest remedy for fetishization. I’m also going to make the unusual suggestion that you read up on Japanese food culture (Knowing the number of Italians I do, food is something that weirdly helps us understand each other very quickly). 

A common in-joke between me and the other moderators is my suggestion that if an asker is unsure whether or not they should write something that they should: 

  1. Create a secret room with a door only they can open
  2. Wear a disguise that hides their identity (I often suggest a plague doctor’s mask)
  3. Write their story in invisible ink from the comfort of this environment. 

This is obviously an absurd idea, but who will judge you for something they don’t know about? Similarly, who is harmed if no one knows what you are doing and it doesn’t affect anyone else? The purpose of this blog is not to tell you what is right or wrong, but rather to help you create content that a wide variety of individuals can appreciate, regardless of their background. Whether you think that is important is purely your choice. 

In summary: If you worry about whether or not you are fetishizing your character, do more research. This applies to all of your non-Italian characters, including the Asian ones. Learn as much as you can about their backgrounds as you develop them, and then consult us again when you better understand what else you want to ask us. 

- Marika. 

I love Steven Yeun as much as the next person (he is my #1 celebrity crush), but what the fuck even

I love Steven Yeun as much as the next person (he is my #1 celebrity crush), but what the fuck even is this article?

Aside from reasons #1 (I guess……. s/o to Asians with skin problems, I feel it and I have love for you) and #10, this article is pretty much trash. But since the author is filled to the brim with yellow fever, this article is entirely trash.

While I appreciate that she calls out stereotypes that Asian men are “effeminate, passive, docile, and submissive” her list is pretty much racist and classist. It ranges from “Asians make more money than whites!” to “Asians are more gentle than others!” Like?????? Doesn’t that just perpetuate the stereotypes you were trying to disprove?

This article reeks of fetishization/yellow fever and model minority myth praises. I would even go as far to say that it is anti-Black and Brown POC. Not blatantly of course, and I know she makes a point to compare Asians specifically to “Western Men” but there are underlying messages that get communicated nevertheless. 

ALSO THIS. LIKE????????????????????????????????? PLEASE UNPACK THIS FOR ME SIS.

Post link




i miss when you could make political art without placing personal identity (and the self) at the center of everything

this piece (“artist bio” by anna daliza) sort of perfectly sums it up. the emphasis on identity politics and tokenization in art/music/performance spaces feels reductive and exploitative- like it offers a sort of racial tourism for the wealthy white patrons. none of what im saying are original thoughts btw go see White by james ijames

[ID: the piece of art “artist bio” by Anna Daliza. It’s a white plaque on a brick wall. The text on the plaque reads “The writer (she/her) is a trans woman and Lebanese Canadian who also identifies as queer. Her work is about End ID]

myothercarisauhaul:ash-goes-rad: biologicallygay: tehm-ally:tehm-ally:tehm-ally: Ma’am… Everyonemyothercarisauhaul:ash-goes-rad: biologicallygay: tehm-ally:tehm-ally:tehm-ally: Ma’am… Everyonemyothercarisauhaul:ash-goes-rad: biologicallygay: tehm-ally:tehm-ally:tehm-ally: Ma’am… Everyone








Everyone in the replies is a fujo too

You know, it’s funny. One of the biggest criticisms of ‘classic’ yaoi and female-curated m/m shipping (say from, the 90s and early 2000s) was that it was too obviously heteronormative. Straight women were the ones making the vast majority of this content, which is the reason why it focused heavily on a masculine, take-charge ‘seme’ (the man) bedding the shy, often naive, and usually feminine uke (the woman). These usual seme/uke tropes were eventually challenged as more gay people started giving their input, and writers/creators took the advice into account for authenticity’s sake (alongside the fact that more gay people started making their own content). The actual specifics of sex acts even became more accurate as a result of this, but also noteworthy is how there was a strive to be more diverse in the types of couples and relationships shown in m/m shipping, ie, ‘the physically smaller one doesn’t ALWAYS have to be the uke bottom’ and ‘they don’t HAVE to have strict roles in bed. Gay people aren’t straight–we can and DO switch things up sometimes!’
I can’t speak for gay men, but this overall push to “do better” seemed like it was making a real improvement in the world of slash shipping, especially compared to ye olde “yaoi” days. And yet, now that trans men make up probably the biggest percentage of m/m shippers next to straight women (because they are straight women) it’s kind of ironic that some of them seem to be vying for “classic” dynamics: “seme” and “uke” making a comeback in the form of “top” and bottom” as understood by straight women, and all while they dress up such pleas as if they were PSAs from actual gay men who just happen to be super invested in how female shippers portray fictional slash couples.
And hey, maybe I’m wrong. As a lesbian, my experience is that, yes actually, most gays are switches. But I’m also aware that gay men are thought to be more strict sex-role-wise, and maybe that’s true. Either way, that isn’t actually the point. The point, and disturbing trend, is how so many women love to act like authorities on gay male culture, feeling ‘defensive’ on their behalf, and using this fake veneer of ‘authenticity’ that their trans identity provides them to one-up other shippers (and, at times, talk over actual gay men).
I do hope that this chick is wrong in her assertion that “too often [this language] crosses over into being deeply disrespectful of IRL gay people and gay cultural norms”. But looking at much of the other fujo-related discourse I’ve seen lately, I think it’s safe to say that she’s not.

I always hear that top and bottom roles are tinged by sex stereotypes among us gay men, but I’ve never seen this borne out in my personal experience. There seems to be no connection between a guy’s personality and adherence to sex stereotypes, and whether he prefers to penetrate or be penetrated. In fact it’s so variable that the phenomenon of “femtops” has become a meme.

Seme and uke dynamics are for straight female adolescent romance novels. It is the Edward and Bella dynamic. Gay men don’t act that shit out in real life. Most gay men are workaholics looking for other workaholics. No one has time to babysit an emotionally needy, masochistic bottom.

“A gay man who grow up in gay club”

Why are you lying girl lmao you really think ???

Straight people are always so obvious and embarrassing……and I HATE how obsessed they are with the word “twink”. They heard it once and became unable to shut up about it since. Every fucking time.

Post link


Users honeyb33jenni, @buyo-art​, and @ratsinatub​ have a history of virulently racist content. Many are taking personal gratification from inexcusable depictions of PoC. The fetishisation and dehumanisation of said PoC is rampant, thoroughly enjoyed and encouraged by this collection of individuals at large, and is mostly concentrated in @adira-tyree​’s fanfiction server. They have not been called out in any manner, and are actively encouraged by several other members, such as @istalkpeople​ and @fatherkirbussy. 


 Please be advised these users operate on Ao3. honeyb33jenni,buyo-art/Desert_Opals,ratsinatub/ratsinatub_afterdark,FriendlyStalker[archive,archive,archive,archive]

This virulent racism extends to their fanfiction, where “tribals” are characterized as “stupid” and “horny” for their own sexual gratification. This is not ignorance, they have acknowledge that their “tribal” influence is directly referential to Indigenous American communities.


 As a fandom our space should be safe for everybody. Bethesda’s failure to check their own content does not extend to us. Further evidence can be found in the album below— e.g: failures to consider handling Mormonism, a literal cult, with respect. 



Partner Passport

Polyam Peeps! There’s a phenomenon I have to watch out for within myself that I like to call a “partner passport” or “partner Pokémon” (gotta catch ‘em all). It’s where you move through non-monogamy collecting partner experiences or “stamps” for all the different types of partners you’ve visited. So you gotta get your “black” stamp, your “lesbian” stamp, your “stud/MOC” stamp, your “Asian” stamp, etc. There’s nothing wrong with finding a particular demographic of person desirable but engaging someone based on the sole reason that they are one thing or another reduces them to a singular part of their identity instead of treating them like a whole ass complex human being. It objectifies and fetishizes them. I have to make sure I’m outchea treating folks like whole human beings same like I want to be treated.
