#fun fact



Beschreibt ein »Rüssel-a« nicht recht anschaulich das »At-Zeichen«? Im Gegensatz zur deutschen Bezeichnung »Klammeraffen« ist die schwedische Bezeichnung »Snabel-a«, also »Rüssel-a«, tatsächlich im täglichen Sprachgebrauch geblieben.

Gab es das Rüssel-a eigentlich schon vor E-Mail-Adressen? –
Ja. Über die Herkunft gibt es verschiedene Theorien. Wahrscheinlich ist die Verschmelzung des lateinischen »a« und »d« also »ad« (übersetzt: »zu, nach, bei, an«) und im Englischen »at«.

Seit 1885 ist das @ auf englischen Schreibmaschinen zu finden, genutzt wurde es als kaufmännisches Zeichen »5 Äpfel @ 10 Pfund« – also ähnlich dem »à« im Französischen. Bis in die 60er-Jahre blieb das @ im englischen Sprachraum als jenes kommerzielle Zeichen auch gebräuchlich. Als dann zu Beginn der 70er-Jahre ein Zeichen für die E-Mail benötigt wurde, die eindeutig zwischen Benutzer- und Rechnername trennen sollte und gleichzeitig auf jeder Standardtastatur zu finden sei, fiel die Wahl auf das @-Zeichen. Auch passte die Bezeichnung »@/at« recht gut, weil damals der Benutzername vor einem Großrechnernamen stand.

Zurück zum Klammeraffen: Was für uns der Klammeraffe ist, ist für die Schweden die »Kanelbulle«. Trotz frappierender Ähnlichkeit konnte sich auch hier der Alternativname nicht im alltäglichen Sprachgebrauch durchsetzen.



  • Auch andere Länder haben witzige Namen für das @-Zeichen gefunden und verwenden es teilweise auch im täglichen Sprachgebrauch: Finnisch: Katzenschwanz, Griechisch: Entchen, Hebräisch: Strudel (Gebäck), Isländisch: Elefantenohr, Italienisch: Schnecke, Kroatisch und Polnisch: Affe, Niederländisch: Affenschwänzchen, Russisch: Hund oder Hündchen, Serbisch: verrücktes A, Slowakisch und Tschechisch: Rollmops, Ungarisch: Wurm
  • Im 18. Jahrhundert wurden im Reichskammergericht Prozesse beispielsweise Müller @ Schuster geführt. Hier stand das @ für »gegen«. 




the statue in the bottom right is Le génie du mal, carved by guillame geefs to replace a different lucifer (known as either Le génie du malorL’ange du mal) carved by his younger brother. why did joseph geefs’ lucifer get removed from the cathedral? it was too sexy. the statue was too sexy by far.

st. paul’s cathedral in liége went from one lucifer, whom they called ‘too sublime’ and removed because he was distracting ‘pretty penitent girls,’ to another lucifer, who they’ve left there for 170 years even though he’s so hot that satanists visit the cathedral to meditate in the presence of this Most Sexy Of Lucifers

here’s how i imagine that went down.

liege cathedral: hmm. you know what we need? a nice satan for our church. let’s ask joey geefs

joseph geefs: sculpts this

liege cathedral: no!! too hot!! now we all want to fuck lucifer! we need a different satan. let’s ask… the sexy lucifer sculptor’s BROTHER. yes. willy geefs is older so he definitely doesn’t want to fuck lucifer

guillaume geefs, who DOES want to fuck lucifer, and the only sign of his being older than his brother is that the lucifer he wants to fuck is somewhat older: sculpts this

liege cathedral: shit. well we don’t have any more money for lucifers so i guess we’ll keep this sexy lucifer

mlm, straight girls, and satanists in the vicinity of liege:NICE

Can we all just sit back and appreciate the fact that since Alberu’s last name is a pun – Crossman being literally the name of gun selling company – it means our dear Author-nim planned to give him a gun since the start? *chef’s kiss*

Sarai reading in the moonlight.This is my very first d&d character who I haven’t drawn since 201

Sarai reading in the moonlight.

This is my very first d&d character who I haven’t drawn since 2017! I like to think this is how she spends her time after retirement, or between adventures. Surrounded by books and finally able to let her hair down.

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Save your files guys … SAVE IT!!!

Original video : www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwEbek…

An homage to meat: - Chicken and I. - Turkey meatballs and pasta. - Bacon & eggs with cheesey biAn homage to meat: - Chicken and I. - Turkey meatballs and pasta. - Bacon & eggs with cheesey biAn homage to meat: - Chicken and I. - Turkey meatballs and pasta. - Bacon & eggs with cheesey biAn homage to meat: - Chicken and I. - Turkey meatballs and pasta. - Bacon & eggs with cheesey biAn homage to meat: - Chicken and I. - Turkey meatballs and pasta. - Bacon & eggs with cheesey biAn homage to meat: - Chicken and I. - Turkey meatballs and pasta. - Bacon & eggs with cheesey bi

An homage to meat:

- Chicken and I.

- Turkey meatballs and pasta.

- Bacon & eggs with cheesey biscuits. 

- Porkchop; salad with carrots and peas grilled in pork fat.

- NY strip w. garlic, lemon and rosemary

- Buttermilk fried chicken with garlic spinach and polenta.  

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My lunch my very well have been better than your lunch.   Leftover chana curry with arugula and a br

My lunch my very well have been better than your lunch.  

Leftover chana curry with arugula and a brown butter fried egg. 

So spicy and satisfying.

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I often see folks commend others, me included, for bravery while being naked in the light of the cru

I often see folks commend others, me included, for bravery while being naked in the light of the cruel, unyielding, and often faceless internet.   

Bring brave implies that I was ever worried or scared of condemnation, that I ever gave half a shit about any possible negative judgment.  

No, I’m not brave.

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aesthetictic:via www.citydirt.net I had wild nettles on pizza tonight, they were so delicious. Net



I had wild nettles on pizza tonight, they were so delicious. Nettles are amazing, one of the richest-tasting plants I’ve ever eaten. I can’t wait to go foraging for them in the late winter. (The hills are pretty diverse and good for a hike-and-gathering excursion. There’s a guy who gives basic foraging classes spring to fall for very reasonable fees, I think $10 or $20 per three-hour session, and I think I’m going to sign up this spring.)

Nettles are so delicious.  

When I brought some home last spring, Ben was surprised they were edible and went on to tell me stories of summer camp in Marin and going on hikes and everyone accidentally getting into the nettles.  

They’re also a host plant for these magnificent little creatures:

Red Admiral caterpillars.

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floridawalt:750 Rads is the equivalent to 7.5 Grays. The average human can absorb 5 Grays before d


750 Rads is the equivalent to 7.5 Grays. The average human can absorb 5 Grays before dying within 14 days. This would mean that all of the west coast of the United States would be wiped out. It would be closer to Chernobyl. Where we would all have an absorption of radiation but it wouldn’t be fatal. This graph is pretty hokie. 

Spoken by a man who knows what’s what about nuclear.

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Remember when I said I started a new job? Yeah, I work at Tumblr now

Since 2009, a spell book has been added on Madame Leota’s table in Phantom Manor. This book is an ex

Since 2009, a spell book has been added on Madame Leota’s table in Phantom Manor. This book is an exact replica of the one presented in the Haunted Mansion. Opened page 1313, we can read “A Spell to bring to your eyes and ears one who is bound in limbo”. On the left page, there’s an illstration of the grim reaper who strangely looks like Ezra and the Hatbox Ghost.

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Here’s my scene for the X-Men Reanimated project! It’s a short scene, but since it has every character in it it still took a WHILE.

Since it’s literally about a second, here’s a breakdown of all the characters: https://twitter.com/gaeree_tweets/status/1323471156418998273?s=20

Prompt 8: “I’m not doing that again”Part of the ongoing AWO themed @fictober-event project over on APrompt 8: “I’m not doing that again”Part of the ongoing AWO themed @fictober-event project over on APrompt 8: “I’m not doing that again”Part of the ongoing AWO themed @fictober-event project over on APrompt 8: “I’m not doing that again”Part of the ongoing AWO themed @fictober-event project over on APrompt 8: “I’m not doing that again”Part of the ongoing AWO themed @fictober-event project over on APrompt 8: “I’m not doing that again”Part of the ongoing AWO themed @fictober-event project over on APrompt 8: “I’m not doing that again”Part of the ongoing AWO themed @fictober-event project over on A

Prompt 8: “I’m not doing that again”

Part of the ongoing AWO themed @fictober-event project over on AO3.

Read the collection here [CLICK ME]!

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Did You Know? In 1995, it was determined that the most photographed thing at Epcot was not SpaceShip

Did You Know? In 1995, it was determined that the most photographed thing at Epcot was not SpaceShip Earth. Believe it or not, it was General Motors’ model automobiles and prototypes in Future World exhibited at the World of Motion attraction (which closed January 1996) according to the Disney publicists connected with the WDW News & Information department.

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Did You Know? If you emptied all the water from the Living Seas with Nemo at Epcot into one-gallon m

Did You Know? If you emptied all the water from the Living Seas with Nemo at Epcot into one-gallon milk jugs and laid them side by side, they would stretch from New Orleans to Raleigh, North Carolina, approximately 540 miles.

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Did You Know? There has been 3 different versions of Journey into Imagination in EPCOT. The first wa

Did You Know? There has been 3 different versions of Journey into Imagination in EPCOT. The first was called Journey into Imagination and was around from 1983 until 1998 and featured the Dreamfinder. The second was called Journey into Your Imagination, which was around from 1999-2001 and took you on a journey through the senses lab with Dr. Nigel Channing. The third version which is still around today is called Journey into Imagination with Figment. This version gives Figment a bigger role and features the song, “One Little Spark.”

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Did You Know? You ascend 90 feet at the beginning of the Kali River Rapids ride

Did You Know? You ascend 90 feet at the beginning of the Kali River Rapids ride

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Did You Know? There are 240 seats in the Carousel of Progress theater

Did You Know? There are 240 seats in the Carousel of Progress theater

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Did You Know? Innoventions in Epcot was originally called Communicore

Did You Know? Innoventions in Epcot was originally called Communicore

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Did You Know? On the Tower of Terror, you stop on the 4th floor when the 5 ghosts appear and then va

Did You Know? On the Tower of Terror, you stop on the 4th floor when the 5 ghosts appear and then vanish

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Did You Know? There are 22 wheels on each Test Track car even though you can only see 4

Did You Know?There are 22 wheels on each Test Track car even though you can only see 4

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Did You Know? There were 12 different acts in the musical attraction Food Rocks in Epcot. Each song

Did You Know? There were 12 different acts in the musical attraction Food Rocks in Epcot. Each song was set to a well known song. The song list included…

Act One: We’ll Make it Count in the Kitchen – The U-tensils (Parody of Bohemian Rhapsody)
Act Two: Good Nutrition – The Peach Boys (Parody of Good Vibrations)
Act Three: Every Bite You Take – Refrigerator Policy (Parody of Every Breath You Take)
Act Four: High Fiber – Pita Gabriel (Parody of Sledgehammer)
Act Five: Always Read the Wrapper – Fud Wrapper (Parody of Funky Cold Medina)*
Act Six: Just Keep It Lean – The Sole of Rock-n-Roll (Parody of the Shoop Shoop Song)
Act Seven: Tutti Fruitti – Richard (Parody of Tutti Frutti)*
Act Eight: Vegetables Are Good For You – Neil Moussaka (Parody of Breaking Up Is Hard to Do)*
Act Nine: Let’s Exercise – Chubby Cheddar (Parody of The Twist)*
Act Ten: Give Us Junk – The Excess (Original Tune)
Act Eleven: Just a Little Bit – The Get-to-the-Point Sisters (Parody of Respect)*
Finale: Choose Before You Chew – U-tensils and Cast (Parody of Bohemian Rhapsody)

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Did You Know? U2 was originally approached about starring in the Rock N Roller Coaster before Aerosm

Did You Know? U2 was originally approached about starring in the Rock N Roller Coaster before Aerosmith but declined the offer

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Did You Know?The first drop on Splash Mountain is called Slippin’ Falls

Did You Know? The first drop on Splash Mountain is called Slippin’ Falls

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Did You Know? Dinosaur Gertie’s Ice Cream on Echo Lake in Hollywood Studios is based around wh

Did You Know? Dinosaur Gertie’s Ice Cream on Echo Lake in Hollywood Studios is based around what Disney believes to be the first character to really show personality in animation. Gertie was the first dinosaur to be featured in animation in 1914 by Winsor McCay

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Did You Know? The Kilimanjaro Safaris is BY FAR the largest single attraction built and created by D

Did You Know? The Kilimanjaro Safaris is BY FAR the largest single attraction built and created by Disney

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Did You Know? The highway sign in Dinoland is route 498 (park opened in April 1998).

Did You Know? The highway sign in Dinoland is route 498 (park opened in April 1998).

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Did You Know?  If you hang out in the library for a few minutes after the Enchanted Tales with Belle

Did You Know? If you hang out in the library for a few minutes after the Enchanted Tales with Belle show ends, the crew will explain some of their technical tricks, like bringing the character of Lumiere to life.

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Did You Know? The massive castle structure behind the German pavilion at EPCOT was meant to house a

Did You Know? The massive castle structure behind the German pavilion at EPCOT was meant to house a boat ride that simulated a trip down the Rhine River.

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Did You Know? The Norway Pavilion was originally just restrooms.

Did You Know? The Norway Pavilion was originally just restrooms.

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Did You Know?There were many other conceputal designs for Soarin’ before the current model, wh

Did You Know?There were many other conceputal designs for Soarin’ before the current model, which was designed over Thanksgiving Break on an old erector set, was conceived.

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Did You Know? The frightening 9 degree, 14 foot drop on Pirates of the Caribbean was originally incl

Did You Know? The frightening 9 degree, 14 foot drop on Pirates of the Caribbean was originally included to bypass the Disneyland Railroad tracks.

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Did You Know? Test Track must operate for about 20 hours a day due to long start-up and shut-off tim

Did You Know? Test Track must operate for about 20 hours a day due to long start-up and shut-off times.

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