#fun fact

yearslateforyugiohshippings: I wanted to have some kind of Dark Magician sona and was unsure what spyearslateforyugiohshippings: I wanted to have some kind of Dark Magician sona and was unsure what spyearslateforyugiohshippings: I wanted to have some kind of Dark Magician sona and was unsure what sp


I wanted to have some kind of Dark Magician sona and was unsure what species to choose (I at first wanted a more furry-compatible character like a dragon or whatever, since I really wanted to commission some friends to draw art for me, but nothing clicked, as always). A friend then suggested a pillbug as a joke because I love them and have them as pets x) And tbh, it just was perfect. Look at him go!

I got him an alternative form, an anteater. why? look at him. that’s why.

Has anyone any idea what a Celtic Guardian OC could be animal-wise. I need one for this anteater form. I’m almost going with frog, but idk it’s maybe a bit too silly x’) Pitch me ideas please

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Now that I’m back in class I’d like to share a fun fact:

Out of the 2 ish years I’ve been in college I’ve been told by two different professors that it’s better to ask for forgiveness than for permission and it’s their fault I live by that now.

In the 1950s, American women discovered they could earn thousands – even millions – of d

In the 1950s, American women discovered they could earn thousands – even millions – of dollars from bowls that burped. “Tupperware ladies” fanned out across the nation’s living rooms, selling efficiency and convenience to their friends and neighbors through home parties, as seen above.

To learn more about the culture of Tupperware parties, click here.

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Shu & Subaru being each other’s fave sibling

First post to hit 1k notes tysm!



How is this allowed in a pokemon game

He doesn’t have any attacking moves and he spammed minimize so we’re going back and forth. The only move that does damage is will o wisp but I’m using a houndoom. He’s clearly a set up pokemon with baton pass. I’m genuinely surprised they allowed this. I understand for the battle tower but this isn’t even the post game

Humanity isn’t very impressive in the form of a meatball. Click to read the full fact.

Humanity isn’t very impressive in the form of a meatball. Click to read the full fact.

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Want to know if it’s a humid day? Ask a pine cone. Click to read the full fact.

Want to know if it’s a humid day? Ask a pine cone. Click to read the full fact.

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If you think trees are cool for giving us oxygen, wait until you hear about phytoplankton. Click to

If you think trees are cool for giving us oxygen, wait until you hear about phytoplankton. Click to read the full fact.

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Sexy Fun Fact #6

Orgasms can potentially help with period cramps.

(I say “potentially” because all bodies are different and can react to different stimulations in different ways)

When you orgasm your body releases dopamine, endorphins and serotonin, chemicals that induce pleasure and also have pain relieving qualities. 

Colma, California February 2017 Fun fact: With most of Colma’s land dedicated to cemeteries, t

Colma, California February 2017

Fun fact: With most of Colma’s land dedicated to cemeteries, the population of the dead outnumbers the living by over a thousand to one. This has led to Colma’s being called “the City of the Silent”

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download (ea) \ credits: @obscurus-sims​ ♡ \ info:Ilon skin - 30 custom colors + 4 overlay ver.  \ mdownload (ea) \ credits: @obscurus-sims​ ♡ \ info:Ilon skin - 30 custom colors + 4 overlay ver.  \ mdownload (ea) \ credits: @obscurus-sims​ ♡ \ info:Ilon skin - 30 custom colors + 4 overlay ver.  \ mdownload (ea) \ credits: @obscurus-sims​ ♡ \ info:Ilon skin - 30 custom colors + 4 overlay ver.  \ mdownload (ea) \ credits: @obscurus-sims​ ♡ \ info:Ilon skin - 30 custom colors + 4 overlay ver.  \ mdownload (ea) \ credits: @obscurus-sims​ ♡ \ info:Ilon skin - 30 custom colors + 4 overlay ver.  \ mdownload (ea) \ credits: @obscurus-sims​ ♡ \ info:Ilon skin - 30 custom colors + 4 overlay ver.  \ m

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  • thank you so much for supporting me! ♡

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The newspaper that Shadwell gives Newt:


The articles on the right are:


LOST HAT - Uncle Terry’s hat, last seen in a bookshop near Soho, sentimental value. It is black and has a wide brim, and was with his scarf, which is red and yellow. If anyone has seen Terry’s hat, please, please call Rob. We would like to have his hat back where it belongs. Please only call in the evenings as we are away most days and can not return calls. Please quote reference. GO. 28.04

LOST BOOK - I lost my copy of ‘The Colour of Magic’ book on the number 93 bus, this was a first edition. Reward for safe return. Lost last Tuesday between 8:45AM & 10:15AM.

Terry’s hat and his scarfthe first advert talks about can be seen in Aziraphale’s bookshop in the episode 1. (And it is truly one of the Terry’s hat and scarf, so he would always be there ❤.)


Later they got their own seat at the Good Omens London premiere, since Terry doubted Good Omens could make it to the screen saying - “You know the big difference between us, Neil, is you believe that one day there’ll be a Good Omens movie. I will only believe it, whatever happens, if I’m sitting next to you at the premiere with a big bag of popcorn – and I don’t promise I’ll believe it then.”:


TheRobfrom the advert is Rob Wilkins, Terry’s PA and great friend. 

The Colour of Magic is the first book in the Terry’s brilliant Discworld saga. 



28.04. is Terry’s birthday. ❤

The article on the left:


BOOK CLUB - This Thursday book club will be postponed to next week. Please finish ‘Neverwhere’ and we shall resume the following week, next week our reader will be Neil G. we he will finish reading from chapter 13 where we left off. Sorry for any inconvenience caused rescheduling book club this week. New readers very welcome each week, please call Neil to register, quoting reference GO. 10.11.

Neverwhere is a great book by Neil Gaiman, and:


10.11. is Neil’s birthday :).

I bite into cold things for two reasons: because it’s easier and because I think it’s funny when people get uncomfortable by it


The word ‘Antibiotic’ contains three different pronunciations of the letter ‘i’.

I went to see what source (In This article) they had for this claim and….I Don’t…. Und

I went to see what source (In This article) they had for this claim and….I Don’t…. Understand… What?… How are they saying they got this claim?

To Wiki!… I guess

Last source?

IDK, there could truth to it… It just struck me funny that these fun facts are “only guaranteed 75% accuracy”…

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Fun Fact: I was looking for house plans and oops! I made another discovery of one of the real-life objects that Maxis used for TS2.

Thanks to @s1ndle for showing this to me on Discord. This is the original Mac version of The Sims from the mid-90s when it was still just a Simcity 2000 addon idea? I had no idea it started out that way.

Original source is Phil Salvador on Twitter.

A person whose scent is iron, so it’s hard to tell when they’re hurt because they smell like blood already.





[Image Description: Screenshot of a tweet by damita jo (@KiaSpeaks) reading “For the first time in 30years, Muslims, Jews, Christains, Sikhs, Baha’is, Hindus, Buddhists & Indigenous nations will observe holidays simultaneously, with Ramadan, Passover, Easter, Vaisakhi, Mahavir Jayanti, Theravada New year, and the Gathering of Nations all occurring in April.” End Image Description.] 

Happy Everything

It was also Bengali new year yesterday!

Dear boy! Here’s Stephen Gevedon talking about playing Josiah Trelawny in RDR2. Something that’s not mentioned in the video (but is mentioned in the full interview) is that Stephen had the idea, when Trelawny goes home to his family in St. Denis, that he would drop his accent and talk completely normal and unrefined, thus confirming that his whole persona was a ruse that he would just put on for the gang and others. The writers didn’t go for it, though. haha

Full video here, along with the link to the full, unedited interview.

Was possessed by a demon for two hours and this is what it did.  Okay, okay, wait. I was just drawin

Was possessed by a demon for two hours and this is what it did. 

Okay, okay, wait. I was just drawing w/e and it turned into this, but now I’m thinking … can you imagine if Hashirama lived through the same thing that killed either of his youngest brothers????? How fucked up would that be????

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