#incorrect quotes


Nico: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives

Will: I wake up at 6 am

Nico: ….. I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives

Sam, experiencing a small inconvenience: My therapist was right, God hates me.

Gabriel: I have been shot eight times this year, and as a result, I almost missed work.


Sam: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail

Gabriel: No it’s my fault, I shouldn’t’ve used my one phone call to prank call the police.

Gabriel: Hey, do you know the password to Sam’s computer?

Castiel: Fuck you, Gabriel.

Gabriel: Hey!!

Castiel: No, you misunderstood, the password is “fuckyouGabriel”.

Gabriel: Oh, no numbers? Not very safe.

Dean: I can’t believe we have Angel powers!

Sam: Let’ s see what powers we have. Super strength?

[Dean karate chops a table in half and Sam kicks a hole in the wall]


Sam: Uh huh. Lickety speed?

[Both teleport to the other side of the bunker library]


Sam: Yes, sir. Ability to command the loyalty of other angels?

Dean: Hey, Gabriel! Get in here!

Gabriel, shouting from the other room: Screw you!

Dean: Ain’t got that.


Sam: A bit of trivia, the human body, when drained of most of its blood, will often stop working.

Gabriel: And that’s how I propose we fight the monster.


Sam: Oh, my god.

Gabriel: ‘Oh, my god,’ you love it?

Sam: Oh, my god, we’re screwed.

Gabriel: 'Oh, my god, we’re screwed’ you love it?

Sam: No. Oh, my god, we’re screwed we’re screwed.

Gabriel: 'Oh, my god, we’re screwed we’re screwed’ you love it?

Sam: No. Oh, my god, we’re screwed we’re screwed. We’re really really really screwed.

Team Free Will taking internet quizzes:

Dean: Okay, question 40. Do you get your five fruit and veg?

Gabriel: I mean, I certainly try to…I would say I probably do.

Sam: A day.

Gabriel: A what?!

Sam: I wanted to talk to you about Gabriel, man to man, if that were possible.

Castiel: It is possible because we are both men.

Gabriel: Just got back from playing a game of Russian Roulette with the guys.

Sam: Did you win, babe?


Gabriel: You really don’t know what Russian Roulette is, do you?

Gabriel: I dont have a New Years Resolution.

Sam: Oh no?

Gabriel: No, you don’t need that crap when you’re already perfect.

Gabriel, handing Sam a slip of paper: Here’s a bunch of numbers. They may look random, but they’re my phone number.

Sam: I asked Gabe out.

Dean: Oh, I’m so sorry.


Dean: I’m assuming he said no.

Sam: No, he said yes.

Dean: Then I’m sorry for him.
