#it ends with us


I’ve read It Ends With Us and tbh it wasn’t the greatest book I’ve ever read. I get why so many people like it but it just wasn’t for me

 “Just because we didn’t end up on the same wave, doesn’t mean we aren’t still a part of the same oc

“Just because we didn’t end up on the same wave, doesn’t mean we aren’t still a part of the same ocean.”

Colleen Hoover,It Ends with Us

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“- Úgy érzem, mindenki megjátssza önmagát, közben pedig a lelkünk mélyén mind egyformán elcseszettek vagyunk. Csak egyesek ezt ügyesebben titkolják, mint mások. ”


books read in 2022: it ends with us by colleen hoover

“In the future… if by some miracle you ever find yourself in the position to fall in love again… fall in love with me.”

Part 3 of my Valentine’s post

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

booktok either hypes the most mediocre ass books or introduces me to my new obsessions it’s like book russian roulette lmfao

have you read a book that made your eyes water at the end so you could not read the book properly but you wanted that to happen because you did not want to complete that book and when the tear finally fell you felt relieved but you also wanted to forget you ever read the book just to reread it and feel that flutter of heart again

My Friends Reacting to Me Telling Him Everything That Happened in It Ends With Us

*Minor Spoilers* *They also don’t really read romance*

Me: “So Lily meets first meets this guy name Ryle”

Friend 1: “What’s his name?”

Me: “Ryle?”

Friend 1: “Ryle? As in Kyle with an R?? The author just took Kyle and made it more white. How the FUCK do you make Kyle more white?”

Me: (Brings up Alyssa for the first time)

Them: “Wait so she’s Ryle’s sister?”

Me: “Yes”

Them: “Why the fuck does she have a normal name?”

Me: (Gushes about Atlas)

Friend 1: “Is he also white?”

Me: “I mean yes, but I honestly pictured him as a person of color the whole time.”

Friend 1: “Cool, so he’s not.”

Me: “No, he’s too good for that.”

Me: “Her full name is Lily Blossom Bloom, and she owns a floral shop. Yes, they also point out how ridiculous that is.”

Friend 2: “Thank God. We’ll call her LLB.”

Me: “Omg BBL?”

Friend 2: “….I’m going to call her that from now on.”

Me: (Talks about all the fucked up stuff Ryle does)

Friend 1: “As expected from a Ryle.”

Me: “Dude…”

Friend 2: “You know, I’m very disappointed that the author never used Ryle’s name as a pun. Like BBL could’ve honestly said “Dang Ryle, you’re really getting riled up right now.”

Me: “She honestly could’ve used that in a sex scene too.”

Friend 2: “See?? Wasted opportunity.”

Me: “Omg you’re going to enjoy this. So Alyssa and her husband have a baby girl and named her after Ryle by naming her ‘Riley’.”

Friend 2: “Ok that’s not bad. Wait how do they spell it?”

Me: “R-Y-L-E-E”

Friend 2: “…Do they just hate their child?”

Friend 2: “Did you tell (Friend 1) about Rylee.”

Me: “Lol no. I forgot to add that detail.”

Friend 2: “Please tell him.”

Me: (tells Friend 1)

Friend 1: (cries)


I’ll keep pretending to swim, when really all I’m doing is floating. Barely keeping my head above water.

— Colleen Hoover, It Ends With Us

so I just finished It Ends With Us and I’m just leaving this here:

Oliver Jackson-Cohen as Ryle

“sometimes I believe personalities are shaped more by damage than kindness”

it ends with us: “all humans make mistakes. what determines a person’s character aren’t it ends with us: “all humans make mistakes. what determines a person’s character aren’t it ends with us: “all humans make mistakes. what determines a person’s character aren’t it ends with us: “all humans make mistakes. what determines a person’s character aren’t it ends with us: “all humans make mistakes. what determines a person’s character aren’t it ends with us: “all humans make mistakes. what determines a person’s character aren’t it ends with us: “all humans make mistakes. what determines a person’s character aren’t it ends with us: “all humans make mistakes. what determines a person’s character aren’t it ends with us: “all humans make mistakes. what determines a person’s character aren’t

it ends with us: “all humans make mistakes. what determines a person’s character aren’t the mistakes we make. it’s how we take those mistakes and turn them into lessons rather than excuses.”

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