#klaus hargreeves


Klaus: I bet you haven’t done a single good deed today.

Five: That’s not true at all; in fact, I prevented a murder just earlier this morning.

Klaus: Oh?! Wow, Five, that’s wonderful. How did you manage that?

Five:Self Control.

Klaus, talking to a dog: you’re soft. are you even aware of your mortality? of course ur not. u pure, wholesome and sentient unselfish being. do u feel that? that’s my heart. i love you. look at those ears. here take my wallet

Klaus: I like when you’re in the grocery store and you see people buying eggs because they always pick up the carton and then open it like it’s a metal briefcase full of cash involved in a drug deal and they’re confirming it’s money. “Don’t bother counting it, it’s all there. 12.” Then they always pick one up and inspect it like, “Yeah, it’s Grade A alright…The real deal.”

Ben: People are checking to see if any of the eggs are cracked, you walnut

Klaus:Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking. I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is we’re landing immediately. The bad news? We’re crash-landing.

All of the Hargreeves are Aromantic! You don’t agree! Okay! Too bad! They told me themselves!!


All of the Hargreeves are Aromantic! You don’t agree! Okay! Too bad! They told me themselves!!



by far the best sibling relationship this season was allison and klaus. that shit was so sweet. like allison JUMPED into that fucking pool to hug him, klaus dragging her to safety after she uses her powers on that c*p, allison putting a blanket over him after he drunkenly crashes on her couch, them gossiping, the way klaus was like ‘wanna get drunk and cry together :)’ and allison was like ‘yeah :) but not on this shit lmao i’ll go make us something nice’, the way she was laughing at all his stupid ass jokes and shit like “…with my husband” “who is this lunatic!?” and their little conversation when they’re about to have a family reunion in ep4. “le petit mort, le petit mort.” “What? You don’t speak french.” “It’s ‘the little death’ ” and allison just Bursts into laughter. and when left to their own devices they were just like “wanna get tacos?!?? vanya you wanna come with??? :)” and then they just have a dance party together! not to mention how klaus just walked into allison’s home first thing he did was hug her and then when he Finally saw the dead body in her living room he was like ‘wig…so are we gonna burn or bury this guy lmao???’. like they were so fun and you just KNOW that those two love and care about each other a LOT. and they sure as shit missed each other too…


can someone who’s watched the umbrella academy season 2 pls tell me if klaus gets to see dave again?

he does but it’s complicated


The line “frogs are bitches and we do not negotiate with terrorists” was genuinely the funniest fucking thing that happened all season


honestly, one of the funniest things abt the Hargreeves siblings is that good old Reggie educated them well, probably in every way possible, meaning that they have at least some basic knowledge abt most things, from ballroom dancing (as confirmed in canon) to physics and yet, despite all that, they are all complete and total dumbasses anyway

Gif of Klaus in S1E07. On the search for his brother Luther, he is standing outside a nightclub, fighting with the ghost of his brother Ben. He gesticulates wildly and throws his arms up, yelling "It's not my responsibility! I didn't sign up to save you or him!"ALT
Gif of Klaus in S3E01. He is standing in the living room of what is the Sparrow Academy in this timeline, talking to the alive version of Ben that never grew up with him. He throws up his arms and yells, "You shut your mouth and just hug your brother!"ALT
Gif of Umbrella Ben arguing with Klaus outside the nightclub. Angrily, he says, "You're right! You didn't. But if you were in trouble"ALT
Gif of Sparrow Ben punching Klaus in the face so hard he topples over.ALT
Continuation of Ben arguing with Klaus. He goes on, "there is nothing in this world Luther wouldn't do"ALT
Gif of Luther immediately getting into Sparrow Ben's face after the punch, yelling at him, "WHAT THE HELL?!? You didn't have to do that!" ALT
"to save your scrawny little junkiee ass." is how Ben concludes his yelling at Klaus.ALT
Gif of Sparrow Ben dismissively grimacing at Luther. He says, "Oh, I'm pretty sure I did!" ALT

S1E07 ‘The Day That Was’ ||| S3E01 'Meet The Family’
