



If I could change

The way that you see yourself

You wouldn’t wonder why you’re here

They don’t deserve you"

Billie Eilish, Everything I wanted.




This is some truth laid down right here boy.

Millennials have essentially been forced into a perpetual teenagerhood by socioeconomic circumstance, we desperately want to grow up, and we’re worried that we’re running out of time to do so

Does someone born in May of 1996 count as a Millenial or am I a VERY early Gen Z? I’m not even twenty-five and this is literally my life right now. 

You simply can’t move on when there’s nowhere to go.


“Newest generation is less ‘self-centered’ than millennials”

ok i haven’t used my tumblr for years but this fucking bloomberg article pissed me off so much that i had to dust off my blog to have a space to rant

i don’t know why i click on the article in the first place. bloomberg is well known for their hatred of millennials

i try to keep up with what gen z is doing every once and awhile. i figured if i kept up with their fads and pop culture then i won’t be surprised or weirded out when i see something that they like. i really don’t want to be like the baby boomers and start thinking things like “in my day…kids these days…my gen’s pop culture is superior…why are you complaining when you have it so easy..ect”

so i thought it was kinda interesting that there will be slightly more gen z’ers than millennials. most gen z’ers are the second or third child in a family with boomer parents or (if my math is right) their parents are very old millennials.

imagine my surprise when i read this little tidbit

“Millennials were “more focused on what was in it for them. They also looked to others, such as the companies they did business with, for solutions, whereas the younger people naturally sought to create their own solutions."”


I could write a trilogy on how every sentence in that paragraph is either misleading or just wrong

"Gen Z are bombarded with messages and are a generation that can quickly detect whether or not something is relevant to them." 

i’m pretty sure every generation has a newly installed BS meter that degrades over time.

the rest of the article is cut and dry statistics! two people wrote this short little article and if go through their other articles it’s more neutral news stories. a lot of it is about the super rich and how they are screwing us. also they write a lot about china’s economy. this millennial article is completely out of left field for the two of them.

i know it’s stupid to get so worked up over one little paragraph in a no nothing article that really won’t affect anything.

i’m just so tired of my generation getting shat on by the media. the oldest millennials are nearly 40 years old!


when will these media outlets get that?

tldr; bloomberg hates millennials so much they’re praising gen z’ers just to get an extra dig.

excuse me while i go figure out how to block websites on my phone cause i don’t want to see any of their news articles again

I’ve been soooo tired! Cannot wait to take a bubble bath tonight with my #QueenV Pop the Bubbly Bubb

I’ve been soooo tired! Cannot wait to take a bubble bath tonight with my #QueenV Pop the Bubbly Bubble Bath and cleansing bar! Queen V is the first millennial-focused feminine wellness brand and I am a sucker for their amazingly cool product packaging! They have everything from Soap to vitamins and you can find their entire line at @walmart! Also check out there insta @queenvlife to learn more!

#queenvlife #queenvwalmart #ambqueenv #ambcollab #queenv #walmart #millennials #wellness

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millennials have gone too far man, they’re seriously trying to pull a “only 90’s kids will remember” on vine…

ourtimeorg:Ever notice how the people calling millennials lazy are the ones offering unpaid intern


Ever notice how the people calling millennials lazy are the ones offering unpaid internships?

The generation of labor exploitation in the form of internships

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Hey everyone,

Doing another friend a favour and posting their study. He’s doing a study on the differences between generations in choosing accommodation (gen x, millennials, gen z)

He especially needs atm people born between 1961 and 1979.But obviously if you’re younger that’s fine too.

The study will only take 10 minutes and your data is confidential and will not be shared with third parties.

Here’s the link: https://qmu.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/airbnb-vs-traditional-accommodation-qmu

Thank you!

Hey everyone,

Doing another friend a favour and posting their study. He’s doing a study on the differences between generations in choosing accommodation (gen x, millennials, gen z)

He especially needs atm people born between 1961 and 1979.But obviously if you’re younger that’s fine too.

The study will only take 10 minutes and your data is confidential and will not be shared with third parties.

Here’s the link: https://qmu.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/airbnb-vs-traditional-accommodation-qmu

Thank you!

‘Skate Kitchen’ Trailer

Director: Crystal Moselle
Cinematographer: Shabier Kirchner

Year: 2018

#skate kitchen    #cinema    #trailer    #new york    #crystal moselle    #shabier kirchner    #millennials    #lifestyle    

Help! My Employee Thinks She Deserves Pay In Exchange For Labor!

Ask A Manager, 19 October 2021:

I’m not comfortable with one of my new staff members and how overconfident she is. Her work is great and she needed very little training but she’s got very big britches.

“Jane” has only been with us for two months. Just today she asked for a meeting with me and our payroll manager. It turns out payroll made an error entering her direct deposit information that resulted in Jane not getting paid, not once but two times.

Our company requires potential candidates to complete sample assignments during the interview process and we pay them an hourly contractor rate. It turns out she didn’t get paid for her assignment period, or for the next full pay cycle. The payroll employee apologized directly to Jane in an email, because it was their error in entering her information and not following up/fixing it that resulted in Jane not getting paid. Jane was able to show emails back and forth where she checked in with the payroll employee and asked if it was fixed, which they confirmed it was. Today was payday and Jane didn’t get paid. She checked with the employee again and they acknowledged that they “thought” it was fixed. It’s upsetting for Jane, I understand, but I think she was out of line about the whole thing. People make mistakes.

Neither payroll nor I knew anything about it until today. We both apologized and assured her the issue would be handled. After that, she looked at me and the payroll manager and said, “I appreciate your apology, but I need you both to understand that this can’t happen again. This has put me under financial strain and I can’t continue to work for COMPANY if this isn’t corrected today.” The payroll manager was heavily in agreement, but I was speechless that she’d speak to management like that.

Payroll handled the whole thing and cut her a check with the okay from HR. Jane had referenced that not being paid put her in financial hardship and unable to pay bills, so HR allowed the use of the employee hardship fund and gave her $500 in gift cards so she can get groceries and gas and catch up on bills. I’m just kind of floored that she’s getting gift cards after speaking to her superiors like that. I’m also uncomfortable because why is our company responsible for her fiscal irresponsibility? Her personal finances or debts are not the company’s responsibility. I just don’t think it’s the company’s responsibility to give her more than what she’s earned (the extra $500 from the employee emergency relief fund) to fix things for her if she overspent or didn’t prioritize her bills or save smartly. We also don’t know if she is actually experiencing a financial hardship or just claiming she was.

HR allowed her paid time to go to the bank today and deposit her check. I told our HR person that while it’s not okay Jane didn’t get paid, the way she approached it was uncalled for. HR told me, “She’s right, it can’t happen again and it shouldn’t have happened at all.” I’m getting tired of the respect gap I’m seeing with younger staff. I think Jane would be better suited in a different department. I’m not comfortable having her on my team since it’s obvious she doesn’t understand she’s entry-level and not in charge. Should I wait a while before suggesting she transfer to a different department?

Dear Employer,

You raise a number of important issues, not least among them: why do we work? Do we work because the vast majority of us are helpless to escape a fundamentally exploitative global capitalist system that requires us to exchange our time and skills and labor for money or else simply fuck off and die? Or do we work because we must get taken down a peg or two before we get too uppity to be useful to our social and economic betters?

I’m being rhetorical, of course! The correct answer is the latter, obviously. Work is not something people should or even usually do for a paycheck, which is what makes this situation so bizarre! Work is something people do because it’s the right thing to do, because it is intrinsically good for its own sake, which is to say: because it literally enriches and empowers only the most worthy in order to further distance otherwise useless, entitled grunts like your employee from getting anywhere close to laying even the barest finger, even a pinky finger, on the means of production. There’s nothing more purely and altruistically satisfying than working, especially when we know that our labor serves to strengthen the boot upon our own necks! A strong boot means a happy worker! Huzzah!

And what you have here, letter writer, is not a happy worker — what you have here is a worker who believes work and pay are related, and that they are entitled to reimbursement for their work merely because that is the immutable and binding nature of the laws where you live. I can’t think of a better example of one being too big for one’s britches than this little grabby-gabby wiseass with the gall to demand payment for services rendered per an expressly agreed-upon prior contract between all parties.

It’s a real shame that the law requires people to be paid for their labor regardless of whether they bring a sufficiently sunny attitude to the workplace, and there’s certainly nothing sunny about being clear and direct that you cannot continue to work for free indefinitely with a spring in your step and a song in your heart! What kind of sourpuss can’t show a bit of cheer in the office, even if the lights are off at home and they can’t afford groceries or other basic essentials because of the repeated incompetence of an employer who holds their very survival in their hands? That’s not the kind of can-do attitude that gets people ahead in this world!

Of course, by “people” we mean young people, who will never succeed as long as they remain universally and frightfully presumptuous. Everyone your age and older has unimpeachable comportment in every situation, whereas people who are younger than you are disrespectful smart-alecks — and it’s frankly disturbing that your HR department conceded so quickly to your employee’s unreasonable fixation on receiving money that she was legally entitled to! What’s next, avocado toast and $5 lattes on demand???? A living wage???? Health insurance???? For an entry-level employee who’s so poor with money management that she complains about going months without pay????

Only people who suffer in silence at length out of sheer and absolute terror at offending those who hold control over their financial wellbeing deserve to be paid money for food and shelter, and they can take their paychecks whenever your company damn well gets around to it, and thank you for the pleasure! Why wait to transfer this employee out of your department — surely you’re not afraid of offending this selfish peon? Cut her loose, along with anyone else she might have influenced with her money-grubbing ways, and ensure that you are surrounded only with the worshipful lackeys you deserve!

1983 - 1995: Generation Scorpio (Generation Y: Millennials)Pluto was mostly in ScorpioPluto has wait

1983 - 1995: Generation Scorpio (Generation Y: Millennials)

Pluto was mostly in Scorpio

Pluto has waited a long time to come home in Scorpio. This is the time for Pluto to be in its full power, the ultimate transformation. People born under this transit are a force to be reckoned with. This does not mean that the death and rebirth process of Scorpio will be easier, in fact, it will be more powerful. Generation Scorpio is here to face their demons and set the world on fire just to watch it rise from its ashes better than ever. A generation obsessed with the unknown - the ultimate expose culture. The art produced by this generation has more depth emotion-wise. A never-heard-before mixture of new-age technology and human soul… it can be revolting for the older generations who are scared of the unknown. The biggest trauma for this generation would be to having to fake it. This is why child stars particularly born during this time are seen to rebel in a rather radical way. There is nothing better to trigger Generation Y to tell them to act against their true selves. This is also a period of time in which suicide rates were at an all-time high. This generation experienced a number of traumatic experiences that ultimately led to an intense metamorphosis, which also happens to be very Plutonian. Some have been to hell and back in war, where deaths from suicide can be higher than deaths from combat in a given month. Many will experience spiritual death and renewal and receive profound wisdom and fearlessness. Some may struggle with addictions, attraction to crime, or the allure of psychic power over others. Through their drive to live from the soul, they will transform our world, freeing us from the tyranny of the superficial. They’ll draw conspiracies out of the shadows and rebuild society on the ashes of what’s been purified in Pluto’s fire. They’ll create powerful art, music, and stories.

Phil Brown of Astro Future Trends writes:

“Today’s Pluto in Scorpio generation can be quite off-putting to many older adults … The challenging Pluto in Scorpio square to Pluto in Leo (those who were born approximately 1939-1958) means that Baby Boomers—a huge swath of the population—find this generation especially troublesome and difficult.” 

Madeline Gerwick-Brodeur and Lisa Lenard, writes:

“Pluto in Scorpio natives (remember, Pluto is Scorpio’s ruler) are sensitive to their environment, are emotionally intense, are intrigued by the mysterious, and seek spiritual regeneration, sweeping away anything that stands in the way of their quest.”

(source: liveabout)

(-1981) 1983 - 1988: Children of Sagittarius Progress in Widening Horizons (Uranus in Sagittarius)

1988 - 1995 (-1996): Children of Capricorn Progress in A Solid Foundation (Uranus in Capricorn)

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Mica Herrin. 2019.

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Hello. This is a comic I drew last year, but am posting this year. Happy 2022! Lets, you know, hope things get better.

Fortunately I don’t remember most of my dreams.

yo I really gotta start venting in my journal again I feel like I’m 15 when in reality I’m a sophisticated 20 year old woman
