

Welcome to the 40-somethings Club!




That relatable (older) Gen Z memory: when all the projectors and white boards got replaced by Smart Boards™ around like fifth grade and none of the teachers knew how to use them but they Had To Use them otherwise the school just wasted a bunch of money and it was a rlly weird transition

an addition: when they calibrated the board by pressing the dots and everyone in class lost their minds

this how I know I’m really a millennial cause I have no idea wtf y'all are talking about

I’m old so I have to ask my younger brother for modern linguistics translation.

I’m old so I have to ask my younger brother for modern linguistics translation.

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Recently this funny video of a Millennial being interviewed for a job has been trending around, so I picked it up from my LinkedIn feed and watched it with two expectations:  it’s going to be very amusing, it’s going to have some truth. I wasn’t disappointed and that’s what happened, because if you have worked in different environments you will immediately catch the drift.

The interview is a stereotypical gag of a busy young Millennial girl who is being interviewed by a Baby Boomer while using her smartphone. Standard questions on competences comes in on what tech skills the candidate has, but they are not your typical Microsoft Office package as the girl lists all social platforms she knows how to use.

One thing that struck me there is the gap between the two roles which represents the two sided of software each comes with: old VS new, spreadsheets VS tweets. It’s obvious the difference of tech understanding instantly pops out to highlight a current phenomena in the workplace.

The video continues with the stereotype of the easily-distracted Millennials that cannot put a way for a second the phone: it’s their totem that convey their social and communicative power and without it they are like Superman with Kryptonite. However, there’s a subtle message in this video which is not what appears to be the constant use of technology, but rather the inability for those two generations to connect and come to terms with their differences.

Please, don’t see this as a pernicious way to defame Millennials, but rather to point the fingers over those who despite their age haven’t caught up with how society interacts with the presents whether old or young. Side effects on the personal behavior can impact those who drown in technology or starve from it.

My personal experience with some Millennials struck me at different levels where young adults working in retail are lacking the social skills to communicate their knowledge. I’m writing about retail because that’s where you would see Millennials working while interacting with the public, places like the hardware store, the local restaurant, the supermarket; that’s where their early work experience starts.

Millennials might be introverted and awkward, it also comes with the age they are in; however, there is a large portion of them which has been living in a sheltered environment from their birth, overly protected by their parents and their early educational system, unable to experience the sour side of life. The result is the entitlements and high demands many wait to receive on the workplace.

This is not a trial on who is bad and who is not, but rather an instance to understand how to resolve this issue. Parents cannot expect to raise their kids without disappointing them or even without them to fail at some point in their life. It’s part of being human to let your guard down or to miss the target. What’s important is to get back on track and learn from what went wrong.

On a darker tone the last portion of the video highlights the worst part some Millennial might exhibit: pandering to imaginative external elements to justify their shortcomings. Blaming others without justification is the line of defense to use to make up for the lack of principles or knowledge and eventually personal responsibilities. 

The Millennial girl asks to speak to a HR director for assistance after facing the fact she is not qualified for the position the job interview required. Millennials don’t take well rejection because difficult situations have been fixed by their parents during their years at school -if there’s a problem call the manager or mod and dad-.


Illustrations: anneidesign.com

It was during the 90s that for the first time I heard the term Generation X a class of people made of rumbling young-adults who listened to Nirvana, made California Rolls popular, made TV-show Friends a hit, first to use internet as a daily thing of their life, but most importantly they were the last generation to land stable and secure jobs in the West. 

Generation XYZ because after the X which stood for incognito, the rest of the letters would follow anyhow but with less of a certainty onto what would define them. Television with its pay-per-view and the radical skater scene the West cost provided became a huge social influence worldwide. After the hefty 80s experience of Reaganomics with all its perks and consequence, the 90s would upset everything that came before it because that’s what they wanted to do in the first place. From the get-go, Generation X meant to be the rebellious slice of a transitioning era which wanted to forget the post- Vietnam period and the fear of the Cold War.

After the X comes the Y and this is not a set of chromosomes defining a future newborn, but rather the inevitable outcome of a generation which had to fill even bigger shoes. The Y generation is a 80s-born niche of those who are in their thirties that have been awfully identified as Millennials for practical journalistic reasons. Here we have that discrepancy which comes to separate two generational ridges: the X managed to capitalized on the Baby Boomer Legacy, while the Y couldn’t because by the time they graduated the world already changed drastically.

That Generation Y is today squeezed by the success of its previous batch and the Millennials wondering into the unknown. The remarkable event that separates the Y from the rest it the technological transformation that happened when communication went from hand-written letters to fax machines to emails. In between you can throw telex and experimental video call attempts.

Wikipedia won’t display Generation Y as an official page yet; its alphabet skips to the Z identifying the post- Millennial crowd of those born in the 21 century as the current poster child of the lettering sequence. They will be those who had already a Facebook page before they came to light, those who will have a 50/50 chance of taking their driving license because by the time they reach their late teen years cars will be fully autonomous.

My remark in this post is about the experience my own Y generation came to witness and exists in a world that changed fast and without the opportunities of the past. If the Baby Boomers became wealthy in a post World War 2 reality, surely their Gen X kids managed to grasp that last breath of chances the late 20th century had to offer.

Those born in the 80s have grown educationally and professionally across the September 11 2001 momentum, trying to overcome that depression until the 2008 financial crisis gave them the ultimate kick in the teeth. They are the ones who were told that a degree was necessary while in school, but got told they where overqualified during their job interviews. They where the ones who had to reinvent their professional status with new solutions because the economy had no clue how to deliver the many promises the markets made them.

“The age of the Iron Bowl has long gone…”- this is the new philosophy for the 21st century. The Iron Bowl is the analogy for the safe bowl of rice Chinese people know to receive for their meal time each day, meaning that nothing is certain anymore today and nothing is safe: from your work place to our salary there are no solid pillars, and everything changed to the point ‘where piece of mind’ has become a bargaining chip into your stability and future.

If you take a stroll between downtown restaurants, suburban strip-malls, food courts, you can clearly see the trend of the last decades of burgers, fries, chicken wings, beer. They are everywhere and have been everywhere between local menus and the frozen food section of our grocery store.

Now food franchises like Buffalo Wild Wings, TGI Fridays, Applebee’s, are reporting declines in sales and restaurants closures according to this Business Insiderarticle, where millennials are once again blamed for this food crisis and bad financial news.

Let’s take a step back and analyze the situation by identifying these restaurant names. For the past thirty plus years this kind of chain business, which spawned throughout North America, has been serving one type of menu: burgers, fries, chicken wings, beer. It has become a staple of limited food choices for this bracket of casual food joints.

Whether the burger is on a sesame bun or the wings are super hot it has made little difference and the fad of new opened places did not last long. People have become tired of the same rehashed plates, interior designs, atmospheres, menu offers, while at the same time price convenience has diminished along with food quality.

The sum of all these elements has generated the poor customer experience people have gone through in recent years. Internet has broaden up the food views of millions of people between US and Canada, and so the appetite to try new dishes. Also the recent rise in gourmet food sparked the interest of more genuine alternatives many are willing to pay more than the average combo meal at the same old joint.

Customers don’t want to give up burgers, fries, and wings yet; however, as of 2017 who isn’t selling these foods? From cheap and fast places like McDonald’sandBurger King, to more refined places like Five GuysandBurger Priest, and from Hooters to any sport bar out there that is serving wings and pints of beer at any given night of the week.

Trends do change and we are amidst many of them in terms of food and retail choices. Yes, millennials are part of the equation but it’s not only them who are responsible for this shift in the restaurant industry. Families are an essential part of this business too and started making more conscious eating choices, since prices aren’t that convenient anymore at these casual eateries, they decided to spend the same cash elsewhere.

Alternatives likeChipotleandPanera Bread have given better meal alternatives by bringing new flavors and healthier choices than regular frying pits. Now this has brought an interesting challenge to the restaurant industry by testing the status-quo of the fast-food standards due to this change in consumer behavior.

We also have to mention how the food service is affecting the landscape in terms of distribution.UberEats, Foodora, JustEat, have swarmed cities giving more alternatives to the usual delivery food at your door. Now you can order your favorite Indian or Afghani dish without having to take everybody to the restaurant, but comfortably sitting at home through the quick use of an app.

At this stage millennials are an influential portion of the revenues for the food business, in fact this young generation prefers to spend more for higher ingredient qualities of meals while enjoying better experiences.

Gourmet restaurants have given a serious shift in eating option by emphasizing better dish preparation and variation. Vegetarians, vegans, celiacs, do represent a large customer base that does not conform to the selection of drive-through or casual restaurants choices.

So, it’s correct to say that chain restaurants are loosing sales and shutting down not really because of millennials, but for their lack of diversification in menu options, food quality, repetitive flavors, high prices. Not only retail brand names have been affected in recent times, but now also famous name in the food business.

The second decade of 2000s has proven to be a hard challenge for many businesses including well-established names. Consumer behavior has shifted path from a mainstream choice to a more indie approach of eateries. Social platforms like TripAdvisor, Yelp, Facebook, Twitter, carry out the democratic voice of customers with their opinions and reviews of restaurants, but also helping carrying the message of less-known restaurant names towards fame.

Food trends have changed quite a bit in the last years where small independent eateries have brought up fresher and newer alternatives, competing versus established names. Also, new delivery methods have contributed to increase the range of service and approaching new customers.

If the restaurant chain business want to halt their sales slumps and location closure they ought to modernize now, they cannot wait entering 2020 without a solid plan for better food choice and eating experiences. This must happen by giving up old habits and reinventing their practices by catering towards different customers with brand new strategies.

Thanks, participation trophies I got for playing softball when I was 8. Now I’m an entitled asshole, and it’s apparently all your fault.


Go on; have another line mate. Ride the anxiety, give a fuck for once. You never know, you might just work out what the grown-ups were so confident about when you were trading Pokemon cards. This is the millennium and it’s all yours to fix.

Punks not dead, its very much alive, passive, aware and a bit of a stoner. We have gone from the angry activist to nonchalant observer. ‘Fuck it’ is the attitude of the millennium as much as it was in the late 70s. But to say we are a generation disenfranchised is an understatement. It’s worse. We no longer feel like participants in our own lives. Gallows humour litters social media, comforting a generation physically disconnected.

Shared pain and fear feels more tangible than our own flesh to the point we break out in laughter and tears. I feel like I’m here, you say you are to but I can’t hear you through the noise of what feels like an overdose.




It’s that or “Just rely on your wealthy relatives! Everyone has those, right?”


The world is run by this age group.

Real, actual conversation I had with my grandma:

My grandma: “If you’re going to go to college in [big city] why don’t you just get a flat there? You earn some money, right?”

Me:“Yeah, a traineeship salary! That’s just like 1000 euros a month!”

My grandma: *Lucille Bluthe voice* “I mean it’s a one-bedroom apartment, Charly, how much rent could it cost? 250 euros?”

Me: “More like 1200 euros ”

My grandma:




It’s funny how Hillary Clinton will nae nae on stage, reference Beyoncé, try to court Latinos by saying she’s an Abuela, reference Star Wars, and literally change her accent depending on her audience, doing anything to appeal to everyone yet an old, unfashionable, unkempt, Jewish, socialist is winning with millennials by a 2-1 (and growing) margin just by being true to himself. Hmmm

The problem with Hillary and the people running her campaign is that they are running on the same mindset as everyone of that generation: they truly believe that millennials and younger voters “only care about memes” and are uninterested in politics or making the world better. What they don’t understand is that this younger generation isn’t uninterested in politics or the political process, but that they see American politics for what they are: a game of broken promises, where you can barely differentiate between liberals and conservatives as this point. The Democrats and Republicans running for office are all more invested in the interests of the rich and powerful than they are of the people. This generation isn’t untierested in politics, it’s just tired of playing a game that is clearly rigged. The reason Bernie is wrecking every other Democratic candidate with young voters is because he’s actually speaking about issues that this generation cares about, mirroring their fears and anger, and providing plans for possible solutions to problems like income inequality, the rising cost of higher education, the racism embedded in our social systems, the rising cost of living with no rise in wages anywhere on sight, etc.

You can whip and nae nae all you fucking want and wish the Force to be with me, but what I really wanna know is why students are leaving universities with $30K+ of debt to a shit job market to be underpaid for their skills, or why our police departments are being given access to military grade weaponry, or why black people can’t drive without being harassed by police officers, up to a point where they will sometimes end up dead. Hillary can eat me.

kill em 








i just found out merriam webster has a time traveler feature that tells you some of the words that were “born” the same year as you. it’s pretty neat yall should do this

i’m the same age as twerking and bromance guys

‘Internet service provider’….how fucking old am I???!!

I’m the same age as pole-dancing you guys




I’m the same age as clickbait


I finally did this. And I am the same age as Hepatitis E.


I approve

let’s see, as one of the earliest millennials i was born alongside my twin siblings:

attachment parenting

baby monitor

caller ID


crack house

the N-word

sexual predator

buuuuuuuut keep on blamin us for how we turned out boomers


not to sound too much like a millennial who has lived through two major economic downturns but like, i don’t think banks should be able to give you 0.1% interest and call it a “high interest savings account” with a straight face. thanks for the 10¢ i guess, if i find a dime on the sidewalk i’ll have doubled my free money for the month


Everyone currently in their thirties is a millennial.

Just wanted to put that out there.

homolesbians: officerhaughts-bulletproofvest:thegoodgayshit:venusisfortransbians:enoughtohold:






they had to put “bff” on her shirt so we’d know this wasn’t gay coffee

They’re absolutely gay, her bff is coffee

Um excuse me a flannel and a beanie??? Sorry ladies that’s gay

Just some Gal Pals™ who love coffee and lipstick and flannel and beanies and each other.

somewhere a super gay graphic designer is drinking her coffee with a smirk on her face. she tricked the system, and she knows it. #gayagenda

Alt Text:

The image is a photograph of a bag of coffee featuring an illustration of two white ladies beneath the logo. The girl on the left is wearing a flannel over-shirt, an infinity scarf, and a T-shirt with graphic of a cup of coffee overlaid with “B F F”. In one hand she is holding an open lipstick in the air; her other arm is wrapped around the second girl, who is dressed with glasses, a beanie, and more clearly feminine clothes than the first girl. In the top left of the illustration is the phrase “Stick together!” and a kiss mark. Nowhere in the graphic is it made explicit that the coffee brand “grand Aroma” supports millennial WLWs.

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If I could change

The way that you see yourself

You wouldn’t wonder why you’re here

They don’t deserve you"

Billie Eilish, Everything I wanted.




This is some truth laid down right here boy.

Millennials have essentially been forced into a perpetual teenagerhood by socioeconomic circumstance, we desperately want to grow up, and we’re worried that we’re running out of time to do so

Does someone born in May of 1996 count as a Millenial or am I a VERY early Gen Z? I’m not even twenty-five and this is literally my life right now. 

You simply can’t move on when there’s nowhere to go.


“Newest generation is less ‘self-centered’ than millennials”

ok i haven’t used my tumblr for years but this fucking bloomberg article pissed me off so much that i had to dust off my blog to have a space to rant

i don’t know why i click on the article in the first place. bloomberg is well known for their hatred of millennials

i try to keep up with what gen z is doing every once and awhile. i figured if i kept up with their fads and pop culture then i won’t be surprised or weirded out when i see something that they like. i really don’t want to be like the baby boomers and start thinking things like “in my day…kids these days…my gen’s pop culture is superior…why are you complaining when you have it so easy..ect”

so i thought it was kinda interesting that there will be slightly more gen z’ers than millennials. most gen z’ers are the second or third child in a family with boomer parents or (if my math is right) their parents are very old millennials.

imagine my surprise when i read this little tidbit

“Millennials were “more focused on what was in it for them. They also looked to others, such as the companies they did business with, for solutions, whereas the younger people naturally sought to create their own solutions."”


I could write a trilogy on how every sentence in that paragraph is either misleading or just wrong

"Gen Z are bombarded with messages and are a generation that can quickly detect whether or not something is relevant to them." 

i’m pretty sure every generation has a newly installed BS meter that degrades over time.

the rest of the article is cut and dry statistics! two people wrote this short little article and if go through their other articles it’s more neutral news stories. a lot of it is about the super rich and how they are screwing us. also they write a lot about china’s economy. this millennial article is completely out of left field for the two of them.

i know it’s stupid to get so worked up over one little paragraph in a no nothing article that really won’t affect anything.

i’m just so tired of my generation getting shat on by the media. the oldest millennials are nearly 40 years old!


when will these media outlets get that?

tldr; bloomberg hates millennials so much they’re praising gen z’ers just to get an extra dig.

excuse me while i go figure out how to block websites on my phone cause i don’t want to see any of their news articles again

I’ve been soooo tired! Cannot wait to take a bubble bath tonight with my #QueenV Pop the Bubbly Bubb

I’ve been soooo tired! Cannot wait to take a bubble bath tonight with my #QueenV Pop the Bubbly Bubble Bath and cleansing bar! Queen V is the first millennial-focused feminine wellness brand and I am a sucker for their amazingly cool product packaging! They have everything from Soap to vitamins and you can find their entire line at @walmart! Also check out there insta @queenvlife to learn more!

#queenvlife #queenvwalmart #ambqueenv #ambcollab #queenv #walmart #millennials #wellness

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millennials have gone too far man, they’re seriously trying to pull a “only 90’s kids will remember” on vine…

ourtimeorg:Ever notice how the people calling millennials lazy are the ones offering unpaid intern


Ever notice how the people calling millennials lazy are the ones offering unpaid internships?

The generation of labor exploitation in the form of internships

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