#old buildings

Old barns have so much character.

Old barns have so much character.

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 Church-Castle St. Oswald, Austria.Photo done by me.

Church-Castle St. Oswald, Austria.
Photo done by me.

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Krakówul. Józefińska 18budynek z lat 1909-1910architekt: Antoni Dostalfoto z 24 czerwca 2017ZbudowanKrakówul. Józefińska 18budynek z lat 1909-1910architekt: Antoni Dostalfoto z 24 czerwca 2017Zbudowan

ul. Józefińska 18
budynek z lat 1909-1910
architekt: Antoni Dostal
foto z 24 czerwca 2017

Zbudowany jako siedziba Kasy Oszczędności Miasta Podgórza, dziś należy do Banku Pekao. Fasadę wieńczy herb Podgórza, włączonego do Krakowa w 1915 r.


Kraków, Poland
18 Józefińska St.
built in 1909-1910
architect: Antoni Dostal
taken on 24 June 2017

Built as the headquarter of the Podgórze Savings Bank, now it houses a branch of the Bank Pekao. The facade’s top is adorned by the coat of arms of the town of Podgórze, incorporated into Kraków in 1915.

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Nowy Sączul. Nawojowska 25dom z pierwszej połowy XX w.foto z 10 kwietnia 2017Na fasadzie jeleń Św. HNowy Sączul. Nawojowska 25dom z pierwszej połowy XX w.foto z 10 kwietnia 2017Na fasadzie jeleń Św. H

Nowy Sącz
ul. Nawojowska 25
dom z pierwszej połowy XX w.
foto z 10 kwietnia 2017

Na fasadzie jeleń Św. Huberta czyli godło Polskiego Związku Łowieckiego, którego zarząd okręgowy mieścił się tutaj do 2017 r.


Nowy Sącz, Poland
25 Nawojowska St.
hosue buit in the first half of 20th c.
taken on 10 April 2017

St. Hubert’s deer on the facade is the emblem of the Polish Hunting Association whose regional branch operated here until 2017.

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NawojowaKościół Nawiedzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny, 1894-1898architekt: Władysław Chorążyfoto z 3

Kościół Nawiedzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny, 1894-1898
architekt: Władysław Chorąży
foto z 3 maja 2018


Nawojowa, Poland
Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
built in 1894-1898
architect: Władysław Chorąży
taken on 3 May 2018

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WESOŁEGO DNIA ZIEMI! :)Krakówpl. Sikorskiego 2-4kamienica z lat 1924-1929architekci: Franciszek MączWESOŁEGO DNIA ZIEMI! :)Krakówpl. Sikorskiego 2-4kamienica z lat 1924-1929architekci: Franciszek Mącz


pl. Sikorskiego 2-4
kamienica z lat 1924-1929
architekci:Franciszek MączyńskiiTadeusz Stryjeński
foto z 12 lipca 2017 i 11 stycznia 2020

Bluszcz na ceramicznym medalionie z portretem siedemnastowiecznego architekta Antoine Le Pautre.



Kraków, Poland
2-4 Sikorskiego Sq.
built in 1924-1929
architects:Franciszek Mączyński and Tadeusz Stryjeński
taken on 12 June 2017 and 11 January 2020

Ivy covering a ceramic medallion with a portrait of Antoine Le Pautre.

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Traffic in los santos

#traffic    #los santos    #los santos county    #san andreas    #short video    #gta online    #grand theft auto    #patriot    #baller    #sultan    #mammoth    #gallivanter    #old buildings    #film grain    #tilt shift    #freeway    #elevated    #olympic freeway    #downtown    
Original Phillip Ott Funeral Home built ca. 1876 at 118 W. 4th Stbuilding next to it at 120 W. 4th S

Original Phillip Ott Funeral Home built ca. 1876 at 118 W. 4th St
building next to it at 120 W. 4th St. with “Ott” on facade 
was built by Aloysius G. Ott ca. 1910

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One of those, “looks like something from Studio Ghibli” jobs.

Historic ryokan in Shibu Onsen, Nagano Prefecture.

The all-encompassing Egyptian state is architecturally symbolized by huge buildings all across the vThe all-encompassing Egyptian state is architecturally symbolized by huge buildings all across the vThe all-encompassing Egyptian state is architecturally symbolized by huge buildings all across the vThe all-encompassing Egyptian state is architecturally symbolized by huge buildings all across the vThe all-encompassing Egyptian state is architecturally symbolized by huge buildings all across the v

The all-encompassing Egyptian state is architecturally symbolized by huge buildings all across the vastness of Cairo. Many of these date from the earliest years of the post-monarchical, post-colonial Republic—the optimistic era of Gamal Nasser’s socialism, which promised to propel Egypt into the modern era of the mid-20th century, and carry the rest of the Arab world with it.

Here is one of those primary symbols, both of yesterday’s optimism and today’s tyranny: the State Radio and Television Headquarters, built in 1959-60 to the highest standards of international production and broadcasting. Informally known as the Maspero (the name of a nearby street that honored a French archaeologist), it rose as a skyscraping symbol of Arab modernity and unity—Cairo had long been the media, publishing, literary and theatrical capital of the Arab world, and the Maspero, its proud tower’s reflection glistening in the waters of the Nile, promised to refresh this status in a new technological age.

What was decades ago a symbol of the Arab world’s embrace of progress has over time come to embody the intentional abandonment of those hopes. What had momentarily been a socialist pan-Arab miracle is today a shabby and suffocating state bureaucracy, functioning only to disseminate propaganda. In its immense dimensions, especially of its horseshoe-shaped lower portion as much as its encrusted tower block, it physically manifests the bland, decrepit brutality conjured by the term Kafkaesque.

Photos March 2020 Bauzeitgeist.

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