#witchy ask


Thought I was done? Nope. It’s time to talk about divination! Do you practice divination? Do you want to but haven’t started? Do you practice more than one style?

I do all sorts of divination. It was one of the first things I latched on to and went diving head first into. It started with cartomancy, reading tarot/oracle/playing cards, and then I branched out in scrying, palm reading, tea leaves, etc… The learning experiences have been fantastic and very rewarding. While some aspects of divination I didn’t quite understand at first, I eventually got into the groove of it. I defiantly prefer cartomancy and tasseography (tea leaves), but for certain situations I can find myself using other methods. 

What are you experiences with divination? 

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∆Energy Breathing Meditation∆

This meditation is meant to help beginners who struggle to focus during meditation, assist those who wish to learn how to manipulate energy as well retrain those who may just need a refresher.

Start by getting into a comfortable position either sitting up with your back straight or lying down, whichever is easiest for you. Calm yourself, relax and softly slip into a meditative state, train your focus to your physical body, become aware of how relaxed and almost numb you become, then lift your focus right above your skin, feel and visualize your personal energetic field above you and all around you. Take in it’s shape, color, texture and the way it moves around and within you. Is it right above your skin? Or is there space between your physical self and your energy? How much?

Take a moment to answer all these questions and take note of them, becoming intune with your personal energy is of high importance for this exercise.

Once you are comfortable and aware of your energetic field, begin to become fully aware of your breathing, breathe softly but deeply, note it’s rhythm, the rise and fall of your chest, and link your energy to your breath. As you breathe in, visualize, feel and allow your energy to expand and swirl larger around you, and as you breathe out, shrink your energy back to you. Keep this up for as long as you can hold, or until it feels like second nature.

This may take a few tries if you’re new to energy work or tend to have very unruly energy. And this is okay. Good luck, and stay safe!!! Many blessings to you!!

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∆Witchy Reminder∆

Don’t listen to the masses, or the loud individuals on the Internet. Your craft is yours and how you experience it is correct for you.

∆Starting spirit work∆

When starting spirit work the best thing to remember is to never give up. There’s going to be many blocks and struggles for some, but that’s okay, we learn and grow from these. Also be aware of what thoughts you may have coming from your ego. ‘I’ll never be able to do that’, 'I can’t do this’ are a couple toxic examples, but any thought regarding you not being enough in any way shape or form can also add to blocking you and your spirit work. A great place to start would be by beginning contact with entities closest to you, a god that you’ve always revered, passed relatives that you knew personally and/or your own spirit guides. Starting small and close to you is the most important thing to begin with.

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Another tarot spread I did a few years ago.

∆Can also do this reading for you for just $10∆

(For readings DM me or email me @ [email protected])

∆Witchy Reminder∆

You can always start your day off with some much needed positivity. Meditate for five minutes after you wake, enchant your morning cup of Joe, anoint a brightly colored candle and burn it, give thanks to your patrons, angels, guides, gods and/or loved ones, bless your bath/shower water, enchant your makeup and color coordinate to the positive vibes you wanna attract, choose a stone or crystal to carry with you, there will always be many ways to bring more positivity into your every day, how will you do it!?

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Get both an in-depth tarot reading and a spell of your choice casted for you for just $30 USD!!!!! DM for your reading now!!!

(For readings DM me or email me @ [email protected])

Five free energy reading slots!! 0/5 available!!

Reply claim on this post to get one!!

Over 50% off Complete In-Depth reading slots- 5/5 available!!!

Going to the first five people to reply “Claim” to this post!!!

What you get: Any questions answered, Yearly tarot Reading, Romance Tarot Reading, Energy Reading, and your choice of a Spell Casting or Reiki Healing. For only $50!!! Value price- $105

Payment options: Paypal, Venmo and Cashapp

∆Witchy Reminder∆

The obstacles and trials that face you along your path are never meant to deter you, they are meant to strengthen your determination to overcome, heal and grow.

∆Witchy reminder∆

If you’re feeling disconnected with your witchcraft tools, try cleansing them and doing a small spell or ritual to reconnect your energetic ties with them.

I’m writing a spiritual growth and healing ritual for personal reasons, but would anyone like me to post it here for you and anyone else that’d possibly get help from it?

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Free Tarot Reading Slots!!! (0/5 available)

  • First 5 individuals to reply ‘Claim’ on this post will get a free in depth tarot reading of their choice!!!
