#random thoughts


Think I found the modern equivalent of dropping grain in front of a fae so they have to bend down and count them all.

Had a maths lesson today where the students tipped half a bucket of counters out on the floor and I swear whenever I looked at it my brain just started going ‘I need to pick them all up I need to pick them all up I need to pick them all up, must pick up all the counters, must hold them in my hands and dump them back in the bucket.’


The pile of counters on the floor:

Me: …

Me: *to supervising teacher* Do you want me to start packing up the maths supplies?

Supervising teacher: Yeah, sure, that would be a great help, the kids aren’t going to do it properly.

Me: *descends upon the counters.*

(Note that this is not at all in a like, 'this annoys me’, way, this is in a weird 'I have the inexplicable urge to pick these all up and hold them in my hands’ way and I have no idea why this urge exists, it just does.)

Millennial’s whom everyone is marketing to. Last seen they were sharing a place to stay with 4 friends to split the rent.

Good. Let’s punt on their buying power. 



gay af to be a mathematician. why are you trying to prove another man’s conjecture so hard?

gay af to be a group theorist. why do you care about HOMOmorphisms so much?

gay af to be a computer scientist. why do you want a machine named after another man so much?

she kungs on my pow till i penis


gay af to be a mathematician. why are you trying to prove another man’s conjecture so hard?

gay af to be a group theorist. why do you care about HOMOmorphisms so much?

gay af to be a mathematician. why are you trying to prove another man’s conjecture so hard?

Using “in _____ we trust” in a song or whatever is a top tier decision

As gender is a social construct, I don’t believe someone is born with an ‘innate gender identity’.
However, we might try to figure out where we feel like we ‘belong’ the most and who we can relate to. Combining this with the struggles we’ve endured and which aspects we identify with, will result in some sort of feeling, that some  might interpret or see as 'gender identity’. Naturally, this is influenced by multiple factors.Therefore, it doesn’t surprise me that people come up with things such as 'absorbgender’, in an attempt to describe their feelings towards the concept of gender. But I don’t think that coming up with more words to describe our personal relation to this social construct will help on the long term, as this results in only more boxes. And exactly those (restrictive) boxes are what made us feel out of place in the first place.
What if we’d get rid of the boxes? What if we’d address the restrictions we feel/felt, instead?

The best advice can’t help you if you’re not ready.

Darcy this and Darcy that, bruh I want myself a Lizzy Bennet; sassy, loves books, will not hesitate to shoot you down, literally and figuratively,probably loves to stay at home.

It’s the most simplest questions that are so hard to answer, questions like ‘ Are you happy?’ or ‘ How are you feeling today?’ because these are the questions that are rarely answered truthfully.

Sometimes heartbreak isn’t experienced just from losing a lover; sometimes it’s at 3 in the morning and you miss your best friend that you don’t talk to anymore, sometimes it’s when you see a picture of a place you used to live in but you’re very far from it now, sometimes it’s from the stories and poems you read and hear about or when you miss the taste of a home-cooked meal. The human heart is so strong yet so fragile because although it is made of muscle we see and hear and listen and feel and love a bit too much about everything.

Sometimes I read so I don’t have to be stuck inside my mind with my thoughts, sometimes I read when I feel burnt out and feel like giving up and letting go of everything, sometimes I read when I feel like the world is against me and there’s no one I can rely on so I escape to a different world instead. But mostly I read because of the stories I can relate to, to the happiness, sadness, and struggles of people who exist only on paper and in my imagination.

You know that feeling when you’re in your room and you have your earphones one and you’re just dancing to a song. Or that feeling when taking late night walks or talking with friends for hours and not realising how time went by so quickly? It’s in these times that I fall a little bit in love with life, a little bit out of reality and makes everything a bit better.

When I die there’s not gonna be any will left behind, all you’re getting is probably my three thousand unread books which I spent all my money on.

Your 20s are as a confusing time as your teenage years, because you have this realisation of new responsibilities and adulthood but you still feel like you’re a child, and you keep on looking at adults to tell you if you’re doing something wrong except you yourself are an adult now, and you keep second guessing yourself through things with faked confidence while also having a nervous meltdown inside, and it feels so freeing but scary at the same time, kinda like the first time you cross the road by yourself.

People talk about trying new things out all the time and there’s nothing wrong with that; but what about going back to our old stuff? The comfort shows we watch when we’re tired and drained, that specific song we listen to when we’re sad; a book that’s been reread so many times it cover is battered and the spine broken. Sometimes when we go back to the old things we notice what we didn’t before; a background vocal in a song; a quote that hits differently now. Sometimes going back to what we love isn’t so bad.

Ever wonder how many records in history are wrong? How many confessions have been changed to protect someone? How many people have actually been lost in a war ? People who were wrongly accused of a crime ? How much our our history textbooks is fact ?

It’s harder to take the easier path. When you’re living in a society that encourages grind culture. it’s harder for people to choose the easier path because we’re afraid of how society will view us as ‘weak’. But just because you took the easy way out doesn’t mean that you’re giving up; sometimes taking the easy way out means being kind to yourself and putting yourself first, it means patience to gain the strength to do what you want.

Sometimes I wonder if people are only kind because they are told that being kind leads to good karma and good things; so doesn’t that mean people are only kind because it benefits them? But then I remember a stranger running after me in the rain because I dropped some money, a cashier going the extra mile to help me with my things, a store manager helping when I didn’t have enough money on me and I think that kindness is a choice that we make but mostly it is a choice we make unconsciously; no ulterior motives whatsoever and most of the time our actions strive for good.
