#second chances



I am very excited to share my amazing, wonderful Secret Santa present that I received from @geickogarbage! Check out this gorgeous art of the last scene of Chapter 3 of my fic Second Chances. I really have no words for how much I love this

Aaaa haha im sorry i didnt see this sooner!! Merry christmas again im so glad you like it

Go check out their fic guys, it’s super cute!!!

How do you find the right mods for your community or online space? How many chances do problematic users get a chance to grow? We share all of this and more in the latest episode of Good Tips for Hard Times! Check it out now!

@jilychallenge May 2022 | Theme: Sea

“Thank you for the rescue, but I demand you take me back home now.”
“We’re pirates, your highness. We don’t follow orders well.”
Partner: @booksarelife-stuff

Lily crept forward, mindful of the shadows she relied on to keep her cover. The street looked empty, the sidewalks quiet, but she couldn’t be too careful. Patiently she watched, waiting for the perfect moment.

But just as she went to make her move, one foot poised to step out into the dim light provided by the moon and the torches that lined the street, a second shadow joined hers. Before Lily could turn, could run, could scream, an arm clamped around her middle, a hand across her mouth and she was dragged backwards.

One might have thought in the face of such power, and the strength in this person’s forearm alone was more than impressive, that she’d just go with it. One might have thought that in the wake of the situation, the stealth, the secrecy required, she would slip quietly into the darkness.

Those ‘ones’ didn’t know Lily Evans.

Lily Evans hadn’t lived the life she had, experienced what she had, survived what she had, just to go down without a fight. Lily Evans surrendered to no man and no one- not even herself and the quiet internal urges of her own heart on her weakest days- just to be taken down in a back alley, within spitting distance of her goal.

Lily Evans fought with everything she had.

Keep reading on AO3 (3.6k)
