#self esteem


If you follow me on Instagram, you are aware that I am a lover of skincare. I love trying out new products. I am that sucker who has multiple moisturizers, SPF and the list goes on. I wanted to give a break down on some of the products I’ve been loving as of lately.

Goldfaden MD “Bright Eyes”

Protecting the under-eye… this is such an important step, that I feel most people forget or don’t…

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I think from a young age we are told what perfection looks like and unbeknownst to us we strive to be that. We strive to be perfect but the truth is no one is perfect. If we are taught from a young age that perfection is whoever we decide to be, I guarantee we would see happier people. So many individuals spend majority of their life searching for this perfection. The task won’t be easy, it has…

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We are consumed daily with so much noise that we can’t take the time to think. Think about our goals, plans and dreams for our futures. We are inundated with so much that’s nothing but noise. I call noise anything that doesn’t allow you to focus on what you should be focusing.

We have to carve out time for ourselves to just think. My best thinking and ideas happen while I’m walking. I love…

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I’ve been encompassed in a thick cloud of negativity lately. There are many things that are / have been contributing - some big, some small, some minute; some external and some internal. Lots of anxiety, lots of stress. I’m exhausted, have extremely tense neck and shoulders, have had several tension headaches, and it seems I can feel my immune system weakening. 

There are moments where I feel completely overwhelmed and frustrated. And when I’m not completely freaking out about something I feel foggy…heavy…sad… empty.

My stress coping strategies (breathing, running) aren’t helping - mainly because I’m not really doing them. My fault, I know. But It’s that heaviness, sadness, emptiness (and partly the mountain of shit I have to do) that makes me feel I can’t do these things, that there’s no time (running) or that it’s pointless (breathing).

With all this negativity, I feel like I am teetering on a dangerous edge. Frustration and anger, self-deprecating thoughts, anxiety, self-hate, apathy, self-hate, binge-eating, self-hate … an all too-familiar and very dangerous cycle.

So, in an effort to steer myself away from the edge… I’ll reflect on a few positive things from this week.

  • My wardrobe is finally reassembled - now I can get all my clothes out of boxes and suitcases.
  • Have my first tutoring client and am going to be paid a little more than I was going to ask.
  • Finally bought good tea and unexpectedly got 10% off.
  • Got out for a relatively spontaneous run once … better than nothing?
  • Had some delicious mulled wine at my friend’s little Christmas market after a hard, long day waitressing.

Listing these 5 things don’t really make me less frustrated or less anxious about all the stuff going on. It was hard to think of / remember these things. And right away I was flooded with negative thoughts. I can think of a negative thing to say about each of those things right now. I’m not a huge fan of of the “just think positive” attitude, at least as a solution to problems; it does have it’s place. But some things just suck. And it’s OK that they suck; that’s life. But maybe if I do this again regularly, I can at least cope a little better and regain a sense of control and purpose.
