
Winter Fox Room GuardianFor AuctionI have a really detailed written tutorial for this one available Winter Fox Room GuardianFor AuctionI have a really detailed written tutorial for this one available Winter Fox Room GuardianFor AuctionI have a really detailed written tutorial for this one available

Winter Fox Room Guardian


I have a really detailed written tutorial for this one available on my Patreon.

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Lovebird Gryfinch Room GuardianFor AuctionThe Lovebird Gryfinch has a Rose quartz crystal heart. It Lovebird Gryfinch Room GuardianFor AuctionThe Lovebird Gryfinch has a Rose quartz crystal heart. It Lovebird Gryfinch Room GuardianFor AuctionThe Lovebird Gryfinch has a Rose quartz crystal heart. It

Lovebird Gryfinch Room Guardian


The Lovebird Gryfinch has a Rose quartz crystal heart. It sits about 9" tall and has a coat of high quality faux fur that is very soft. The neck and tail have a fully posable plastic ball and socket armature inside that will not wear out over time. The arms have a wire armature that is fully posable as well, but should be posed with a little more care. The head is cast in resin and the arms, and paws are all original sculpts. The hands and paws are sculpted from a flexible clay that will not break when bent. 

See how it’s made on my Patreon

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Red Panda Room GuardianFor Auction This is quite possibly the cutest room guardian I have ever made,Red Panda Room GuardianFor Auction This is quite possibly the cutest room guardian I have ever made,Red Panda Room GuardianFor Auction This is quite possibly the cutest room guardian I have ever made,

Red Panda Room Guardian


This is quite possibly the cutest room guardian I have ever made, and there were no molds taken from this sculpt so it will not be replicated. 

See how it’s made on my Patreon

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 Bees are spirit guides in nature. They take care of the Earth ensuring balance. It’s up to us

Bees are spirit guides in nature. They take care of the Earth ensuring balance. It’s up to us to help now that they are in danger of disappearing!

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Can anyone help a baby witch out with how to figure out a solution for something nasty? I don’t know what it is per-say (I’ve tried to get answers but meh) all I know for sure is it’s annoying as fuck and I’m TIRED of it. 

I know I’m mostly able to put up warding when I’m feeling strong enough energetically. 

Problems I run into: It gets worse/angrier when offensive is used, and it LOVES preying on energetic vulnerability. 

I’m asking now because I’m a bit energetically spent. The other day I just put up some really taxing wards for protection because I knew me and my confidante (witchy partner) would be emotionally and energetically vulnerable and I wanted to ward off basically everything. (This place is very active with just like, nature and other types of things)

The good news? It worked FANTASTICALLY for the duration I needed it to. The bad news? I didn’t manage to design them to last and since I’m fairly drained they’re sort of getting weak which means ol’ nasty is a tap-tap-tapping on them. 

If Anyone has any advice or good references I could look up, that would be fantastic. Thank you!


So I very rarely reblog anything, but you seem to need a helping hand and that’s really what my blog is about. 

So first things first: What are we working with?

To me, this sounds like it could be a number of things but there are a few things that are more likely that others, for the same reason that a person with a cough is more likely to have a cold than diphtheria; colds are just way more common.

  1. A Predatory Natural Spirit:
    In the same way that a wild animal can be a predator, so can a spirit, and like all predators this means it needs to feed on prey. However, unlike a creature made of matter (such as a wolf or a human), it doesn’t eat the body of its prey but rather eats its energy. This doesn’t make it evil or malicious, so I would strongly advise against calling it as such: it’s just a predator, and like any living creature it needs to eat. It just happens to need to eat, basically, you. 

  2. A Malicious Human Spirit:
    Now I work mostly with natural spirits but I have known many, many people who work with human spirits and so I would consider myself at least fairly knowledgeable of them, if not actually any good at working with them.Unlike natural spirits a human spirit CAN be malicious, usually as a result of being lost and scared and angry, and so it lashes out in any way it can which often means humans living in the area have their psyches and spirits injured. This can often cause a lot more than just fatigue and mental lethargy, but can actually result in illness and disease as your body’s vital energy is drained and it becomes less able to defend and repair itself against more physical problems like bacteria and lacerations.

  3. A Psychic or Energy Vampire:
    These are essentially human beings who either knowingly or subconsciously are probing out into people’s spirits and stealing energy from them to feed themselves. They are not true “vampires” in the sense of an actual physiological need to do this in order to function, but instead are using this feeding as a means of boosting themselves and increasing their own strength. Again many (and I would argue most) psychic vampires don’t realise what they’re doing, but are often confused with just major extroverts because like extroverts they seem to become energised by having people around them. Unlike extroverts however, being in the presence of a psychic vampire will drain you of energy, mental acuity, and other faculties quite quickly. 

There are a few other things it could be, but these are by far the most likely so we’ll start with these. If that doesn’t work, feel free to ask me! 

Which is probably the cause? How can I stop it?

In my experience, it’s almost certainlya predatory natural spirit. They’re by far the most common, and thankfully also the easiest to deal with. In this case, stopping the problem is really as simple as purging the area of spirits and then keeping up barriers to stop more coming back to fill the gap. At the moment what you’re doing is essentially holding up a shield to stop the spirit from getting to you, but that’s an active process which means it uses a lot of energy and concentration. When you’re unable to actively hold up shields, such as when you’re asleep or fatigued, the spirit is able to freely attack you and slowly drain you of energy, and because you’re never pushing the spirit away from yourself even after you start defending yourself again it’ll just hang around outside your shields until you get too tired to keep them up again.

So, the best way to purge an area of natural spirits is to use banishing and exorcising herbs in all the areas where you’re usually affected (spirits tend to be tied to a specific place rather than following a person around), and then placing sigils at strategic points around the exorcised area to create a barrier that the spirits cannot cross to get back to you. The best herbs to use for banishing spirits from an area are sage, rosemary, agrimony, lavender, and angelica, but honestly starting off with just the most accessible to you is fine. I’d recommend taking a combination of dried sage leaves and dried rosemary leaves, and burning them in a pot (or using sage and rosemary incenses) before carrying the burning herbs/incense around your home in all the places that are affected by the spirits (so, all of it). 

If for some reason you can’t have an open flame, as I know some places don’t allow this, then you can instead mix sage and rosemary with water and salt in a large sealed bottle, and then leave it to sit for at least three days in a place out of direct sunlight. Then take the water from inside the bottle (leave the herbs) and using a brush “paint” the water across the lintel of all the doors and windows in your home that face the outside (so an inside door that just opens from one room to another would be ignored). There are more of these simple water spells on my blog.

After that, you’ll want to go to the most southerly, easterly, westerly and northerly points in your house (which is almost always the four corners of your home), and draw warding sigils on either the floor, walls or ceiling at that point to stop spirits from crossing the invisible lines they draw between each other. If you live in a house with space to do this, you could also go outside your house and bury four small stakes into the ground (you can bury them completely, that’s fine) that have the sigils drawn, burnt or carved into them. If you’d like to make your own warding sigils I have a post on learning the basics of sigil magick here on my blog, but if you don’t mind using a sigil someone else has already made then there’s one right here that I made last year!

How do I stop this in the future? 

Well, first off, like most novices you probably made the simple and easily made mistake that we’ve ALL made at some point or another: you didn’t cast a circle when you performed spells or messed around with energy work. A spell is basically a big ol’ beacon of power and energy into the universe, and if you don’t shield that, if you don’t protect that, then you’re going to attract predators who want to feed on that energy. It’s a common mistake, and simple enough to prevent by casting a circle before you do any spells or workings in the future! 

If you don’t know how to cast a circle, surprise surprise I’ve got a how-to on my blog. However, bear in mind that a circle doesn’t have to be physical, and it should be large enough for you to NOT STEP OUT OF IT as you perform your spell. If at any point you leave the circle during your spell, the FIRST THING you must do when you go to restart the spell is redraw the magick of the circle. If you’re using a physical circle as a focus to help the magick the physical circle doesn’t have to be redrawn, but the energy must be recast. 


I hope that helps you dear! We’ve all been novice Witches before and you’ll learn fast, so I hope this helps you and answers your question! 

For my regular followers, if you’d like to read this again in the future, I’m tagging this post with “spirits”, “spirit exorcism”, and “common mistakes”.

– Juniper Wildwalk

top right is a goblin styled dragon that i had on a side for a while and i just decided to finish ittop right is a goblin styled dragon that i had on a side for a while and i just decided to finish it

top right is a goblin styled dragon that i had on a side for a while and i just decided to finish it up. The top left is an old OC that i tried redrawing. And the top left is an old OC that i tried redrawing. the bottom two are my versions of a moon spirit (wolf and a rabbit spirit).

Hope you enjoy :) 

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I am a sinner who’s been washed clean

The Lord has saved me from myself. I am a new person! My past has hurt people I love, my past has gotten rid of people I really didn’t want to lose, and my past has given me an identity. But how many of you know that God can change all that!

Because I carry God in my heart, I have learned to love those I don’t agree with. Because I carry God in my spirirt, I am a new person in him.                            Because I hold God’s hands in mine, I can restore in those hearts I have hurt.

Only with God I can do those things though! And only with God will I want to be!

Experienced witches, witches who have made the same mistakes, witches trying to maintain an honest and informative community - please tell me which are the main authors/publishers to avoid while reading up on witchcraft (any topic, we’re not specializing too much here) and which are your personal recommendations

Thanks y’all

September SpiritSo…earlier today I was just fiddling around with some apps while looking for a way t

September Spirit

So…earlier today I was just fiddling around with some apps while looking for a way to censor the nipples in a photo for social media, and ended up doing something completely different.

I just couldn’t seem to find a single satisfactory way to censor the nipples, but I followed my instincts down a different route. On one smartphone, I restructured the image in MirrorLab and spruced it up a little in Snapseed, then on another smartphone (which I only use for editing) I painted and styled it in iColorama, and lastly on the computer I retouched it and repainted the facial features in Photoshop.

I’m glad I give myself space for spontaneous productivity, because sometimes the urge takes hold of me (in fact it is often born of frustration) and I follow it down a rapid, entirely novel stream.

I didn’t have a plan at all for the end result, but at some point I caught distinct Art Nouveau vibes and took it in that direction. What do you think?

You could buy this picture on a print or some other fun objects on my Redbubble.

See more of my digital dabblings including nudes and erotics on my Patreon.

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 Photographie spirite (spectre et voiles) Anonymous Paris, musée d'Orsay ca. 1910

Photographie spirite (spectre et voiles)


Paris, musée d'Orsay

ca. 1910

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 Day 6: Spirit Portraits are more in my comfort zone. I did have more creative ideas but my drawing  Day 6: Spirit Portraits are more in my comfort zone. I did have more creative ideas but my drawing

Day 6: Spirit
Portraits are more in my comfort zone. I did have more creative ideas but my drawing ability decided ‘nah’.
I still like it

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