#study notes


celebrating new laptop stickers and finishing papers/master’s with generous doses of iced coffee

Possibly the most tiring and the most draining finals week I’ve ever had…hopefully this upcoming semester will be smoother. {mine}

June 7, 2021

(From finals week) Hello! Popping in once again to say I’ve been busy and I did some traveling last month. I’m gonna try and be consistent with posting so bear with me. {mine}

I took a dab in bullet journaling! Super late post but this was my weekly spread for this week! I doI took a dab in bullet journaling! Super late post but this was my weekly spread for this week! I doI took a dab in bullet journaling! Super late post but this was my weekly spread for this week! I doI took a dab in bullet journaling! Super late post but this was my weekly spread for this week! I do

I took a dab in bullet journaling! Super late post but this was my weekly spread for this week! I don’t use it as like a checklist bullet point thing. I use my planner as like a plan for what I HAVE to do on certain days or what I want to do. Because Sometimes I can’t finish or I don’t get to it and it’s moved a lot. So this is just a spread of all the stuff I have going on that I should do and start! All pictures from tumblr! Not my pictures! Idk who the artists are but this was where I got em (not for commercial use FYI!)

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Lecture four notes! Notice the cute little star post it note on the upper right hand corner! It’s fr

Lecture four notes! Notice the cute little star post it note on the upper right hand corner! It’s from daiso! So cute

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11.1.22 | 9/100 Days of Productivity

Day 2 of my 48hr stats exam, I’m basically done and it wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be. Ready to get that out of the way and get on with my essay due at the end of the month

10.1.22 | 4 - 8 / 100 Days of Productivity

I had a very productive few days but not all of it was academic. My partner and I entered a dancesport comp in Blackpool and so we had to learn a new routine (Covid and Christmas messed up our lesson plan) and then competed with it less than 24hrs later. We danced a category up from what we compete at on the uni circuit and weren’t expecting to do too well but we made the finals of both ballroom and latin!

Now I’m back at my flat and about to start a 48hr stats exam. Looks like I’ll be working from home a bit more but sadly without the wonderful views I had last year

Winter Studying Challenge

21st January - Stay warm or go outside in the cold?

Definitely go outside! It’s so refreshing but the best thing if all is coming back indoors. Today I’m working on an essay due Monday.


26.5.19 I did my first exam! I didn’t say straight away because I was feeling a bit funny about it, but now I’m revising for my second and last ever exam of uni! Also who knows groovy chick?? My mum got me these amazing groovy chick socks. X Emily

It’s so important to keep study notes that might be useful in the future! Reblogging this because the notes I was making here, are the same notes I’m using for my current postgraduate essay.

Winter Studying Challenge

16th January: scarves or sweaters? Oh that’s so hard! I think I prefer a really good scarf because you can look so cute in them, but they can get in the way! I like layers. This is the other angle of my kitchen. Sorry for posting so much in here and not my bedroom - I’ve found I’m more productive when my mum keeps me from being distracted.

✎ 12.06.2021 // spent the morning alternating between studying and reading while enjoying a gingerbread latte—I’ve been trying to get through the book thief for a month or so and it just hasn’t hooked me yet but I’m determined to finish it before the new year!

Day 3/100; ✨

Finishing my OChem Acids & Bases notes ☺️ it takes a while but it’s way easier when its time to review because I’ve organized all my rushed scribbles into organized and visually coherent notes.

(P.s. if anyone wants PDFs of any notes I post just dm me!)

“Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.” – Steve Maraboli

22/05/2022, Sunday.

I finished my exams

On the 12/05/2022 I took my last exam ever, it was Advanced Organic Chemistry. I still have to realise that I am free from studying!

Now I’ll start the master’s thesis. On Tuesday I should start the training in the lab, I hope to be independent fast. The sooner I do my analysis the sooner I can graduate and, who knows, maybe apply for a PhD! ‍

Last week I went to a Polymers Conference, 5 days long. It has been inspiring, I’ve met young researchers/PhDs and talked about how it works where they are from. Honestly, I have a positive energy since I got back! I just want to do things and work in the lab

“No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself.” - Virginia Woolf

02/05/2022, Monday.

Here I am, after 10 months… A lot has happened! I stopped posting last Summer, waiting the new academical year to start. The first semester has been tough! I was worried about my health, my grandmother died and my parked car got involved in a car accident and ended up completely destroyed. I developed an anxiety problem. Psychologically I was overwhelmed, I had burnout before Christmas!

University had the lowest priority, I took a break.

Recovery started slowly on January, the process is long. I am a work in progress! I still study, but I have to be careful on the work-fun balance. Sometimes I still have panic attacks

I am currently studying for may last exam (can’t wait to be done with it!), trying to be gentle with myself. I am supposed to begin my master traineeship in a few weeks in the same research group I was in for the undergrad thesis.

To be honest, I just want to do something other than study and I need to be out of the house. Be at home, day after day is just exhausting!

“If you want to be proud of yourself, then do things in which you can take pride.” – Karen Horney

29/07/2021, Thursday.

The past semester was a tough one! A string of lectures, laboratories and projects left no time for anything else.

The past academical year had been intense. I was excited to start and afraid to fail. It is over now, if I look back I could not be more proud of myself! I worked hard and passed every single exam with the maximum score, I would have never thought I could achieve these results.

Catching up:

✔ Advanced Physical Chemistry Laboratory: exam was on the 1st June. It was the third and last part of an annual course! I do not have to think about it anymore.

✔ Advanced Analytical Chemistry Laboratory: my group and I had to make a presentation on the 2nd July, we focused on soil and water elemental analysis. It had been difficult to focus on the presentation having so much else to study! I do not know how, but we managed.

✔ Analytical Chemistry: Environments and Materials: it has been interesting to study environmental chemistry. Understanding the mechanisms nature uses to defend itself against changes offered me the opportunity to reflect upon the anthropogenic impact on earth. Exam was on the 21st June.

✔ Physical Chemistry: Catalysis and Materials: it was the hardest one. The amount of material was insane and I felt submerged by it! In addition to the regular study hours (6-9 h a day) I had to present a project. It consisted in a graphical abstract, the image summarised the development of a new material. I presented it on the 26th July.

I am on vacation till the new academical year, my mind is a swirl of thoughts on how I should spend my time… Should I rest 2 months? Should I prepare for next year revising old topics? Should I find a traineeship?

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” - William James

21/04/2021, Wednesday.

Advanced Physical Chemistry Laboratory ended on March 31st. My group and I decided to be done with the report by this Friday, April 23rd. To make the work more enjoyable, I write and review from the balcony on my @onyxboox Note Air e-ink tablet

Advanced Analytical Chemistry Laboratory has stated on April 12th, I am enjoying it so far! We are running analysis on samples of our choice. My group picked: old tea cups, little paintings on gold supports, soils, almonds, a Bahamian banknote and a Coastal batik. It will be interesting to put it all together for the final presentation

Big news: lectures are held both on-line and in class. I cannot stat to express my joy

Studying home has its perks, but Italians lockdowns have been mentally difficult for me (and many others). Even though Piedmont (my region) is constantly shifting between slightly different restrictions, I have seen no difference in my day to day life; As my activities pre-pandemic were: attend university; workout at the gym (which has been closed from Novembre 2020, opening again who knows when); spend time with S. (thankfully I managed to keep doing it)
