#studyblr community


Hi! Got home from the mall and I’ll probably just rest now and will continue working tomorrow.

Im so happy to finally be able to go out. Glad that I only have two classes this semester. I get more time to study and rest at the same time.

Hope you’re all safe and well!


Happy New Year!

A bit late to greet you all a happy new year. Just an update from me since I haven’t posted in a while…

I dropped two subjects last semester due to my lack of foundation in those two subjects as some of the topics I missed when I got sick with COVID really affected my grades so much that I couldn’t catch up with the load of topics I had to study.

It was a difficult decision to make knowing that I’ll graduate later than my friends and my peers. I know that I had to do it for my future patients. I don’t want to face my patients knowing that I don’t have the knowledge and clinical skills needed to treat them. Despite having to drop 2 subjects, I performed really well with the rest of my courses and Im glad I did what I had to do

Sometimes it’s also important to know when to stop. Stopping at one point does not mean you’re giving up. It only means you’re resting and preparing yourself for another journey to you own success.

(Lol idk what im saying but you kinda get the point, right?)


↝ you’re an active studyblr

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↝ your followers are always welcome to message you!

i’m in serious need of some more studyblrs to follow and i’d love to interact with this community bc everyone is so warm and friendly and !!!! it’s the best

Trying to be active but I suck at it

12.02.2020 | 17:00

Here’s to the last round! Survived yesterdays exam, next one is on friday! There’s a hell lot to study for, so i’m gonna spend the next two days cramming madly. I’ll be so relieved when this will finally be over! My body is reacting to all the sugar and coffee already - and not in good ways. So i need to reduce that consuming again after this, so that i can stay healthy. Hope you’re all doing good, don’t make the same mistakes than i do! Stay healthy and motivated xx

09.02.2020 | it’s already February, and i’m full on studying for my last exams. Already had the first one, finances is comin up in two days, then it’s the last one about leadership and organisation on Valentine’s day. Time’s flying by so fast and i’m actually living on coffee, carbs and sugar at the moment. I’ve already gained some weight again, and the semester hasn’t come to a complete end yet, because after that, it will be time to write three research papers (between 10 and 15 pages each) in a month. How do you cope with stressfull times?

100/100 days of productivity | 20.1.2020

I guess i completed the challenge - for the very first time in history i actually managed to do this in a way which i’m happy about! However, my productivity phase isn’t over yet - exam season is looking around the corner and i haven’t started yet! Let’s see if i manage to actually take some picture and time for posting. If not, i’ll be back in Mid february or April, depending on whether i’ll post during my essay-writing phase or will get back for my masters thesis. Hope you’re all doing good! Inwish you good luck for school related projects! You’ll do fine!

This post is a little different, I thought I’d share my target morning ‘routine’. I’ve been trying to have productive mornings for god knows how long and this is what I want them to look like:

  • Wake up & get ready: 6am
  • Cup of tea & write: 6:30am
  • Go for a walk/run: 7am
  • Clean up: 7:30/7:45am
  • Breakfast: 8am
  • Start work at 8:30am

This would be days where I don’t start college early. If i start college at 9am, it would look like this:

  • Wake up & get ready: 6am
  • Cup of tea and write: 6:45am
  • Clean up: 7:15am
  • Breakfast: 7:45am
  • Leave for the bus: 8:15am

I currently wake up anywhere between 9-11am, so it’s going to be a challenge. But we like challenges!!

Another productive day! (04/03/21)

Due to Covid my exams have been cancelled for my A-levels. So things are being switched around and I’m now going to complete psychology coursework instead! I’m actually quite excited for it because it means I can apply my learning to any area I find particularly interesting!

But on today’s agenda:

  • Psychology lesson- Research methods & Memory revision
  • Geography lesson- Hazards
  • Photography work- planning a couple of shoots
  • Drink far too much tea (per usual)

I hope you have a productive day!!

It’s been a while…

Honestly, lockdown 3.0 did a very good job at destroying my motivation to do anything college related. The work was piling up and I just let it. But that’s okay! Because it’s happening to everybody; all we can do is try.

So, I employed the help of a bullet journal. It’s pretty basic, nothing too fancy. I would’ve struggled keeping up with it if it was a lot of effort so I kept the layout simple. What a time to start one, the last week of February.

I am aware that I’ve said this before however!! I’m going to start using this blog again, hopefully it will keep me on track :)

It’s good to be back- Finn


Study advice from a former/still procrastinator

So I’ve always stuggled with procrastination. I would stress myself out over doing no work and my solution was to continue doing no work. I got okay GCSE grades but if I would’ve revised/studied harder I could’ve done a lot better. These tips aren’t going to motivate you by themselves, unfortunately nobody can motivate you but yourself. I hope these help someone :)

Visual learners

  • Mindmaps help so much. Use as many or as little coloured pens and highlighters as you like. They really help you visualise the basic content of each topic.
  • Diagrams!But I don’t study a subject that uses diagrams? It doesn’t matter! Draw little diagrams and doodles to help you picture the content in a more fun way!
  • Colour code everything! Colour coding really helps you create cues. Cues are essential in recalling information so if you write your notes for one topic in purple and there is something purple in your exam you will activate that cue!
  • Sticky notes! You can put these everywhere. For my GCSEs, I had sticky notes: on the hallway mirror, in my sock draw, on the fridge, stuck to the TV remote. Literally everywhere you go on a regular basis or everything you use. Use digital sticky notes on MacBooks or set alarms with the info as the title of the alarm.
  • Use kahoot! Everyone knows what kahoot is so I’m not going to explain it. However, it is very fun and competitive and if you struggle to enjoy the content using a kahoot makes it a lot more fun.

Audio learners

  • Record lectures or online lessons. You can use these to look back and listen to what your teacher is saying, listen to what they emphasise.
  • Watch YouTube videos on the topic. Honestly, ASAPScience’s songs helped me so much in GCSE science. It’s easier to understand and it gets stuck in your head if you want it to or not. (Just don’t listen to songs before opposing subject exams: I once had the periodic table song stuck in my head during an Literature exam- not helpful.)
  • Create mnemonics!! Just liked in primary school when we learnt the colours of the rainbow by remembering “Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain”, it’s so helpful. And, the stupider and funnier the more you will remember it.

Written learners

  • Rewrite them notes!! Rewrite them in different colours, type them up. Write them and see how much you can remember after 10 minutes.
  • Revision/note cards are amazing. You can lay out revision cards however you like. You can have them as questions with the answers on the other side, you can use it for the basic information or to just rewrite your notes in a form you can easily carry around with you.
  • Exam questions. This isn’t only for written learners, it’s for everyone. Anyone who ever has a test or exam for something. Use past exam papers or practise questions. Answer them and then use mark schemes to grade them. You’ll learn how to structure answers for different types of questions and you’ll also learn timing. It’s the best way to revise!

Overall tips

  • You need to find something to motivate you. For you it can be getting into university, to show off to someone or even to just reward yourself. In all honesty, I use spite to motivate me. To prove people wrong and show that I’m more capable than they thought is an easy way to get myself to study.
  • You have to force yourself sometimes. There is never going to be a time where you want to study that extremely difficult topic that you haven’t been able to grasp. So you have to push yourself- this is harder for some than it is for others. But once you get into the swing of pushing yourself a little, it does become easier.
  • To counteract the point above, you have to take breaks. And I’m now taking, an hour break for 10 minutes of work. I mean, study for 25 minutes and have a five minute break and continue that. Get up, stretch, walk around, listen to song, get a snack and some water. Shake your body because sitting at a desk for hours on end is only going to hurt you.
  • Find a study buddy. Some people work better alone, I know I do. But some people need others to keep them on track and that’s perfectly okay! In my opinion, you shouldn’t choose your best friend as your study partner unless they are going to be strict with you. If you know that the person you plan to study with is only going to distract you, then pick somebody else.
  • Use a study group! Similar to a study buddy but in this case you can discuss the material you are going over and ask for other’s help. Peer mark fake questions for each other or again, do a quiz. Pick the right people and a study group will work perfectly!
  • Find a way to shut your brain off. Easier said than done, I know. But if you’re brain is pumping out thoughts about what you’re having for dinner or the show you watched last night, then you aren’t going to get anywhere. Some people use rain sounds (like me!!) but I wouldn’t recommend listening to music. You may think you’re new Playlist is going to get you excited to work but it’s only going to distract you. If you want to listen to music I would recommend purely instrumental music of songs that you don’t know- they’re plenty on YouTube!
  • Use reminders on your phone or study apps to keep you on track. I’ve heard so many people talk about the app, Forest. I have given it ago and I’d fully recommend it too. It has built-in reminders, sounds to listen to (and we know I love rain sounds) and small achievements to keep you motivated. You get rewarded with a tree or a few trees after your study session and if you get enough coins you can plant an actual real tree!! If you don’t want to pay £1.99, I completely understand so I would recommend Flora. It’s free and has almost all the same features as Forest. Give them a go!!
  • Speaking of phones, turn yours off!! Unless you’re using it for studying, in which case disable all notifications for a select period of time. You can set screen time limits on IPhones and if you really need it, get someone else to set the password so you can’t simply override it.


Good morning! 2/100

Another day of studying psychology. It’s my day off today so I thought, “why not put it to good use?”. It’s currently only early but my plan is to get a lot done:

  • Study psychology approaches
  • Study coasts for geography
  • Edit personal statement (for university applications)
  • Write up exam style questions for psychology homework

It doesn’t seem like that much but it is to me haha. I didn’t post yesterday because I had a full day of classes, so I’ll count this as day two instead of day three. What are you studying?


Good morning!- 1/100

To kick off using this account again, I’ve decided to do the 100 days of productivity. I tried this once before and got to day 14 so my goal, for now, is to get further than that. I’ll be posting videos of me studying or just images I’ve taken throughout the day too, because let’s be honest we only follow study accounts for the aesthetics haha

As it’s a Monday, I don’t start sixth form until 1:30pm but I decided to wake up early this time. I’ve been trying to grasp a concept in psychology so I though giving myself more time to go over it is sure to help. I’ve got two classes today, psychology and photography. I finish at 4:30 so I wouldn’t get much work done after sixth form; better to do it in the morning!


At the end of each term I’m going to repost this with my grade for psychology. I did this test before lockdown (UK) in January and I just received the paper back today. I’m quite proud but I want to be able to get a B or higher next time :)

First day back to sixth form:

Honestly, the first day back could’ve gone better. It was strange as my whole college is now a one way system and you have to wear masks in communal areas (basically just the corridors). You have to book slots for the library when you used to be able to just walk in freely.

However, my timetable isn’t all too bad as I have Wednesday off each week! I had psychology and photography today, we briefly went over what we did in lockdown and started circadian rhythms in psych. I’m excited for this year, hopefully I can book enough slots for each week in the library :)

Honestly one of my favourite feelings is finally grasping a concept that you’ve been struggling with for so long. There is nothing better

Continuando con el estudio, en esta ocasión con los temas más básicos de español, sobre estructura gramatical.

En verdad es un tanto surrealista estudiar estos temas cuando se está a punto de comenzar un posgrado en Ciencias, pero sin duda hay un par de cosas que daba por sentadas y no las recordaba del todo, creo que no las había estudiado desde hace más de 10 años.

Continuing with the study, this time with the most basic topics of Spanish, on grammatical structure.

It is really a bit surreal to study these topics when you are about to start a master’s degree in Science, but there are certainly a couple of things that I took for granted and didn’t quite remember, I don’t think I had studied them for more than 10 years.



Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes la sección de productividad y hábitos del mes de abril. (más vale tarde que nunca).

¿Cómo van ustedes con los hábitos de abril?

¿Está siendo un mes productivo para ustedes?

Today I want to share with you the productivity and habits section of the month of April. (Better late than never).

How are you doing with the April habits?

Is it being a productive month for you?

Sigo estudiando, me queda un examen para el posgrado aún y debo admitir que es algo extraño estudiar cosas tan básicas de matemáticas, pero ciertamente ayuda a sentirse más en calma.

¿Cómo les va a ustedes?

I’m still studying, I still have a postgraduate exam and I must admit that studying such basic things in math is strange, but it certainly helps to feel calmer.

How are you doing?


Reiniciando clases después de una semana de vacaciones. Para comenzar les quiero compartir la bujo de esta semana, manteniendo el estiló minimalista del mes.

Restarting classes after a week of vacation. To start I want to share this week’s bujo, keeping the minimalist style of the month.


Viernes de Vlog de arte

¿Qué les parece la idea?

Art Vlog Friday

What do you think of the idea?


Viernes de Vlog de arte

¿Qué les parece la idea?

Art Vlog Friday

What do you think of the idea?

les muestro unos apuntes rápidos de Bioquímica Clínica, sobre lípidos, generalidades y metabolismo de lípidos.

Está fue mi materia favorita de mi último semestre de la carrera. ‍

I show you some quick notes on Clinical Biochemistry, on lipids, generalities and lipid metabolism.

This was my favorite subject of my last semester of the degree. ‍


Les comparto la bujo de la primer semana de abril, osea de la semana pasada, combinando con el tema minimalista de abril, algo muy sencillo pero funcional.

¿Que les parece el tema minimalista?

I share with you the bujo of the first week of April, that is, of last week, combining with the minimalist theme of April, something very simple but functional.

What do you think of the minimalist theme?

Les dejo un par de apuntes sobre productos farmacéuticos no estériles y los métodos de validación en la industria farmacéutica, parte de mis apuntes de Control y producción de biológicos. ‍

Fue una de mis materias preferidas de mi último semestre de la licenciatura, incluso diría que de toda la licenciatura fue una de las que más disfruté. ‍

I leave you a couple of notes on non-sterile pharmaceutical products and validation methods in the pharmaceutical industry, part of my notes on Control and production of biologicals. ‍

It was one of my favorite subjects of my last semester of the degree, I would even say that of the whole degree it was one of the ones that I enjoyed the most. ‍

Les comparto el reto de lectura que comenzaré (en realidad iba a comenzar a inicio de año pero no tuve oportunidad)

¿Se animan a comenzar lo también?

I share with you the reading challenge that I will start (I was actually going to start at the beginning of the year but I didn’t have a chance)

Do you dare to start it too?


Comenzando a retomar el ritmo de las publicaciones, les comparto la bujo del mes de abril, a falta de tiempo y creatividad hace unos días opté por un tema minimalista, algo muy sencillo.

Starting to pick up the pace of the publications, I share with you the bujo of the month of April, in the absence of time and creativity a few days ago I opted for a minimalist theme, something very simple
