

We feel like shit 24/7 but we hide it so you don’t feel sad.

We struggle to keep ourselves safe 24/7 but we hide it so you don’t have to deal with us.

We dream of being dead 24/7 but we hide it so that you think we’re okay.

We hide everything so not to hurt you, when maybe, just maybe, if you treated us better we wouldn’t feel like this.

We all know the greek myth of pandora’s box… Where she was always forbidden to open it? One day the curiosity got the better of her and she opened the box. All anger, hatred, anguish, jealousy, pain and every type of evil was released. The only good thing inside was hope. Well what happens if you open the box but there’s no hope inside?

Been sectioned lmao. On house arrest until they find me a bed. Why am I such a failure I even fail at taking my own life
