#ptsd recovery


What Does It Mean To Think Catastrophically & Mindfulness Techniques To Help Overcome It

Catastrophic thinking is a type of irrational thinking, which is very common in people who suffer from anxiety disorders such as social anxiety disorder, avoidant personality disorder, generalised anxiety disorder, OCD, panic attacks and PTSD. This type of thinking usually has continuous thoughts about the future in a very negative way. These thoughts are usually what I call ‘What if?’ thoughts, and its these types of thoughts that lead to fear, dread, worry and distress. The main reason why many people with anxiety think this way is because they have a severe phobia of the unknown and what will happen to them in the future.

Psychologically speaking, these thoughts are just in our imagination from stored images from previous experiences such as traumas from our past. This is called fragmentation. After witnessing a trauma, our brains store the experience into images, which will be placed into our subconscious mind. This is the reason why some thoughts may come up and not make any sense to you or the people around you at all. Sometimes these distressing thoughts can come up in dreams and that is why many patients with PTSD and C-PTSD often have nightmares and night terrors.  

However, there is a way of overcoming and healing from this dysfunctional type of thinking. Living in the present moment is the best way to heal from catastrophic thinking. This is because it gets you in tune with what is going on right now, at this moment in time - not yesterday, not tomorrow or in five or ten years from now. Knowing that you or your loved ones are completely safe at this very moment is a very good tool to use to stop disastrous thinking. Being here in the present, listening to your breath and being mindful of your thoughts and feelings will help with any kind of anxiety disorder. 

As someone who has suffered from severe anxiety in the past, I have realised from my own experience that a lot of it stems from a lack of trust towards ourselves and others. When we lack trust, we start looking for reassurance and whether not we are making the right decision or not, and continuously ask for advice leading to frustration and even more doubt. This is why learning and allowing yourself to fully surrender and let go in a state of anxiety is important part of the healing process. I have previously written about trust and surrender here on this blog, if you want to read those.

Anxiety Visualisation Exercise

Close your eyes and imagine yourself sitting in the eye of a storm, the calm centre that lies behind the chaos that is going around it. You see pieces of debris floating around of all different sizes, which represent the thoughts you carry with you. Observe them and look at what they are showing to you, like you are watching a movie. You know that you are completely safe and serene in this eye of a storm and you know that it will not hurt you. Suddenly, you begin to see the storm move swiftly across, taking all of your negative thoughts with it. You feel a sense of deep peace and emotional freedom, like someone has taken a heavy bag off of your shoulders. You stand up and begin to walk towards the sun that is shining in between the clouds smiling, feeling liberated and full of joy. When you have finished this visualisation exercise, open your eyes.

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Science says every seven years every cell in the human body dies and replaces itself…

I have been counting every year, and this is number seven.. I finally have a body he’s never touched.

spooniestrong: saintontheoutside: This made my stomach drop and a piece of me died. Same. No one e



This made my stomach drop and a piece of me died.


No one ever thinks they’ll be diagnosed with a mental illness. Just have to live life the best you can!

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Life with PTSD summed up…

Life with PTSD summed up…

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My therapist when I try to bring in a whole bunch of distorted thinking and shit:


When my therapist says wise things I’m like:

Me: *tries to compartmentalize my emotions*

My emotions:

When I say something really twisted and my therapist gives me That Look™

I’m like

tw: sexual assault



it’s been a year and 3 months since I told those closest to me about my repeated sexual assault and almost a year since I first told a therapist about it. It has been a hell of a year.

I just got back from the gym, feeling that post-workout zen. I laid down on my bed in my sweaty gym clothes, scrolling mindlessly through Instagram. A video clip came up of Jameela Jamil talking about removing abusers from high-power positions and reactively I just started shaking uncontrollably, crying soundlessly, holding myself close. But this time it was different than in the past. This time I was able to be present. This time I felt extreme love for this body I inhabit. I finally finally feel like it’s mine again.

Case Study Shows CBD Oil as a Successful Therapy Option for PTSD Since trauma is an unfortunate factCase Study Shows CBD Oil as a Successful Therapy Option for PTSD Since trauma is an unfortunate fact

Case Study Shows CBD Oil as a Successful Therapy Option for PTSD

Since trauma is an unfortunate fact of life, so is post-traumatic stress disorder. An estimated one in 17 Americans experiences PTSD at some point in their lives.

It’s only in the last 50 years or so that science has really defined PTSD, so psychologists are still working to understand it and build an armory to fight it.

One potential new weapon is CBD oil, a natural, non-intoxicating extract of the Cannabis sativa plant.

Research has already indicated that CBD can have many benefits, but these studies are in the early stages of development.

According to one recent study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine about human case studies of PTSD sufferers, CBD has the power to combat the debilitating signs of PTSD.

To learn more about the benefits of CBD oil for PTSD CLICK HERE:https://www.herbal-supplement-resource.com/case-study-shows-cbd-oil-as-a-successful-therapy-option-for-ptsd/
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Me, in the middle of a panic attack: I’m probably faking it

why the FUCK does this happen to us? why do we do this to ourselves!?

I feel like a huge part of it is because a lot of us grew up being doubted and treated like we didn’t know what we were talking about when we had a problem at some point or another because children aren’t usually taken seriously even when the situation is worse than anyone could guess


“I told her smoking was bad and she whispered in my ear that I was too, calling me a drug and I told her not to overdose, but she said I hope I do.”

— AP

I never had a childhood, or the chance to be innocent, that was ripped away. I never had the chance to know how it felt to be truly loved and validated, how to grow up healthy and experience the joys of it. I missed out, I was fucking robbed and I grew up a broken, empty shell that I am only now learning how to fill.
