


Ok, I’m seeing a lot of Barbs on Twitter defending Nicki Minaj and her bailing her brother out… and I’m struggling trying to comprehend WHY!

If you didn’t already know Jelani Maraj, Nicki’s brother, used Nicki’s name to lure a 12 year old girl into his truck, drove her around the corner and raped her. The girl was thankfully able to get away and call the cops only for Jelani to drive away and pass a surveillance camera. She was treated at Queens General Hospital. The girl was immediately able to ID Jelani, and as well as evidence from the SUV, license plate, etc. Jelani was arrested and charged. He was also posted for 100k bail.

and heres what’s fucked up: Nicki actually payed for his bail! Nicki identifies as a feminist and has actively spoken about women’s rights and issues so I’m having trouble understanding how she can think this is okay. AND Yes, I know this doesn’t mean that the charges are gonna be dropped and he’s gonna get away with rape, but currently at the moment he isn’t in a jail cell, he isn’t in legal custody, he’s literally chillin awaiting trial. AND since we are talking about Trials, Nicki is very much so capable of providing him with the best lawyers in the country, seeing that she’s been supportive of him enough to post bail, and those lawyers could very well minimize his sentencing or by some miracle help him get away with this. But let’s for a moment think about the girl who was actually raped. She’s going to sleep tonight knowing that her rapist is free. Her parents are going to sleep tonight knowing that their daughter’s rapist is free. The 12 year old girl is probably going through severe trauma and anxiety right now. but what’s really awful is the fact that she was obviously a Nicki fan, enough of a fan to get in the car with a stranger because he was Nicki’s brother, so imagine how she feels to know that the person responsible for making her rapist free is her very own idol. So I’m fed up with people trying to defend either of the two, I’m tired of barbs trying to make her seem like she can do no wrong, because this whole thing is seriously fucked up and I’m gonna be real fucking pissed if it all gets swapped underneath the rug. 

identitypollution:I made some spooky motivational art to remind you that even though it doesn’t alwaidentitypollution:I made some spooky motivational art to remind you that even though it doesn’t alwaidentitypollution:I made some spooky motivational art to remind you that even though it doesn’t alwaidentitypollution:I made some spooky motivational art to remind you that even though it doesn’t alwa


I made some spooky motivational art to remind you that even though it doesn’t always feel like it, you are going to kick this in the metaphorical ass.

Post link

In the ‘If you stop Dancing, You Get Shocked…” Tom Simons vlog. Wisp trying to hype up the beach going population of Brighton then proceeding to do the Ninja meme by flossing and saying (to fucking nobody btw) “I’m not seeing enough MOVEMENT”Is literally the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life. (14:39-15:04) (context under read more)

Canon to the Mcu, dreams are your variants doing whatever

So what has my variants been up to (all dreams I can remember)

  1. A furby empire attacked an old house they where touring when they where like six
  2. They where running through a very dark woods with their two best friends
  3. They got outted at school cause a kid found their tumblr
  4. I worked at a pet saloon but only from 6-8 am and my parents had to take me in and it pissed them off
  5. My mom chocked my out with my hoodie
  6. It was a dystopian world and me and a bunch of other kids where camping out high up in a building. I was like a leader
  7. I was at a summer camp where my cabin mate had abusive parents. The cabin was yellow with lots of plants
  8. This is a long one, I was in my dads classroom before school, but it was me and girl and a guy. We convinced the girl to sing over the pa. I went outside to the parking lot and a conventionally attractive blonde opposite sex senior asked me in perverted ways if I was gonna date them next year, in real life I know this person and they would never. Next I was in a classroom and a sayter is roaming about, I lean out the window and ask, are you a sayter, ahh you didn’t call me mortal, you must be a clear sited one, pants appeared on him and he walked over, then my alarm went off
  9. I was stuck in a river for fifteen years, like a soul fish, I come out of said river and bricks and metals from the buildings come around me giving me a body. I head to my dads meat/barbecue plant. A majority of the workers are alseep, they’ve been alseep for fifteen years, not aging, some are fine with kids. We start working on getting the plant back up, I’m a bad thing to the local police force so one day when out and about with extended family we here police cars so they are trying to hide me.
  10. I’m a scientist, maybe not. But I’m part of an important experiment. Like really important. The numbers on the pages keep blurring off
  11. The world is cracking apart like ice age. We are all gonna die. I’m cussing up a storm and still being told to watch my language. My and my family had a falling out but I wanna say good bye. They are in a Greek like pavilion I’m trying to get there but the earth cracks apart. People are cheering every time it happens a bit more and enjoying their last sun set. I notice I have my dads golden watch. I see a kid from my chemistry class and through it at him and tell him to please take it to my dad. He says no he wants to watch the sunset and throughs it back




“No, yeah. ” = yes.
“Yeah, no”= no
“No, yeah, for sure.” = definitely

fucking English, man

Yeah: sure
Yeah…: I doubt it
Yep: either I get it and yes, or no way in hell.

Dump of D&D-related pictures I made in 2020 and posted to private discord servers.

Dump of D&D-related pictures I made in 2020 and posted to private discord servers.

Post link



twitter users are the weakest link. is emily gwens shop still open or is there another way to support her?

shesgot a carrd linking to all her shops and her ko-fi if you want to support her while people give her endless shit and corporations profit off her flag


@spnprideweek day 3 || trans/acceptance

[ID: Three art panels, depicting Dean Winchester and Jack Kline. There are very few colors in the art, and the backgrounds are blank. Jack is a very small child, standing beside Dean and holding his hand. Jack is wearing an oversized Led-Zeppelin t-shirt and a black skirt, as well as tall yellow rain boots. He has a tiny halo over his head. Dean is much taller, most of his height in the legs. He is wearing a black t-shirt and black boots, as well as jeans and a jacket. He has makeup on, accentuating his eyelashes and giving him a heavy blush.

In the first panel, Jack looks up at Dean with a worried expression, while Dean calmly smiles back. A pink speech bubble from Jack reads, “Papa, what does gender feel like?”.

The next panel is pink, with three large white thought bubbles in the middle. One shows a very young Dean, blushing. He is wearing a suit that is way too large for him, and a small blue speech bubble from him reads, “Mommy, look!”. The next bubble shows an older dean, possibly teenaged, using electric clippers to cut his hair short. A blue speech bubble from him says, “Fuck yeah”. The third and final thought bubble shows a young adult Dean, his back faced to the viewer. He is looking into a full-length mirror, which shows him pulling his shirt up to his chin. He has two thin scars across his ribs. Two blue speech bubbles show him saying, “Huh… nice.”

The final panel returns to the present, where Jack no longer looks as worried. Dean smiles down at him, and another blue bubble from him reads, “Home”.

End ID]


I think using neopronouns and fucking around with xenogenders is Good, Actually.


You know what. Neopronouns are cool and sexy. When people realised that the language that best described them didn’t exist, they made their OWN WORDS. THAT’S PUNK AS FUCK. Also honorable mention to trans people who named themselves stuff like cactus or star or eldritch horror. I love you. You have my entire heart. People who reclaimed their dehumanisation and turned it into something that would make them happy and piss off bigots? Radiant. People who use microlabels and xenogenders? Gorgeous. Every unconventional trans person on the planet? Amazing. Never let anyone tell you you’re “making the community look bad”, cause you make this community whole.

equality is knowing that everyone can be a piece of shit regardless of gender, race, religion, health, etc



says the anon who is choosing to interact with a salter right now. Do you not see the irony, or are you too high off your own ego that has apparently dictated which parts of the fandom are fun and which are not?

Little hypothetical for you, babe: Someone comes directly into your inbox. You have no idea where they came from, no clue what post of yours ticked them off, virtually all of your posts are tagged properly so they could avoid them if they took the effort to do so, and their only “criticism” is that you’re annoying.

Who’sactually the annoying one? Perhaps it’s the one who just dropped into your inbox to spew anon hate in a blind rage?

Furthermore, would you actually listen to them? Would you listen to the insults of someone who doesn’t follow you and you have no reason to cater to? I don’t imagine you would.

Salters aren’t fun to talk to? Says who? You? Are you an authority? Why do you get to decide who’s fun and why should we care? I imagine my followers would disagree with you and say that I am in fact fun and that they have fun reading my posts.

But I suppose our new definition of “fun” is bothering other people because you saw a post you don’t like and are too cowardly to come off anon.



[ID: a meme of Sponogebob Squarepants where he is standing on a bench, yelling enthusiastically with his mouth open, his eyes bulging out, and his hands in fists in front of his face. There are other people sitting around him on the benches, watching him with concerned looks on their faces. The text above him reads, “I fucking love subtitles,” and the text beneath him reads, “I want to fucking completely understand a film’s dialogue as it is being said.” End ID]

1: Sports.

2: Accidentally stubbing my toe.

3: The rubber-band AI in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
