
erosionerodes: dandelion-lies:quantum-jump:thesylverlining:I wish more people got this because





I wish more people got this because some ‘low-empathy’ people are the most compassionate and sympathetic in the universe, and I hate it when that’s taken to mean ‘unfeeling and probably hostile’ when nothing could be further from the truth

Or, as my dad put it,

Sympathy: I know how you feel
Empathy: I feel how you feel
Compassion: is there anything I can do to help?

Sympathy: that sucks bro
empathy: I feel that
compassion: want me to send you some puppy and kitten pictures to make you feel better?

Posts like this make me feel so much better. It always seems like society treat responses to others pain as though empathy is the most important kind. I am around 85% compassionate and this post helped me not feel like I am a monster because of that for once.

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I do not believe I will ever have the courage to admit that my hostility comes from vulnerability, at least not for awhile. It hurts me that my vulnerability hurts others. It hurts me to know that my weakness is a weapon. I said I don’t feel sympathy. I don’t. Not for you. Maybe, I don’t know. When you trip over me, I penalize myself for my clumsiness to the point I completely forgot you were lying there in pain. I walk away without a bruise, head filled to the brim with replays of my inability. Except I didn’t trip you over, except you weren’t lying there in pain, it was, something else, and much worst. 

like the rest of the world, i was shocked and undescribable sad. my way to express my sympathy &like the rest of the world, i was shocked and undescribable sad. my way to express my sympathy &

like the rest of the world, i was shocked and undescribable sad. my way to express my sympathy & compassion. what a world we live in. it still makes me cry.

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“Ten Thousand Years” by Goddamn Electric Bill

This video, directed by Drake Doremus, is absolutely brilliant! Not only does it capture the feel of the song, but it also captures the devastation behind the situation. It is both inspiring and tragic. It really evokes sympathy in the characters, but simultaneously shows the beauty behind the lyrics.

The set design and the camera work is different and really deserves praise. Not only is the idea for this video original and appealing, but the visual translation of that idea has been done impeccably.

I Was Born About Ten Thousand Years Ago
I saw old pharaoh’s daughter bring Moses from the water
I’ll lick the guy that says it isn’t so

I was born about ten thousand years ago
There ain’t nothing in this world that I don’t know
I saved king David’s life and he offered me a wife
I said now you’re talking business have a chair

Yeah, I was born about ten thousand years ago
Ain’t nothing in this world that I don’t know
Saw Peter, Paul and Moses playing ring around the roses
I’ll lick the guy that says it isn’t so

I was born about ten thousand years ago
Ain’t nothing in this world that I don’t know
I saw old pharaoh’s daughter bring Moses from the water
I’ll lick the guy that says it isn’t so

I was there when old Noah built the ark
And I crawled in the window after dark
I saw Jonah eat the whale and dance with the lion’s tale
And I crossed over Canaan on a log

I was born about ten thousand years ago
Ain’t nothing in this world that I don’t know
I saw old pharaoh’s daughter bring Moses from the water
I’ll lick the guy that says it isn’t so

Yeah, I was born about ten thousand years ago
Ain’t nothing in this world that I don’t know
Saw Peter, Paul and Moses playing ring around the roses
I’ll lick the guy that says it isn’t so

I was there when old Noah built the ark
And I crawled in the window after dark
I saw Jonah eat the whale and dance with the lion’s tale
And I crossed over Canaan on a log

I was born about ten thousand years ago
There ain’t nothing in this world that I don’t know
I saved king David’s life and he offered me a wife
I said now you’re talking business have a chair

Yeah, I was born about ten thousand years ago
Ain’t nothing in this world that I don’t know
Saw Peter, Paul and Moses playing ring around the roses
I’ll lick the guy that says it isn’t so

#ten thousand years    #goddamn electric bill    #drake doremus    #official video    #official    #creative    #sympathy    #indie rock    #beautiful    #beauty    #tragic    #camera work    #camera    #cinematography    #set design    #design    

Brené Brown on Vulnerability, Human Connection, and the Difference Between Empathy and Sympathy

We all need a reminder now and again on how to be present with other people.


He gazed upon it, eyes wide full of terror and curiosity. He had never seen a creature so massive, nor has he seen a creature so motionless and out of place. Its skin looked dark and smooth, the water glistening in the Sun off its back, yet the dry sand it lied upon took away from the majesty of the moment.

He never heard of a creature such as the one he looked at, so he approached slowly towards its face. It had big black eyes and nostrils as tall as him, huffing and puffing heavily as its heart struggled against everything its body was experiencing. He could see something resembling a rash covering its skin, spreading in small patches as they reached out to one another in attempt to cover its entire body.

“It must hurt,” he whispered to the creature, lending out a hand to let the tips of his fingers graze the boils growing under its massive fin. “I’m so sorry this happened,” he exhaled, unable to do nothing more for it.



the word empathy is WIDELY misused, even in mental health spaces. 


  • is responding to a person’s emotions by experiencing the same emotion as them (i.e. feeling sad when something sad happens to that person, or happy when something happy happens to that person.)
  • is an automatic response that cannot be controlled
  • cannot be learned


  • is recognizing that another person is in pain, even if you do not experience that pain, and offering comfort to that person
  • is something a person must actively choose to do
  • can be learned


  • is showcasing care and support via words and actions
  • is something a person must actively choose to do
  • can be learned

if you need an example of a person with no empathy who practices sympathy and compassion, look no further than data from star trek: the next generation. he doesn’t have emotions at all, but he’s still kind to people and wants to help them.


stop telling people that they’re evil because they don’t experience empathy. stop equating empathy with morality. stop equating empathy with caring. stop saying that cruel people “lack empathy.” stop throwing neurodivergent and mentally ill people under the bus. 

oh my god i needed this

thank you

I Feel Sorry For The Fool, No Really - I Do

Yes, this video (above) made me feel sorry for the internet’s litt'l rodeo clown once known as “Knothole Resident”

If you saw this video, You should be happy that Dillin Thomas got karma coming to him for the shit HE did as Dillin made sure Kuta doesn’t have a chance for redemption especially after he quit the kink that landed him in mockery by selling everything tied to it

Did Kuta fuck up major by selling bootleg Sonic SatAm DVDs? Yes!
but those that perpetrated Kuta’s misery is more to blame than Kuta himself, especially Dillan Thomas who dogpiled on the dude and called him a “retard” (of which he should’ve been cancelled for such a choice of words long ago)

Suppose Kuta did go to Hollywood to pitch a Sonic movie
Suppose all the items and photos tied to his journey were indeed legit
Did anyone do this devil’s advocate and give him the benefit of the doubt?
NO, they keep lambasting and mocking the poor sod

Safe to say i feel for him, Long ago on Twitter - a bunch of sods told me that “I belong in a Babies R Us” because how dare a young adult enjoy cartoons like Max & Ruby, Boj, YaYa and Zouk, Sheriff Callie’s Wild West and alike

With Dillan Thomas gone, perhaps we should bury the hatchet with Mr. Kuta
Yes, he did some cringy regretful things in the past but i bet most of you did some regretful things too in the past but it’s time to let go of the past and let Mr. Kuta breathe and try and rebuild himself

It’s the right thing to do
and remember, Treat Your Neighbors like YOU want to be treated!
