#trans fem






There’s so much info about tucking and gaffs (less so) but to all new trans girls.. just get some cotton panties like boyshorts style and push it back gently.

 Like you might have to do slightly (slightly) more for tighter clothes or different fabrics but like… ya don’t need to tape yourself every day… or ever… and gaffs are good but unless you’re wearing something tight n thin cotton boyshorts or some other strong underwear will do the trick.

 Like all this info pretending like you need special gaffs, tape, to shove ur testes up into your inguinal canal, etc. is classist, physically harmful, and preventatively daunting information to be spreading without disclaimers like this.

Idk if this has been said before but a long time ago another trans lady and I kinda realized we could just wear 2 pairs of underwear and call it a day without taping or anything fancy. Its definitely a cheap alternative and Ive been doing it for 6 years

I wear jeggings to work and when im out and about and I never get looks or comments, idk if this is helpful to anyone tho

to every transfemme person: please read this it will save you so much time, money, and energy

I had a friend who wore some layers compression shorts and called it a day

Out of curiosity, how many transmeds here actually believe that you need debilitating gender dysphoria in order to be a valid transgender person. Tucutes always explain transmedicalism to me (a transmed) by saying we think that you need to absolutely hate yourself to be seen as valid. I know I don’t believe that and I don’t think any of you (minus possible radicals, but radicals are always shit) actually think that.

trans rights are human rights.trans rights are human rights. trans rights are human rights.trans rights are human rights.trans rights are human rights. trans rights are human rights. trans rights are human rights. trans rights are human rights.trans rights are human rights. trans rights are human rights. trans rights are human rights. trans rights are human rights. trans rights are human rights. trans rights are human rights.trans rights are human rights.trans rights are human rights.trans rights are human rights. trans rights are human rights.trans rights are human rights.trans rights are human rights.trans rights are human rights. trans rights are human rights. trans rights are human rights. trans rights are human rights.

Admasculine Transfeminine Pride Flag

Admasculine (admasc): moving towards a masculine identity.

Transfeminine (transfem): transitioning to a feminine identity.


M2F or MTF: a transgender individual who considers oneself as transitioning from male to female; a person who was assigned male at birth and experiences a female gender identity or presentation.

Lesbian: an individual who experiences queer attraction to women; being gay for women; describing non-man attracted to other non-men.

{transcript: 7 stripes colored with orange, hot pink, purple, three shades of pink and cyan. end id.}

If you’re seeing this it’s a reminder to give the trans femmes in your life a gentle kiss or high five.

Ocs are Eidyllio and Iviki. Both are demigods from a story that I can’t even begin to try and explain but they’re very in love and Eventually get married. I don’t think I will ever be able to draw a piece of these two together where Eidyllio is not looking at his wife with so much love.

NSFVV Work for P@tr30n prompt was “first time”

(Word scramble to keep the algorithm from suppressing my posts since all that’s showing is a *whispers* n1ppl3 (I feel like a homestuck troll)

If you’re interested in the full version feel free to Dm me for my P@tr30n l1nk.

do any other trans people feel like they wasted their youth because they couldnt come out and had to constantly hide themselves and worry about how people could react if they found out? because it’s something i really struggle with, especially now as i get closer to leaving my teens, and i just can’t seem to get the thought out of my mind that because of my identity i missed out on many coming of age experiences that i’ll never be able to make up for
