#trying again


i’ve been thinking of kissing you all day. of how it will feel, first kisses are so strange aren’t they? you have no idea how you’ll fit together, whether they keep their lips open or closed, if they’ll feel as much as you know you will. i look at you and i want to love you softly. i want to love you in the way all your ex-girlfriends wish they did. let us be right this time. let this be a new beginning, a first kiss, a love gone right.


Trying again isn’t reserved for the big necessary important stuff or the children learning their basic skills. Look at it in another context: I want to drink three bottles of water a day, but I’ve been lazy the past few weeks, I’ll try again. I’ve been wanting to learn a new language for months, but I’m having trouble concentrating, I’ll try again. I haven’t succeeded in understanding this very complicated piece of code I want to learn about, I’ll try again. If something doesn’t seem to be working out even though you really want it to, find out what’s going wrong and try again. If it’s something you feel passionate about or want for yourself, then it’s worth it, and no one else has to understand that or agree.
