#just why

imgonnafuckthetriangle: midnight-spectrum-again: thesaltofcarthage:festivefeathers:safifonhasstr






















This won’t make your blog look ugly. How could you not reblog this? REBLOGGING THIS COULD SAVE A LIFE!!!

This goes for assholes, too, guys. I know a couple who went tubing once, and they had to re-air their tubes, but the guy thought it would be funny to stick the tip of the air compressor up to her bikini trunks, the air ruptured something inside her and she died within thirty minutes.


The thing about this? It’s in every pregnancy book I’ve read.


Why is it in pregnancy books but not sex ed books?

Because the men in charge only care about the health and safety of women in so far as it enables them to have babies.


Reblogging with a link because I thought this was a legit joke. Never heard it before. Like I knew you could kill a person by inserting air into a vein but still.

WHAT THE FUCL I hate how I didn’t learn this in sex Ed AT ALL

This is very true lol

Yo what the f u c k

not the normal stuff i’d reblog but, uh, this is kinda??? heckin???? important?????

I feel like I first saw this in The Joy of Sex, but it’s definitely a thing.

What the fuck

I thought I had a pretty good knowledge of sexual health but apparently not good enough cause I did not know this

Okay, reblog for the health knowledge boost (because I did not know this was a thing).

But… I just… have so many questions.

If I’m pulling your head down to my crotch, it’s for you to pleasure me, not to try turning me into a balloon animal.

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Okay seriously what the fuck, I come back to tumblr to find that they’re forcing suggested posts near constantly and they’ve put multiple posts glorifying and encouraging disordered eating and withholding food from yourself as punishment on my dash?

There are times when I think that the invention of the internet might have been a mistake. Searching for Bruno Madrigal comfort fics and finding a slew of fics in his tag on AO3 that are M-rated and shipping him with his nieces and nephews………….. Yeah. That was one of those times.

WHAT THE HELL, ENCANTO FANDOM?!?!?! Like, this wasn’t just something I stumbled across once! There are more than one! On multiple pages! Written by multiple people! WHAT! THE! ACTUAL! FUCK!

definitely-not-kenji:THE NUMBERS HISAO! WHAT DO THEY MEAN?!



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I don’t know if is it an act of desperate looking for any attention, but. I hate myself. Got no friends, got no lover. Depressed (but well dressed). Addicted to opioids. Only thing left is dsbm music and hating myself even deeper. Feels bad, man. I think my country isn’t for me - the only it offers is methadone that makes me suffer so badly that I’ve never felt in my existence. Take me away so I can be done with xanax so much. Save meeeeeee. (Borderline attack? Don’t think so.) I’m crying my black spirit out but no one can hear it, there’s only silence, kills me. Destruction kills me. All I love - destruction. OH MY SWEET DECADANCE. I learned how to dance to sound of miserable screams… obviouslly I have lost myself in my own mind. Want to see what’s inside? I don’t mind. DEATH IS A FORM OF ART. (My death is near) You DON’T. - antisocial guy who miss u, H

lusass:Lu Han | Marie Claire China February 2016 lusass:Lu Han | Marie Claire China February 2016 lusass:Lu Han | Marie Claire China February 2016 lusass:Lu Han | Marie Claire China February 2016 lusass:Lu Han | Marie Claire China February 2016 lusass:Lu Han | Marie Claire China February 2016


Lu Han | Marie Claire China February 2016

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What if there is nothing on the other side. Is it our salvation or our non existing in an endless universe of nothingness.

in case you missed it

the website for La Graufesenque (French archaeological site)

has a scary French woman in a toga who reads the pages for you


did i mention it is scary

At dinner last night one of my siblings said something along the lines of “where did you come from could have so many responses,”

So I said “‘where did you come from’ my mother’s womb.”

Okay, just because I laugh does not mean I have anything to do with it.

I’m just amused, not involved.

I can’t get over this book cover, mans looks like he’s astral projecting





Hello! I would like to warn everyone of an experience my roommate and I have just had, in case I can prevent it happening to anyone else. Or, you know, if anyone knows a lawyer who could advise us.

My roommate has a queen size Nectar mattress. Friday night, she spilled some water on the bed and took the cover off to air dry. She unzipped the cover, and a flame retardant sleeve (that we hadn’t known was there to begin with) made of woven fiberglass began shedding small fiberglass particles. They were airborne. The whole room and everything in it is contaminated, and there are few surfaces elsewhere in the apartment that don’t have at least a little. Nowhere on the mattress’ tags or on the Nectar website does it say there is a fiberglass sleeve. In fact, it makes a big deal of how there are five components: top of cover, three layers of foam, bottom of cover. Nothing about the flame retardant sleeve there. The label on the cover doesn’t say you can’t take it off, just that they suggest you don’t. It does not mention fiberglass as a material found in the mattress at all. The website even has a page explaining that you CAN take off the cover and wash it, if you must, just that they suggest you don’t. No real reasons given. No mention of fiberglass.

Our apartment is sparkly with fiberglass. We have had to drop money on a HEPA filter vacuum that could safely remove some of it, and on new non-permeable mattress covers to contain the worst of the source. We have had to garbage-bag up almost everything in her room. No amount of runs through the laundry seems to get it all out of clothes, and we have to thoroughly wipe out the washer and dryer drums every load. All her pillows were ruined, the chair in her room, her clothing, some expensive bras, a nice area rug, and I’m sure there will be trouble on the horizon with our landlord regarding the carpet, even if we do vacuum it as well as we can.

Lilly has been having nosebleeds, before the mattress was unzipped, but the worst one I’ve seen yet was the one that evening. She’s been sleeping on it almost a year, and it could have begun coming through the fabric cover. Nosebleeds are a sign of fiberglass inhalation.

We have contacted the company, and their response was honestly insulting. We were told that we shouldn’t have taken the mattress cover off to begin with, and that it can no longer be covered by the 365 night guarantee, despite us having had it for under the full year. I have just now, after three days trying, finally spoken to someone willing to look into our case, so here’s hoping we’ll get even a fraction of what we are, frankly, owed.

It really feels like there could be some sort of lawsuit here.

In fact, there is one, with a situation nearly identical to ours but with a different company. This was the first hit when I searched our problem online.


Anyway, if you have a Nectar mattress, don’t ever open the easily accessible warning-label-free zipper! If you have had it under a year, and it’s in its original condition, it can still be returned. If you were planning to get one, maybe don’t! A lot of the foam-mattress-in-a box types have the fiberglass, though most of them disclose the presence of the fiberglass rather than hiding it like a dirty secret. Make sure you do a search for mattresses WITHOUT fiberglass as a flame retardant.

I had to go back and find this post because we just discovered our (Zinus) mattress is leaking fiberglass, and we NEVER removed or even touched the zipper on the cover.

My partner had changed the sheets, and then later while outside we saw that he was covered in shiny fiberglass (like the video above). I remembered this post and immediately knew we had to check the mattress. Sure enough there were glittery fibers EVERYWHERE in the bedroom, all over the floor, sheets & laundry, etc.

We are still trying to figure out just how bad the damage is & how much we need to throw away vs. what can maybe be salvaged.

Again, we NEVER removed the cover. And there is no evidence of the cover having been damaged anywhere.

It just was 3-4 years of regular use and then suddenly, one day while changing the sheets, there was glass everywhere. It’s probably been leaking into our laundry, and likely our bodies, for who knows how long.

Lots of people saying these mattresses are safe as long as you don’t remove the cover - it’s NOT true. Maybe it’s fine for a year or two, but at some point the fibers break down and start to come out THROUGH the cover.

These mattresses are outrageously dangerous & they should not be allowed to keep selling them. Yet they are one of the top selling brands on Amazon…


Jesus Fuck that’s terrifying.

y'all i just finished watching the latest episodes of ML and i feel absolutely crushed

danny-the-intern:[[ I’m hyped for the new SHMA figure ]]@ruubesz-draws@kaiju-krew@little-godzilla Wh


[[ I’m hyped for the new SHMA figure ]]





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why is it not more wellknown that women can have an actual literal disorder that not rarely makes them literally suicidal for up to 10 days every month before their period lmao like… teach this in class? it’s not a joke?

Wait what??

hereherehere (there’s more sites saying the same thing)

it’s called PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) and it’s basically PMS but make it Super Hardcore, it’s a hormonal disorder and to my knowledge they’re not exactly sure what causes it - there’s theories tho - but there seems to be little research on it anyway. As I said it’s similar to PMS in terms of symptoms [mood swings, lethargy, cramps, changed sleeping pattern, libido, appetite] but the symptoms get so severe that they are interfering with your daily life and impacting it negatively. Especially in terms of psychological symptoms, while it doesn’t go that far for everyone who has it and also not every month, a lot of the people who experience it are sent into a severe depressive episode beause of it and it’s really not rare at all for them to experience legitimate suicidal thoughts that go away the second they get their period (or up to two days in from what I’ve read).

I’ve read different claims on how many people it affects, some sources say 5%, others 8%, others say 2% so I don’t know about that, but menstruating people need to know this lmao. Not knowing that your suicidality is caused by a literal physical disorder that you have can be so dangerous, especially when you already struggle with such issues anyway or are trying to recover from mental illness and don’t realize that your “relapses” are symptoms of an actual disorder.

also I originally said women but of course this applies to menstruating trans men and nb folks too.

I’ll reblog this every time I see it because YUP

the amount of times me or friends are having a Seriously Bad Time and then a few days later be like “oh, i just got my period, everything makes sense now” and like, let out this huge sigh of releif because it means you’re not relapsing and it will go away soon…

This is about to be a long ass rant so ‍♀️ this is your warning but I felt this needed to be said.

This is the first time I have heard of PMDD. As a nearly 22 year old female who had to take a health class 7 - yes you read that correctly - 7 times (NYC likes to have health / sex ed in both science and PE classes at least where I went to middle/high school so 2x a year for 7th, 8th and 9th grade (with the PE classes being all female / FOCUSED ON THE FEMALE SIDE OF SEX ED TAUGHT BY FEMALE GYM TEACHERS / SPECIALIZED FEMALE INSTRUCTORS BROUGHT IN WHERE THEIR LITERAL JOB IS TO TEACH SEX ED TO TEENAGE GIRLS!!!) plus once in 10th after moving) I am appalled (but not surprised) by the public education system in the U.S especially considering that the two states - especially NY - where I had to take sex ed were considered “progressive” with their education. I don’t even want to think about what abstienance only states are not teaching ‍♀️.

There are so many things that I should not have had to learn about my body on my own - and that I am still apparently learning. The U.S education system has failed every single female (or trans male) student that has not been taught about THIS and other COMMON disorders or syndromes that biology tries to fuck us over with. I didn’t know what PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) was until I was 16, almost 17, and my endo diagnosed me. I thought that being in pain while BREATHING while on your period was normal. I thought that bleeding heavily (start to finish) for 10 (sometimes 10+) days was normal. Or having periods where I would sometimes go through 2 or 3 OVERNIGHT pads in as many hours was normal. I knew that not getting my period every month (sometimes not for 3 or 4) was not normal but I was relieved given how horrific my periods always were. It wasn’t until I found out that not shedding your unterine lining monthly increased your risk of cancer (also not taught to me in sex ed but by my endo) that I realized not getting my period was not something to be relieved by.

The fact that this is another fairly common thing that women have that is also not taught as part of sex ed baffles me. What I was taught in sex ed? Some women have longer cycles than others and some experience more pain during their cycles than others do. So I thought that my terrible periods were normal - that it was just something to deal with because it was the way it was. It wasn’t until I was put on birth control to regulate my periods that I started having “normal ones” (still heavy and painful cramping but no where near as hellish as they were before). The fact that I went YEARS of experiencing periods that were so awful that I would go throughout my day trying to move my body as little as possible or not breathe too deeply so I wouldn’t be moving my core muscles at times because I didn’t know that that was something I should be telling my doctors or my mom is not ok. A 12 year old girl should not be telling herself to ‘suck it up’ and finish getting ready because it’s ‘just my period’ and that it’s not an excuse my parents will let me stay home from school from.

And now, at 21, you’re going to tell me that PMDD exsists? That there is a reason my depression seems to exacerbated before my period? Uh, uh. Not cool sex ed, super Not. Cool. I’m sure there’s also a reason I feel downright homicidal during my period as well but I do know why? No, I do not. But I am a reasonable enough person to realize that becoming an irrantional level of irritated by hearing someone else breathing (quietly) is probably not great. Or being annoyed by feeling another human’s presence in the same house - not even the same room - where they are in no way, shape or form trying to interact with me and minding their own goddamn business is, again, not great. Can we please for the love of all that is holy start teaching girls, and boys, about common health issues that can arise (environmentally AND biologically) within their reproductive systems beyond STD/STIs or the consequences of failed contraception??? Jesus Christ ‍♀️. Thanks for coming to my pissed off Ted Talk.



As an eye doctor, this shouldn’t be controversial. It’s a problem. 5 years ago, nighttime headlight issues were reserved for people with cataracts or LASIK scars. Today, everyone has problems seeing the road through the oncoming headlights. People are getting anti-glare and blueblocking coatings not bc they are sitting on a computer 8+ hours a day but bc the blue tinted halogens are making them feel unsafe to drive. We are selling insane amounts of yellow tinted nighttime driving glasses even though they’re really only for people with cataracts bc ppl are desperate for anything that may help them deal with the headlights. I’ve had multiple patients tell me they just don’t drive at night anymore.

This is an actual safety issue and it needs to be addressed



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