#giving up


people should stop thinking self harm always means suicide.
I mean of course I think about giving this shit up, but I don’t think I can actually do it.
I like living in a weird twisted way, it’s more that I don’t mind being alive, I just am, and I’m dealing with all of it.
You know it’s not like I’m ready to throw it all away. I just need a way to show it’s not okay, I’m not alright, not anymore.
But that doesn’t mean i'm completely done with all of this.
And I will fight back, just not today.

Need to chat?7 Cups of Tea supports and promotes mental health and wellbeing!Lots of free resources

Need to chat?
7 Cups of Tea supports and promotes mental health and wellbeing!
Lots of free resources with great information and supportive focused communities
One of my favourite components is that there’s a personal growth tracker that can help you work towards improved mental, emotional, social and physical health

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How do I give my 110%
when 65% of me
is still broken

another year as gone and i feel empty as always, but here’s an artwork. this is “hazy”, a piece deep

another year as gone and i feel empty as always, but here’s an artwork. this is “hazy”, a piece deeply inspired by the red vox song “hazy”, which has really relatable lyrics, and a great meaning to me. 

So I got a little older
I got everything I thought I’d need
I got a little wiser
But I’m not everything I thought I’d be
Think you’d be better off in bed
Reliving the past inside your head

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aufwachen. kopfschmerzen. aufs handy schauen. keine nachricht. social media. nichts interessantes. handy weglegen. liegenbleiben. wofür aufstehen. nichts zu tun. sinnlos. suizid in meinem kopf. auf nichts lust. keine kraft. dieses eklige gefühl in mir. ich kann nicht mehr. wie soll ich den tag überleben. ich will ihn nicht mal überleben. ich will nichts mehr. außer sterben.

A thing of nightmares has occurred in my family.

Ben Sutton, the most beautiful person I’ll ever have the pleasure of knowing, and the soulmate of my wonderful little sister Claudia, has taken his own life.

I’m desperate to help her in any way that I can. Please help me to help her.

If you candonate, any little bit will help. If you cannot, please share. 

And please also send her your thoughts and love, here’s her page.

Nobody should ever have to experience this. If you know someone who’s acting out of the ordinary, please talk to them. They might not have the strength to tell you they need help. If you’re suspicious of someone’s odd behaviour but you’re unsure, research symptoms of anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Please seek professional help, identify the signs before it’s too late.

Our Ben disguised these symptoms through a breakup with my sister, he pushed her away so she couldn’t stop him. He loved her so much, but he didn’t believe in her love for him. Everything about his strange behaviour made sense after it was too late. Never assume. If you’re worried, you contact that person and don’t let anything stop you.

Please make sure your loved ones know that they’re loved, that they’re wanted and needed.

And please, to anyone out there who’s experiencing anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, this is not the only solution. Things may seem hopeless right now, you may feel unworthy of love, of happiness, but this is not true. You are loved, you can be loved. Don’t believe the voices of your demons, please don’t give up. Life has so much ugliness but there is so much beauty in it as well, you deserve to experience that beauty. Nothing matters more than your health, please put yourself first.

I love you all, please take care of yourselves. 


