

Bruce:TimDo you have any viable product ideas to contribute?

Tim: Multiple.

Tim:Which one should i present first: ‘Conditioner Gordan’, 'Alfred-no-fret Surface Cleaner’ or 'Bruce Bruise medication’

Board of Directors: :O

Bruce: Ah yes, more therapy sessions it is.

Jason: This is Dick, short for Richard.

Jason: This is Steph, short for Stephanie.

Jason: This is Cass, short for Cassandra.

Jason: Tim got lost on the way so I’ll introduce him later.

Jason: and this is Damian. He’s just short.

Jason: *sends a voice message*

Bruce, texting back: I’m a little busy, is it urgent?

Jason: Oh don’t worry about it!


Bruce: *presses play*

Jason’s recorded message: BRUCE, THERE’S A F*CKING FIRE IN THE MANOR AND–

Reading Wayne Family Adventures Ep. 31 and noticed the picture frame in the back! Such a cool Easter egg
