

We love nights out with the band after Coachella

Also thanks to @alessandra-ramona-adler for being our designated driver <3

Ladies, gents, and nb peeps, I present,

the Auroras

Lead singer: me <3

Guitarist and secondary vocals: Celesta <33

Bassist and backup vocals: Geo <33

Drummer and backup vocals: Oscar <33

And last be DEFINITELY not least, our manager: Alessandra-Ramona aka Ro <33

@celesta-skies@gideon-wayne@oscar-constantine@alessandra-ramona-adler look at us yall

Waiting desperately to be saved from a kidnapping, you end up being brainwashed to be used against your own brothers.


Requestedby@flashdash626​: “Hi! I’m not sure if your taking requests, so if your not then you can choose to ignore this. Anyways! I was hoping you could do a Batsis were the sister is kidnapped by a random villain, and once the boys find her its to late and she was brainwashed and was now under control of the random villain. Once they like knock her out they bring her to the cave and try to bring her memories back. After a little bit of them talking to her her mind snaps and shes back to normal and she gets all emotional” 

A/N: I know how this looks, I was really inspired since I was stuck on another fic and ended up writing three parts to this I’m sorry T-T

Warning: angst, violence, swearing

Eyes fluttered closed as the sound of rails lulled her to sleep. University had been so tiring this week, having to finish a whole project by the end of the week, in which the guidelines had been given on Monday. A lot of preparation and running around in order to polish a well researched and thorough end result. 

The lack of sleep, tiring long hours and accumulated stress had finally left her body as soon as she handed in the work two hours before the deadline was scheduled. To say that fatigue had taken it’s toll on her was an understatement. 

For a Friday late afternoon, the train was quite empty heading towards Gotham, but then again, no one wants to go there willingly. Her eyes fluttered closed, mind numbing, it was still two stops into the city, each of which are more or less an hour long, she had time, even if it’s only a thirty minute- one hour nap at most. Too much sleep and it was disrupt – or complicate her-return-to-normal-sleep schedule. 

 ~ I should be due at the mansion in just over two hours ~ 

A quick message wouldn’t hurt if there still need to be preparations. 

~ Are you sure you don’t want me to pick you up? ~ DG

That was quick. Smiling, (Y/N) texted her older brother back. 

~ It’s okay, you’re still busy, and I’ll be back before you’ve finished your work! ~

~ But we missed you! ~ DG

~ It’s been two weeks! Besides it’s the vacation, I’ll be home for a month or so. ~

~ Fine :( ~ DG

With a chuckle, she slipped her phone back in her inside pocket. A grown ass baby. 

Finally, she settled back into her seat, paying no mind to the occasional vibration of the carriage window to her head, inescapably submitting to sleep. 

When she finally woke up, it was at the end of the line, the carriages were empty, doors wide open, only the occasional person walking or sitting along the platform. 

Shit, the woman mentally cursed, grasping her things, and which, luckly, everything was still with her. Rushing out of the train, she scanned the screens: last train, departing in 2 hours and 30 minutes, Platform 8. The words glided along the end of the screen, in bright red dots. A disappointed sigh escaped her. At least it wasn’t late – and dark. Well, the sun was setting. 

The last stop was at the outskirts of Gotham, so she was thankful that she didn’t have to cause too much trouble getting back. Despite her nap, she was still tired – just less so, and she would really enjoy getting into a comfy bed in the company of her brothers, father and butler. 

A slightly irresponsible idea occurred to her. She could get home reaaaaally quickly if she wore her vigilante suit. The woman would be able to call her self-driving motorcycle and hurry to the Mansion in a record time. It was in her bag, and it’s not like it would hurt anyone. 

As long as she was careful when changing, this wasn’t going to threaten the reveal of her identity. 

With a smile, and making sure she held tightly onto the small bag she carried back with her, she briskly walked out of the train station, to an empty, dirty public bathroom.

Gross but will have to do. 

After having scanned the toilet for any lewd hidden cameras, she hastily slipped into her costume, placing her civilian clothes back in her bag and creeping out onto the nearest rooftop. Activating her tracking device and then the automated call, she sat down on the ledge, sighing in relief as she got the notification that her motorcycle just headed out. 

Now it was only a question of patience. Since nothing was happening, she lay down fully on the ledge, bag on the rooftop and arms under her head for more comfort. 

Her eyes closed, this time, not falling asleep, but listening to the nearly inheart environment surrounding her. 

That was until her phone vibrated. Sitting up, she reached for it, opening the message.

~ Where are you? I’m about to head home, but word is you’re not there yet. ~ DG

~ Yes, I missed the stop, called the Batcave, my ride should be here soon, sorry! ~

They must have been worried. 

Before she could answer, she heard quick footsteps trailing behind her. Her head snapped back but before she could distinguish anyone, the silhouette landed a hard blow to her head, which probably was a metal pole.

“Fuck.” she cursed in pain, her unlocked phone dropping off the ledge, sliding down the roof and landing in the gutter, “who are you!?” (Y/N) yelled standing up clumsily as the side of her head ached. 

“Lights out.” the unknown person grunted, lifting the pole high after dodging an attempted punch, slamming it to the back of her head. Her whole body smashed to the ground with violent force – but it’s not something she felt, as she fell into unconsciousness.


“Where is she?” Bruce grumbled as Dick entered the Manor, an hour and a half later than planned, and after some exhausting, useless paperwork. 

“What’s happening?” he frowned, seeing Robin hurry down the stairs of the Batcave.

“(Y/N) was supposed to be due, the tracker on her motorcycle hasn’t moved and she isn’t answering her phone.” Jason geared up.

“I’m coming with you,” Dick scurried to the room with his suit, slipping into it.

“We’ll be on comms if anything comes up.” Tim nodded. 

It felt like a very long ride towards the location that was given to them, even though they got there very quickly. 

As Nightwing’s motorcycle stopped close to their destination, he hopped off, watching the tracker from the screen on his arm, zooming in to be able to pinpoint exactly where her last place was. 

Jason jumped onto the nearest rooftop, scouting the area in case it was a trap of sorts. He frowned, seeing that the coast was clear and signalling his brother his ‘go’ card. 

It must have been a good half an hour before they even found a clue – excluding her untouched motorcycle. 

And it happen to make Red Hood jump out of his skin. Good thing Nightwing was still scouting the ground otherwise he would have been seriously embarrassed. 

The gutter buzzed, it was utterly unnerving. Cautiously,  he approached the roaring object, staring down at it as he spotted a phone. It was unlocked and vibrating widely. 

Crouching down, he grasped and inspected it.

(Y/N)’s definitely. And he didn’t like where this was going. It was Damian this time, calling her – in addition to like 78 missed calls and numerous texts. 

“Found her phone, she’s definitely gotten kidnapped.” The man announced nonchalantly, but his heart was beating fast. Their sister? Kidnapped at an unusually early time of the night? Hours after she got back into Gotham? Someone must have been keeping an eye out and planning. 

And given the fact that nothing has come up, it might not be a usual Gotham criminal.

“We might have a problem.” Dick spoke through his comms.

Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  

Want to be tagged? Let me know in whichever way you are the most comfortable with!

Tagging: @lumifuer​ @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy​ @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx​ @lostnliterature @batette​ @schweeeppess​ @gearsinice​ @mizmahlia​ @tina8009 @disa​ @caswinchester2000​ @brooklynalpha@jason-todd-squad

inkydandy: What an unexpected trilogy. Also, I was going to put Bruce in something resembling Tim’s inkydandy: What an unexpected trilogy. Also, I was going to put Bruce in something resembling Tim’s


What an unexpected trilogy. Also, I was going to put Bruce in something resembling Tim’s Robin suit, but Bruce in green undies. You just don’t pass that opportunity up.

First part|Second part

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fun little new project to make my own batfamily designs

Hello there! I’ve been off social media for almost a year due to mental health reasons but now I’m iHello there! I’ve been off social media for almost a year due to mental health reasons but now I’m iHello there! I’ve been off social media for almost a year due to mental health reasons but now I’m iHello there! I’ve been off social media for almost a year due to mental health reasons but now I’m i

Hello there! I’ve been off social media for almost a year due to mental health reasons but now I’m in a real pickle, folks. As of now I cannot afford water or toilet paper not even speaking about rent and food. 

If you can’t afford a commission but would like to help me out, first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU ANGEL here’s my Paypal I will make you a little sketch <3

If you have any questions or want to make an order please DM me!

If you can’t help me monetarily, please please please reblog and boost this post so I can get out of this situation!

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nightwing has a man bun and you can’t tell me otherwiseby louise dolannightwing has a man bun and you can’t tell me otherwiseby louise dolan

nightwing has a man bun and you can’t tell me otherwise

by louise dolan

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im super ill here’s a quick jason todd sketch.louise dolan

im super ill here’s a quick jason todd sketch.

louise dolan

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I drew Damian for a video and now I can post it! I’m so happy how it turned out!! Damian has always

I drew Damian for a video and now I can post it! I’m so happy how it turned out!! Damian has always and will be my smol angry son

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Updated my red bubble after years lol but maybe you can go check out some of the stuff and maybe buyUpdated my red bubble after years lol but maybe you can go check out some of the stuff and maybe buyUpdated my red bubble after years lol but maybe you can go check out some of the stuff and maybe buyUpdated my red bubble after years lol but maybe you can go check out some of the stuff and maybe buyUpdated my red bubble after years lol but maybe you can go check out some of the stuff and maybe buyUpdated my red bubble after years lol but maybe you can go check out some of the stuff and maybe buyUpdated my red bubble after years lol but maybe you can go check out some of the stuff and maybe buy

Updated my red bubble after years lol but maybe you can go check out some of the stuff and maybe buy something
I’ll have a link on my page you can click on


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Forever Yours, Little Wing

“Red Hood shot Deathstroke.”

Dick looked up from his coffee to stare at Tim incredulously. “Pardon?”

Tim, who was perusing the security camera footage from his numerous spy cameras of the city, smiled back. “Red Hood shot Deathstroke,” he repeated.

“Jason shot Slade? Why? And when?”

Tim hummed and pulled up the footage. “Yesterday, apparently, at 1:30am. In the Fashion District.”

“I patrolled there last night though,” Dick said. “I passed through at 1am!”

“And this happened half an hour later,” Tim shrugged.

“Why would Jay shoot Slade, though?” Dick mused.

“Who knows why Crazy McGee does anything,” Tim muttered bitterly. At Dick’s amused glance, Tim bristled. “Hey! He’s your baby brother, not mine. Besides, he tried to kill me. Me! Sweet, innocent, Timmy-” Tim paused to remove his sock and throw it at Damian, who had been making vomit noises in the background.

Dick smiled sadly and scratched Tim’s ear like a kitten, immediately quieting the boy. “I know, Timmy. I won’t ask you to make peace with him. I know that he hurt you.” Dick paused, sighing. “But I can’t forget that I loved Jay too, the same as I love you and Dami now.”

In the corner, Damian lit up like an evil little lantern.

“I just… if I could talk to Jay-”

“Then go talk to him,” Tim suggested. “Bucket Head probably won’t attack you, you guys only play fight anyway, neither of you ever go full out.”

Dick smiled. It was true - Jason never really touched him, and even went so far as to avoid touching his butt during tackles. Bro Butt was a definite Ick Inducer.

“Okay. I’ll talk to him.”



Jason Todd, the fearsome Red Hood, stopped in his tracks. Was he imagining things? He could have swore that sounded like-

“Little Wing!”

Jason sighed. “What, Dickhead,” he grumbled into thin air.

Dick popped out of the unimaginably small crevice in the wall that he had stuffed himself into. Inside his helmet, Jason flinched. He did not want to imagine how Bendy Butt had shoved himself into the small gap. “Ugh. Go away, you flexi-freak.”

“Red Robin showed me footage of you shooting Deathstroke,” Dick said. “Why did you do it?”

“Oh no, rewind to the part where the twink got footage of me,” Jason interrupted.

“Oh, you know Red Robin, he’s got all of his little spy cameras and nanobot armies-”


“- but that’s not important-”

“Yes it is!” Jason panicked. Did Tim unleash a nanobot army on him? Was that why he itched in his most tender areas?

(Yes. Yes it was. Tim was very proud of avenging himself).

“- what’s important is why you chose to go and shoot Deathstroke! Jay, he’s a dangerous man, why on earth would you make an enemy of him-”

“Why on earth haven’t you make an enemy of him, when he follows your jello butt across the city-”


“- jiggling like pudding, honestly. The only thing I’ll agree with Batman about is having you wear a cape-”

Dick’s eyes softened with realization. “Oh, Jay,” he murmured affectionately.

“-so the rest of us don’t have to waste our time looking out for- eck,” Jason cut himself off as Dick gently hugged him.

“You were looking out for me, Little Wing,” Dick smiled into his shoulder. “You docare!”

“No I don’t.”

“I love you too!”

That escalated fast. “Oh my God, let me go, what if someone sees,” Jason whinged. Dick did let go then, but continued to beam at him. Jason shook off the Dick Cooties and glared. “If you want to smother someone, start closer to home. The Baby Brat offered me a bounty to kill Slade-”

“Dami did what?”

“I didn’t take it, obviously, but dude, that kid is way too attached to you-”

“I’ll just have to reassure him of my love!”

“And you wonder why I make mother-brother jokes about you,” Jason sighed defeatedly, as Dick continued to be oblivious. “Listen, it’s not a big deal.”

Dick did not heed this, and his eyes continued to shine with unspoken love and hope.

“He was being a lech, it’s the decent thing to do.”

The Eye Love Lasers were now maximum capacity.

“Dick!” Jason huffed angrily. He needed to get the message across, dammit!

“I love you too, Little Wing!”

Ugh. There really was no escaping it. Jason gave in gracelessly, allowing Dick to have his hug quota.

Maybe it really wasn’t so bad.

Robin Musings, as per Krypto

Ph.D. (tummy rubs), M.A. (The Art of The Good Boi)

Robin I

  • A puppy!
  • Oh boy Clark finally made me a grandpup!
  • How well my grandpup fights!
  • And how well he flies!
  • Oh no
  • The chickens are trying to adopt him
  • Quick, bark at the chickens

Robin II

  • New pup!
  • Angry pup?
  • Let me lick your woes away
  • Oh I know all about sibling rivalry
  • See how the horses prance around and look all majestic
  • Disgusting
  • But I know that Clark loves both of us equally
  • Ah I have imparted wisdom

Robin III

  • The pup is skinny!!
  • Feed the pup-!
  • Oh
  • I can’t lactate :/
  • Quick, let’s go to Bessie
  • Woman has like, six calves, she can spare some milk

Robin IV

  • Girl pup!
  • Brush me as you would brush your glorious hair
  • Now for the finale
  • We shall shed on Bruce’s favorite chair :)

Robin III again

  • Skinny pup is dating Kon-pup!
  • Glorious, I will have great-grandpups now
  • That is, if Bruce doesn’t keep yelling
  • Ruins the mood :/
  • How will my dynasty continue at this rate

Robin V

  • Angry pup!
  • Quick! Snuffle the anger away!
  • Oops I squished him
  • It’s ok :)
  • What’s this
  • The pup is kidnapping me!
  • Someone save me- oh wait
  • You’re rich
  • Tell Clark I said bye :)

Robin Musings, as per Darksied

Ph.D. (Moste Evile Arts), M.A. (Dry skin)

Robin I/ Nightwing

  • What a sweet childe
  • A pity that all existence not under my control is futile
  • What are you doing
  • Stop looking at me with those big, cow eyes
  • Argh my raisin sized heart
  • It is expanding to accommodate emotion

Robin II/ Red Hood

  • No I will not fuck off into a commode and die
  • I can’t believe that you’re Robin
  • Where’s the other one
  • Oh he’s become hot
  • Oh noe
  • The childe is attacking me
  • His curse words are actually hurtful :(

Robin III/ Red Robin

  • What is this
  • I think a gnome fell into the wrong universe
  • Oh it is a childe
  • What do you mean I should moisturize more
  • I don’t want WayneMart industrial strength moisturizer
  • I am not going to increase your profit margin

Robin IV/ Spoiler

  • Okay I will admit that I am salty about being bald
  • You don’t need to flaunt your admittedly glorious hair at me
  • No I have never used WayneMart Hair Rejuvenation Formula
  • Why are they everywhere
  • Is this a conspiracy

Robin III again/Red Robin

  • NO I don’t want a gift certificate to Wayne Spa and Beauty Centre
  • My looks are the result of Dark Majicks
  • I highly doubt Wayne Cosmetics will help :/

Robin V/ Damian

  • I feel a sudden influx of Evile
  • The Evile is highly concentrated in this small childe
  • Perhaps I could claim the childe
  • And his jiggly mother-brother
  • Oh noe I have awakened a great blood lust in the childe
  • I am doomed :(

Bringing the Boyfriend Home - Tim Drake Woes

Tim dithered on the front step of the manor, biting his lip in agitation. Should he go through with this?

“Timmy?” Bernard asked gently. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s just… my family,” Tim admitted. “They’re a lot.”

Bernard smiled, the sunlight bouncing off of his perfect teeth bringing warmth to Tim’s cold, shriveled, soul. “Timmy, you’re worrying again. Didn’t you say that they loved you?”

Tim sighed. “Yeah…”

“And that your dad wanted to ‘vet me’?”


“And that your big brother was jiggling thiccly around the kitchen to make a gay-friendly brunch?”

Tim finally cracked a smile. “Dick made crepes. Stephanie was appalled.”

Bernard smiled and stroked his thumb over Tim’s knuckles. “See? It’ll be fine.”

“What about Damian?”

“Sorted,” Bernard said smugly, moving his jacket aside to reveal a tiny sparroe in a tiny box. “I found a bird with a broken leg. I’ll tell him that you said that he was the best with animals, and that I thought he could nurse it back to health.”

Tim’s eyes glittered with unshed tears. He had the best boyfriend in the world.


“Hey Dick, this is Bernard.”

Dick glowed with happiness for his little stringbean brother finally having a normal, settled, relationship.

“Hi Mr. Dick,” Bernard waved, and Dick had to suppress a squeal of delight.

“Hi Bernard, it’s so nice to meet you,” Dick enthused. “Here, have some cookies, I made them fresh!”

Bernard picked up a heart shaped cookie with a smile. “Thanks for being so supportive, Mr. Dick.”

Just then, the lights flickered, and Bernard caught sight of a harrowing face in the hallway, before it promptly disappeared.

“Who was that!?”

Dick looked around. “Who? There’s nobody there.,” he said, before smiling brightly. “Here, have another cookie. You and Tim are both so tiny.”

Bernard choked down the cookie, the dour man’s face never leaving his mind. After they were done, Tom dragged Bernard to see his sister.

“This is Cass, she’s my big sister,” Tim said, sounding audibly affectionate. Bernard smiled wholeheartedly - Tim really deserved to be able to have that kind of love. “And that’s Damian in the animal pile over there.” Uh oh.

Bernard shook hands with Cass who smiled at him. “Tim says… you make him happy. I like that.”

Bernard felt a flood of affection for the soft spoken woman. “I always try. Timmy deserves the best.”

Cass smiled, her eyes crinkling in the corners. “Tim always tries hard for everyone else. We… look after Tim.”

By this time, Damian had also waddled over. “What ho. You are Bernard Dowd.”

“Er. What ho?” Bernard reached into his jacket. “Nice to meet you, Damian. Tim said that you were good with animals, so I thought of bringing you this bird - he hurt his leg-”

Damian was already scurrying away with the bird, speaking lovingly to the confused sparrow I Arabic. “Well done, Dowd,” he asked over his shoulder. “Drake has done well to choose you to continue the dynasty with!”

Bernard looked nonplussed, and then smiled amusedly at Tim. “You want to continue your dynasty with me? Tim, that’s so cute!”

Tim blushed a pretty cherry blossom pink. “I- I- er-”

Bernard was just about to rib Tim more, when another flicker of movement caught his eye. The face! Bernard felt a chill as the figures eyes made contact with his, revealing the color to be a shadowed blue-green. And then, it was gone again.

There was no mistaking it. Every Gothamite knew the Tragedy of Jason Todd-Wayne, Bruce Wayne’s second son. The face belonged to an older man, but who said that a malevolent spirit couldn’t trick the mind?

“T- Timmy, the f- face-”

Tim looked around. “What face, Bern?” he asked in concern, seeing his boyfriend pale before his very eyes.

“A- a guy, he looks so sad and mean-”

“Baby, there’s no one there,” Tom soothed Bernard worriedly, his mind racing. Unless, of course… “Oh.”



Bernard shrieked thinly. “Jason Todd? I was right? His ghost is haunting your house?”

Tim, sensing the potential for mischief, nodded with faux seriousness. “His restless spirit comes back to see us sometimes. He mainly haunts Dick though, calls him names and eats his cookies.”

“But Jason is good boy,” Cass said hurriedly.

“Are we talking about Todd?” Damian asked, returning with the now bandaged bird who was sitting in his hair. “Has he returned?”

“Apparently,” Tim said. “I wonder what brought him back.”

“Grayson made Pennyworth’s cookies,” Damian replied. “That is enough for Todd to come sniffing around.”

“Dick is wearing leggings today,” Cass mused. “Jason likes… to throw… coins at his butt.”

“Makes Dick squeal like a piggy,” Tim nodded sagely. “We should put Jason at rest,” he said meaningfully.

Damian, Princeling of Chaos, cottoned on immediately. “I shall bring the sage.”

Cass said nothing, but bounced happily.

The fabulous four tripped into the kitchen, where, true to form, Jason was flicking pennies at a harassed Dick’s behind.

“Begone, ghoul!” Damian cried, and lit the sage leaves on fire, making both Dick and Jason startle. When everybody was distracted, Cass flicked a smoke bomb on, filling the room with thick smoke. Hopefully, Jason would take the hint to disappear.

Only when the smoke cleared, Jason was still there, looking very buff and angry and intimidating.

“W-w-what?” Bernard quivered, coming over faint in Tim’s arms, as though his noodle arms could support a swooning boyfriend.

“Oh. Ha ha,” Tim laughed nervously. “So you already know about Jason, so this will be a short introduction-”

It would have to wait, as Bernard flopped over, completely comatose.


Bernard came back to consciousness to the sight of Bruce Wayne. “Bernard, you’re awake, excellent. I must apologize for my children, they are fools.”

“B-b-but Jason!”

“Jason is not dead, son,” Bruce sighed. “It was a cover story to put some very dangerous people off his scent. Everything is fine now, but Jason rather enjoys the feeling of anonymity this gives him. Though honestly, Jay, just go down to the precinct and get re-registered as living, it’s been years-”

“Can’t stop won’t stop. Hey Bern,” Jason smiled. “You alright?”


“Oh good. Someone go get Tim, the kid’s in hysterics about you.”

Bernard’s tender heart broke. Tim was distraught over him? Dick opened the door and a tear streaked Tim ran inside. “Bernard! I’m so sorry! I didn’t think that Jason would be home, and I wanted to get him out! Please, won’t you forgive me!”

“You were only trying to help your brother, Tim,” Bernard said, his heart clenching painfully at the sight of Tim’s mascara running down his face. He reached over and hugged Tim close.


“Oop, sorry Mr. Wayne, sir,” Bernard said, jumping away.

Bruce smiled. “It’s alright, Bernard. Just know, I’m always watching. And anything that you do to Tim, I’ll have Jason do to you.”

Jason smiled evilly as Tim and Bernard shrunk away, but failed to escape the powerful, hairy hug they were pulled into.

“Well Bernard,” Jason said, as both boys struggled, “welcome to the family.”
