#beginner witchcraft



You don’t always have to rely upon the powers of herbs and crystals and metals.

You don’t always have to rely on the moon phases or the tides or planetary alignments.

You don’t always have to harness the natural powers of the world around you.

You have your own power within you; strong and great and subtle. Use it.


Live class date and time: 1/5/2017 at 7:00pm CST

A.)Legalities:I will mention some things that I do very briefly in my personal graveyard. It is an older one that borders my 3 acre property directly and is not regularly maintained. This allows to me to fudge some rules. HOWEVER- working as a paralegal for over a decade, let me lay some groundwork legality clauses for the general witch:
         1.) Do not enter after dark. It is illegal in most states.
         2.) Do not take dirt directly from atop a grave.
         3.) Do not bring bottles of liquor into the cemetery, or glass jars to put you dirt in.
         4.) Do not light more than a tea candle and always hold the tea candle yourself (do not set on ground)
         5.) It’s best to not disclosure your craft to anyone asking what you’re doing. Just say you’re visiting (and wanted to honor your relative’s memory if a candle is lit)

           6.) ALWAYS do as an employee/pastor/policeman asks. Even if it may be technically legal and they’re just uncomfortable, it’s better to de-escalate the situation and leave. You can either come back at a different time or find a different graveyard.
           7.) Bring flowers to appear more normal! They also make great offerings!
           8.) Do not remove ANYTHING from a grave site. Ever.
           9.) Do not leave offerings of stones. It is offensive (i.e. personal) in some religions.

B.)Offerings:these should always be something subtle. I never bring in an actual bottle/glass of the liquor offerings. I usually soak a small bit of cotton or leaf/herb mixture in it and use that. For honey, I’m a huge fan of those individual packets you can get at restaurants (even though they aren’t perfectly local and organic, they are more transportable and less legality issues- just please dispose of the plastic trash after use properly)
           Offering examples: tobacco, juice, silver coins, honey, liquor, fruit, flowers, herbs, incense (I like to use pomegranate based juice/liquor/fruit due to it’s ties to the Underworld)

C.)Basic communing with the dead ritual/introducing yourself to a new graveyard
           -example ritual: [http://stygiantarot.tumblr.com/post/154861064189/communing-with-the-dead]

                                   -I do NOT recommend bringing a shovel or spade. Period. I don’t even do this with my own graveyard, it is a dangerous offense to be caught with.
                                   -It would be best to wear shoes that are easy to take off, and do the ritual without digging (if you don’t like the idea of bare feet in a graveyard, wear thin socks you don’t mind getting dirty). The spirits will understand you don’t want to be put in jail.
                                   -I do NOT recommend inhaling the herbs listed as wormwood and mugwort both contain Thujone, which can cause a LOT of issues if too much is ingested/smoked. An sachet of these is fine. You can gently smell the sachet bundle when focusing on the spirit connection. Please be aware of your own medical conditions as well (i.e. allergies/pregnancies/disorders)

                                   -Oils I recommend that are safe to place on your eyelids and would have positive connotations with the dead: olive, pomegranate, coconut, almond, hemp seed (these are all technically “carrier oils” and if you want to add a dash of an essential oil that increases psychic/perception, you can- just spot check it before you put it on the eyelid. Also, just a dab on each eyelid is fine. No need to stick your eyelashes together.

D.)Graveyard dirt. What the hell is it? Simply put, it’s dirt collected from a graveyard. It is NOT a euphemism for other herbs. Also, when it comes to “Goofer dust”, that is a NOT interchangeable with graveyard dirt, though graveyard dirt is a component of the mixture. Please keep in mind Goofer dust is a traditional Hoodoo mixture, and not something I recommend trying to use or replicate without stepping into appropriation territory (THANKS “SUPERNATURAL”). However, graveyard dirt is not.

-Magical uses: Protection, barriers/wards (around property especially!), cursing/hexes, banishing, certain types of healing, divination, spirit-work



                       1.) General graveyard dirt: from anywhere inside the graveyard grounds. This is what I recommend for beginners or people who don’t have a lot of spirit work experience. Still leave an offering, explain your purpose, and be respectful even if you’re just snagging a couple spoonfuls from under a tree.

                       2.) Grave dirt: dirt from a specific grave. Do not do this with recent graves unless it is someone you knew/a relative. It’s best to do this with older/semi-abandoned graves (pre 1900s are great). Ask permission first (this is where spirit work experience comes in, it’s best to get some sort of positive response in the method you are familiar with before removing), leave an offering, and again be respectful.

                       3.) Grave dust: The “leavings”/debris from atop the gravestone itself. This is actually the easiest to collect without looking suspicious. Just gently sweep it off into your hand and discreetly put it in the bag/vessel you brought. It’s a common ingredient in Underworld/Death/Necro workings. Also can be thought of as an extra potent version of graveyard dirt in regards to magical correspondences. Still leave an offering, ask permission, and explain yourself beforehand.

E.)Homework: Go to a graveyard/cemetery and walk around quietly. Let yourself soak in the energy and see if you’re drawn to any gravestones. Take pictures of the one(s) that you’re drawn to! Share them on the server (or on your blog and tag us!)
           Extra credit: Research the person listed on the grave and see if you can figure out a reason you might have been drawn to them!


One day I was walking around the city with a friend, and they randomly asked me about a weed growing through the pavement. They wanted to know what “occult use” the plant had.

I crouched down and asked it. It gave me a very casual speech about it’s habits and adaptability in an urban setting “I eat the dust that gathers in asphalt and from it I bloom. I spread my children on the tires of cars, and they do the same as me. I subsist on skin cells, spilled drinks, and the precious rain of the gutters.

So I roughly translate: Plant says it survives and thrives. Could show you how to skirt by on nothing, subsist on little, live in urban environments and still keep your connection to the dirt. Maybe even how to better-tolerate living in an apartment complex with noisy assholes. It grows along sidewalks almost ALWAYS. So there’s something about traffic and movement that applies as well - maybe a good plant for getting your ass out of that roach-hovel on 12th and into better digs on 24th.

My friend looked put-out, and expressed disbelief that I had to “ask a plant” what it did, rather than having read about it somewhere. The idea that the knowledge was “new” was unpleasant to her.

I got a little put-out, too. Because 90% of occult books 1: talk about European plants, or Biblical plants. 2: Talk about extremely common, widespread, or culinary plants. They don’t often talk about a wild, native, forb from the Mid-South region. You can’t buy that plant from Azure Green in bulk. Nobody’s going to talk about that plant.That random, wild, hardy, native forb isn’t something that is opined about in extremely expensive hardcover books, or cited in medieval recipes. It’s a new and “unknown” element in European-styled Craft.

Southern Conjure and Rootwork might cover it, but then again… might not. It might be one of those plants that’s too far North, or West to apply to the “Deep South” region’s biodiversity.

Even if they talked about the species, they’re not going to talk about what THIS plant, and the similar plants in the city can teach you. They’re going to talk about elements, planets and general correspondences. It’s going to be vague, like an astrology report, and softly-worded.

It’s not going to say “This plant makes you care a little less that your neighbor is an asshole, because we’re all trying to get by here, goddamnit.” Because that doesn’t really sell. Practicality isn’t really the order of the day when the book could waffle about the psychic alignment of Lavender (it’s PURPLE after all) or the intense vibrations of the Yemeni Myrrh that had to be trucked out under gunfire.

Take books with a grain of salt. Learn your region. Welcome to a gigantic, new, world of information and witchery that knows your dirt, and knows your people, and knows how to make all of it work with the sun and rain that falls there. Yes, even in the city. Even in the cracks in the pavement.

*(It is/was a “Croton” species, Likely a large, mature, One-Seeded Croton. Looking for a “Biological Survey” site for your area, preferably with pictures, is just ever-so-goddamn-helpful in getting to know the neighbors.)

✨Sleepy Witch’s Manifestation Cookie Dust✨

Hello, my greenies! While I love baking and taking the time to really create something delicious, there are also many times where I just wanna pop those pre-made lovely cookies in the oven. So, I have a little witchy coating that you can dust onto your cookies that can help you manifest good energy, or whatever your heart and soul need. 

Because this is for general use and manifestation, feel free to play with the recipe as you see fit. When I create any type of dust or coating, I kind of just use my eyes as measurements, so I’ll do my best to give you somewhat of an idea. ***Depends on how many cookies/baked goods you’re making.


  • 1 ½ tbsps of ground cinnamon 
  • 1 tbsp of brown sugar
  • ½ tsp vanilla (or a small drop)
  • pinch of salt
  • itty bitty pinch of ground ginger 
  • pinch of ground cloves


  1. Add all the ingredients into a bowl and mix clockwise and say the chant at the end of the recipe or your own. Make sure you’re really thinking about what you’re looking to manifest with this recipe. Say some affirmations and visualize your body being filled and coated in this energy. 
  2. Once the ingredients are all squished together and make a flakey crumbly dust, you can either roll the cookies in the dust or sprinkle it on top. ***I love using this on the Holiday Pillsbury Sugar Cookies! Those are my childhood favorites!
  3. Bake the cookies and enjoy when done!

Chant: Just as the moon pushes and pulls the tides, I am in control of my energy. I am strong. I __insert desired manifestation__. 

I hope you all enjoy and have a wonderful spooky season! Don’t forget that trick or treat ends on the start of 31st! Let me know which cookies you use this spread on and your samhain plans! 

Best of wishes,




Monday: Altars

  • Does your practice incorporate the use of altars?
  • Are altars imperative to have for casting?
  • What are pros and cons of altars?
  • Do you prefer casting at your altar or is your place of magick not set or permanent?
  • What entity (if any) is your altar dedicated to?
  • What objects do you keep permanently on your altar? What purpose or personal meaning does it have?
  • Do you change your altar to correspond with the sabbats? 
  • Draw and label a diagram of your altar. Include an explanation of their meaning to you.

Tuesday: Sigils

  • Are sigils something you use through out your practice?
  • Choose your three favorite sigils. Include their meanings as well as any personal interpretations. Why are they your favorites? What is the most common place that you add sigils too? 
  • Research and write down the steps to take in order to create a sigil. Use these steps to create your own sigil.

Wednesday: Local Fauna

  • Create a list of your local animals.
  • For each profile be sure to include the following: Any lore, superstitions, their meanings to you, their magickal and spiritual meanings, and ways they can be incorporated into your craft.

Thursday: Seven Planes of Existence

  • What are the planes of existence?
  • How can they be incorporated into your craft?
  • Do they seem believable to you?
  • Draw and label the seven planes of existence. 

Friday: Lightning

  • Is lightning a form of energy you incorporate into your craft?
  • How could you incorporate lightning into your practice?
  • Create correspondences for lightning. 
  • Plan and write a spell that incorporates lightning. 

Saturday: Quote Interpretation

  • Choose a quote that speaks to you on a spiritual level and expresses your path. 
  • Do a deep meditation with the quote in mind.
  • Write down all the thoughts and visions you have about the quote. Go into as much detail as possible.

Sunday: Amethyst

  • Sketch a picture of Amethyst.
  • Create it’s correspondence that includes its magickal and healing properties.
  • Is amethyst a crystal you use lots in your practice?
  • Include any amethyst lore or superstitions.
  • What effects does amethyst have on your emotions? 

Moonlight Grimoire Challenge 


Ways to provide protection from spiritual and physical beings:

  • Make a witches bottle: They provide you with protection against curses, hexes, and spells sent your way as well as to protect your property and possessions.  
  • Salt circle: A salt circle provides the person inside with protection from negative entities and demons. Line your window sills and door way entrances with salt to create an impenetrable barrier.      
  • Iron: Repels evil.Three iron nails driven into a doorway or window sill will block negativity from entering your home. Note: Iron repels Fae!
  • Plants: Some plants have protective properties. 
  • Ask your deity for protection
  • Mint leaves in your shoes protects you from curses
  • Put pepper in protection sachets to protect against magickal attacks.
  • Burn bay leaves to reverse curses
  • Scrawl your home and clothes with protective sigils
  • Quartz Crystals: Provides protection.
  • Visualization
  • Paint your front porch blue to ward off ghosts:They fear water so this may confuse them.
  • Hang an upside down horse shoe above your door: to ward off evil spirits.
  • Hang wind chimes around your home: To scare off bad spirits
  • Nazar or evil eye: Protects your home from bad luck.   
  • Rowan: Two branches from rowan trees bound together with red thread in the shape of a cross. It provides protection when hung above doorways, according to celtic traditions.
  • Arrowheads: Placed above your door will help keep burglars and unwanted guests out.
  • Cinnamon Sticks: Tied over the door will protect your home.
  • Rosemary wreath: A wreath of rosemary bound with green thread can provide your home with protection. Add other plants that correspond with protection as well. 
  • Ivy: Grown up your house provides protection,
  • Mistletoe: Hung in the house protects it from thunder and lightning.
  • Acorn: According to Norse mythology, placing an acorn on the window sill protects the home from being struck by lightning. 
  • Pine branch: Where it for protection.
  • Create your own protection amulet
  • Place mirrors around your home to deflect the evil eye  

Sources: Charissascaulderon.com, scribol.com                                  

Stay safe and have a Happy New Year!

==Moonlight Academy==    


Ways you can use Color Magick

  • When choosing your outfit for the day
  • When picking out a candle for your spell and ritual
  • Candle Magick
  • Painting or Drawing
  • To add intention to your writing



  • Grounding
  • Protection
  • Safety
  • Death
  • Underworld
  • Restriction 
  • Night

Magickal Uses:

  • Reversing
  • Uncrossing
  • Unhexing
  • Banishing 
  • Black Magick Repelling
  • Banishing negative energy
  • Releasing
  • Defense
  • Scrying
  • Hexing
  • Cursing
  • Protection
  • Wards off negativity
  • Spirit Contact

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

  • Death

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:

  • Saturn

Week Day correspondence: Tuesday + Saturday

Direction: North



  • Earth
  • Concentration
  • Construction
  • Stability
  • Animal

Magickal Uses:

  • House Blessing
  • Animal Magick
  • Pet Magick
  • Earth Magick
  • To influence Friendships

Element: Earth 

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:

  • Scorpio
  • Capricorn

Direction: North 



  • Money
  • Fertility

Magickal Uses:

  • Business and financial success 
  • Money Drawing
  • Fertility 
  • Career Growth



  • Fortune
  • Abundance
  • Prosperity
  • Positivity  
  • Luxury
  • Health
  • Justice

Magickal Uses

  • Luck
  • Wealth
  • Good Health
  • Healing Spells
  • Solar Magick

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

  • The Sun

Week Day correspondence: Sunday

Direction: South



  • Loneliness
  • Lore
  • Knowledge
  • Wisdom
  • Transformation

Magickal Uses

  • Removes negative influences
  • Increases Knowledge
  • Inspires Transformation
  • Communication with the faerie realm
  • Vision Quests

Planet: Moon

Direction: West



  • Purity
  • Unity
  • Cleansing
  • Peace
  • Balance
  • Spirituality
  • Innocence
  • Truth
  • Divinity
  • Love
  • Calm
  • Unbiased Opinion
  • Forgiveness
  • Acceptance                                                                      

Magickal Uses:

  • Eliminates negative energy
  • Creates inner peace
  • Uncrossing
  • Consecration
  • Moon Magick
  • Protection
  • Cleanses

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

  • The Fool

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:

  • Moon
  • Pisces 

Associated Chakra: Crown 

Week Day correspondence: Monday

Direction: East



  • Stability
  • Intuition
  • Dreams
  • Communication

Magickal Uses:

  • Moon Magick
  • Astral Energy
  • Telepathy
  • Clairvoyance
  • Psychic Awareness
  • Meditation

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

  • The Moon

Week Day correspondence: Monday

Direction: East 



  • Prosperity
  • Money
  • Abundance
  • Healing
  • Growth
  • Luck
  • Faeries
  • Hope
  • Rebirth
  • Youth
  • Intuition
  • Nature

Magickal Uses:

  • Money Spells
  • Herbal Magick
  • Garden Magick
  • Luck drawing
  • Faerie magick
  • Plant magick
  • Money drawing

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

  • The Empress
  • The Lovers
  • The Hermit 
  • Justice 
  • Death

Element: Earth

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:

  • Venus
  • Mercury
  • Aquarius
  • Cancer

Associated Chakra: Heart

Week Day correspondence: Thursday

Direction: North 



  • Communication
  • Focus
  • Forgiveness
  • Truth
  • Patience 
  • Harmony
  • Wisdom
  • Thoughtfulness 
  • Youthfulness
  • Creativity
  • Healing
  • Organization
  • Peace
  • Justice
  • Tranquility

Magickal uses:

  • Removing Bad Vibrations
  • Astral projection
  • Water element
  • Emotional Work

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

  • The High Priestess
  • The Emperor 
  • The Hanged Man
  • Death
  • Temperance 

Element: Water 

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:

  • Jupiter
  • Moon
  • Virgo
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius 
  • Pisces 

Associated Chakra: Throat 

Week Day correspondence: Thursday 

Direction: West 



  • Wisdom
  • Power
  • Wealth
  • Prophecy 

Magickal Uses:

  • Contact with spirits
  • Good fortune
  • Prophetic visions
  • Meditation
  • Divination

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

  • The Heirophant 

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:

  • Mercury 
  • Saturn
  • Capricorn 
  • Jupiter
  • Gemini
  • Sagittarius 

Associated Chakra: Brow

Week Day correspondence: Wednesday + Thursday

Direction: East



  • Love
  • Compassion
  • Friendship
  • Romance
  • Intimacy 
  • Emotions
  • Self Love
  • Calming
  • Harmony
  • New Beginnings
  • Honor

Magical Uses:

  • Brings forth new beginnings
  • Attracts romance
  • Attracts new friendship
  • Encourages self love

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

  • The Empress

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:

  • Venus influencing Mars

Week Day correspondence: Friday 

Direction: South



  • Passion
  • Anger
  • War
  • Strength
  • Conflict
  • Fire element
  • Healing
  • Inspiration
  • Bravery
  • Courage
  • Strength
  • Ambition
  • Leadership
  • Confrontation
  • Combat
  • Mercy

Magickal Uses:

  • Helps find love
  • Fire Element Work
  • Purification

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

  • The Emperor 
  • The Tower
  • Judgement 

Element: Fire 

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:

  • Aries
  • Scorpio
  • Mars influencing Saturn

Associated Chakra: Root

Week Day correspondence: Tuesday 

Direction: South



  • Creativity
  • Intellect
  • Justice
  • Kindness
  • Harvest
  • Strength
  • Joy
  • Ambition
  • Pride
  • Courage
  • Prosperity
  • Attraction
  • Kinship
  • Spirit
  • Abundance

Magickal Uses:

  • Business success
  • Spirit communication
  • Relieves Depression

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

  • The Lovers 
  • The Wheel of Fortune
  • The Sun

Element: Fire

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:

  • Sun
  • Leo
  • Sagittarius 

Associated Chakra: Sacral 

Week Day correspondence: Tuesday + Wednesday

Direction: South 



  • Happiness
  • Success
  • Learning
  • Memory
  • Concentration
  • Inspiration
  • Imagination
  • Charm
  • Confidence
  • Air element
  • Will
  • Trust
  • Creativity
  • Communication
  • Summer
  • Improves balance
  • Friendship
  • Self-Esteem
  • Vitality
  • Beauty
  • Power
  • Learning

Magickal Uses: 

  • Sun Magick
  • Increases productivity
  • Heightens Self-Esteem
  • Psychic Endeavors

Correspondences to the Major Arcana:

  • The Fool
  • The Magician 
  • Strength
  • The Sun

Element: Air

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:

  • Mercury 
  • Taurus
  • Libra

Associated Chakra: Solar-Plexus 

Week Day correspondence: Sunday

Direction: East

Sources: Witchipedia.com, spiritenterprise.com

May the Moon Light your path!

Moonlight Academy  

Just finished creating my first magickal calendar. It is inspired by my Grimoire Week 1 post found h

Just finished creating my first magickal calendar. It is inspired by my Grimoire Week 1 post found here! Want to print out this click here!  Please tell me your opinion. Should I make them a monthly post?

My grimoire challenge blog: @moonlightgrimoirechallenge


Post link


By definition, divination is the practice of seeing the future and answering questions by supernatural means. This definition is correct, but it leaves out the fact the word divination has the word divine as its main syllable. Divination also means to receive messages or to communicate with the divine (God, the Universe, Source). Divination is practice at receiving the Divine’s messages and learning lessons along the way. Divine messages are answers to questions about life, love, the past, the future, and more. Because really the Divine knows all, there is no limit to the questions that can be asked through DIVINation. Learn the basics of divination for beginners here.

Divination for Beginners: The Three Pillars

Because of the lack of simple instructions for divination for beginners, I came up with the concept of Three Pillars of Divination. This is a concept that will help the beginner learn how to divine, step by step. Focus on one pillar at a time and take your time learning each. This is an ongoing process. The more you learn about divination, the more you will apply these learned concepts to your practice. And if things get confusing, you can always return to the basics. The Three Pillars of Divination are: Observation, Symbolism, and Intuition. If you are studying divination for beginners seriously, I suggest writing these down in a journal or notebook.

1st Pillar: Observation

The first pillar, and probably the most important, is Observation. You can’t receive a message if you’re not listening, right? You can’t interpret a sign if you’re not paying attention. Observation is about being open-minded and mindful at the same time. You are open-minded to any and all messages or images you receive from the Divine through divination, which means you are willing to receive messages in whatever form they come to you. This also means you don’t allow the “logical” side of your brain to completely block out the intuitive (we will get more into this later). It is my belief and experience the majority of people walk around on a daily basis, totally oblivious to their surroundings, totally oblivious to the fact that God is trying to speak to them in different ways. By being mindful of your surroundings and by being in the present moment, you are allowing God to speak to you in whatever form that might be (through nature, symbolism on TV, random conversations, etc). People wonder why they can’t hear God or speak to God, and yet they truly aren’t listening. Observation, mindful observation, is key to hearing the Divine speak to you.

How to be Observant

When learning divination for beginners, be observant. If outside and awaiting a sign from the Divine through nature, be open to whatever appears. Take in the world around you—the environment, the sounds, sights, smells, and sensations. Be observant of yourself—your emotions, your physical sensations, etc. By being present in the moment, you are being mindful of what messages the Divine sends you. This is the same if you are using tarot cards, crystal balls, runes, scrying mirrors, etc. First observe before moving on to symbolism and interpretation.

2nd Pillar: Symbolism

The 2nd Pillar of Divination is Symbolism. Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent concepts or ideas. Symbolism is used in many ways: in mainstream media, literature, religion, politics, etc. The human brain uses symbolism without even realizing. Symbolism is so ingrained in our way of thinking and living. For this reason, symbolism is a big part of divination. The Divine uses symbolism to speak to us. It is an inherent part of divination and should be in the forefront of your mind when you are Divining.

Symbolism in Divination

Symbolism is seen in all forms of divination: tarot, oracle, the Elder runes, the Ogham, numerology, astrology, and more. For example, if we take a look at the runes, the rune Algiz is a symbol (or letter) that represents the concept of protection. This is symbolism in its simplest terms. In oracle, we are presented with various images that each represent a moral or concept of some kind. For example, in the Goddess oracle, the card with the goddess Baba Yaga represents wild freedom. And on and on these symbols go. The point is, whatever form of divination you choose, dedicate time to studying and learning the symbolism therein. As you become more experienced in divination, you will realize many of these symbols carry over to other forms of divination. At this point, divination will become easier for you to perform.

3rd Pillar: Intuition

The Third Pillar of Divination is Intuition. Often when we are beginning to learn divination we’re told to use our intuition. But what does this mean, exactly? Intuition is defined as something one knows immediately without conscious reasoning. You know that feeling you get before walking into a place that tells you not to go in? Or that feeling when you meet someone and your gut tells you not to trust them? Your logical mind will say this is illogical. But this initial feeling is your intuition, your god-given instinct, that will keep you safe in many situations.

How to Use Your Intuition in Divination

Use this instinct, your intuition, when practicing divination. It’s as easy as drawing an oracle card, and letting your first initial thought or feeling serve as the divine message. Practice this so that it becomes natural, as your conscious brain will try to shrug off your intuition at first. Be aware intuition comes to us in different ways. For example, when I divine and use my oracle cards, I will draw a card and look at the image. Typically I get a “flash” of an image or scenery in my mind, this is how I use my intuition. But you might draw an oracle card and hear a word in your mind. Or you might get a particular emotion. These are all forms of intuition, and depending on the person will be different. With practice, you’ll learn how your intuition speaks to you. Each time you practice using your intuition, write down your experience. Did you let your intuition speak to you and show you the answer? Did your conscious mind try to block? Were there symbols or images in your mind? What words did you hear? Did you feel any emotions?

Putting it All Together

Applying intuition to the other Two Pillars of Divination: you will observe, apply the learned symbolism, and use your intuition. Intuition and symbolism will eventually mix together cohesively, and sometimes you might not know where your intuition and symbolism separate. That is the beauty of divination and receiving messages from the Divine. Keep in mind it will take time to get in tune with your intuition…sometimes it can take years to fully connect. Be patient and keep practicing.

Choosing a Form of Divination for Beginners

With the Three Pillars of Divination in mind, choose a form of divination to study. By focusing on one form, you can apply the three pillars and hone in on your divination skills before moving on to another form of divination. For beginners, I recommend using nature to learn divination. This could mean interpreting the cloud patterns in the sky, going for a walk and allowing certain birds or insects to come to you then interpreting those signs, or scrying with fire or water. These may seem very basic, but you will find it isn’t always easy. However, learning how to read patterns and symbols in nature will teach you mindfulness (observation), as well as symbolism and how to use your intuition flawlessly. Then you can move on to other forms of divination that take even more study and time such as tarot or the runes.

Study One Form for One Year

I recommend studying one form of divination for at least a year. You can’t fully connect with that form of divination unless you’ve given it considerable time and study. Spending a month on the runes or tarot will not do. The same goes for other all divination. These forms of divination have been used by our ancestors for hundreds (sometimes thousands) of years and thus have developed their own personalities. You will give honor to your ancestors and to those forms of divination by putting in the time and effort to really connect. Divination for beginners isn’t as difficult as it may seem – it just takes time and practice.

Thoughts by ~ Otherworldly Oracle

Psalms 119: 30~38 THE Remedy Bible

I have chosen the way of truth;

I am committed to your design for life.

I hold fast to your methods, O Lord,

and I am not ashamed.

I eagerly live in harmony with your design,

for you have healed my heart, enabling me to do so.

Teach me, O Lord, the way you have designed life to operate,

so that I might conform and be transformed.

Enable me to understand, and I will practice your principles

and live out your methods with all my heart.

Lead me to live according to your ways,

because it brings me health and happiness.

Transform my heart to desire your methods of love

and hate selfish gain.

Turn my interest away from all worthless things;

recreate me to live according to your way.

Establish your promise within your servant,

so that you may be worshipped and admired.

I’ve said this quite sometime! If you are pagan or wiccan, take what resonates with this teaching! I post as a Christian Witch, but feel free to take this lesson! Learning is for everyone, and knowledge is power!

Tarot Deck Care (for beginners)

Whether you get your tarot cards as a gift, buy it online or in-store, it has picked up a bunch of energies from the different people who have handled it. This means your readings won’t be as accurate as they could be. So here’s a guide for beginners of how to take care of their first tarot deck!


It’s best if you cleanse your deck as soon as possible, and don’t leave it overnight without cleansing on the first night. This is because the energies the deck has picked up could be negative, and it could have an unwanted effect on you. There are heaps of ways you can cleanse your tarot deck, and you can use all of then, or even just one depending on what you have on hand. Here are some easy examples (keep in mind, while performing these you need to have a ‘cleansing’ intent in mind for it to work):

  • Shuffle the deck
  • Tap three times on the deck
  • Blow on top of the deck
  • Place a tumbled clear quartz crystal on top of the deck
  • Wave the deck through incense
  • Create a sigil for cleansing and leave it in the box
  • 'Reset’ the deck by putting it back in its original order by suit and number
  • This one is best for cleansing after a reading to remove traces of previous energies

Don’t freak out though if someone else touches your deck, nothing bad will happen, just make sure you cleanse it before doing another reading so it’s still accurate. In some situations, you can have someone purposely hold, shuffle, split or draw cards from your deck if you’re doing a reading for them in person and want their energy to be better connected with it.


Bonding with your deck is just as important as cleansing if you want an accurate reading! You should be able to feel a connection with your deck, which helps you understand what it’s trying to tell you through the readings. These are ways you can bond with your deck:

  • Sleep with your deck under your pillow
  • Play solitaire with your deck
  • Watch a movie or TV show while shuffling your deck, then ask it questions about what it thought of the genre/characters/themes (I did this while watching Assassination Classroom and my deck said the school was stingy af )
  • Play music on shuffle while shuffling your deck, then pick a card to help explain the song
  • Draw a card every day in the morning after shuffling to represent how your day will be

While you’re doing these, take the time to look at the art of each card. Without looking at the guidebook, try working out what you think the card means by looking at things like the colours, shapes, background, animals, plants, figures, and repeating symbols. After you’ve don’t these, you can try a 'get to know my deck’spread,like this one I made, or make one of your own. This can help you see what kind of things your deck is and isn’t good at reading, and it’s strengths and weaknesses.


Like crystals, water, and most other magic tools, tarot decks need to be charged. This is very similar to cleansing action-wise, but it comes down to the intent of those actions. While cleansing is about removing energies from the deck, charging is more like putting energy back into it. This means they have to be performed with a 'charging’ intent rather than a 'cleansing’ one. Here are some examples of how you can charge your deck:

  • Place one or more pointed clear quartz crystals around the deck, pointing inwards
  • Leave the deck under the light of the full moon
  • Create a sigil for charging and leave it in the box
  • Hold the deck and envision a pure ball of energy moving from you into the deck
  • Shuffle the deck

Drawing and Shuffling:

There are heaps of ways to shuffle and draw cards that you can go through until you find the one you most prefer! 

  • Shuffle the deck gently using your method of choice, then break the deck and reverse
  • If a card jumps out from the deck while shuffling, it’s calling to be read
  • Let the subject of the reading shuffle the deck while thinking about their question
  • Let the subject of the reading pick the cards while thinking about their question
  • Spread out the deck in a line and pick cards based on intuition
  • Spread out the deck in a line, pick one card based on intuition, then draw the cards either side of it
  • Pick cards straight from the deck without spreading them
  • Pick the cards at the top of the deck without spreading them
  • Let a small group of cards drop onto each section of the spread, the pick the one that’s on top for that position
  • Let all of the cards drop, spread them out messily, then pick cards based on intuition

When I say 'based on intuition’ I mean that a card could have a different energy to the cards around it. It could seem a slightly different colour, or it could be the one your eyes are drawn to etc, and this is how you can tell if a card is calling out to you to be drawn.


Other info

If you’re doing an online reading, try to get info such as the subject’s initials, star sign, hair/eye colour, gender (and pronouns), element etc to have a better connection to them for a more accurate reading

Try to avoid yes/no questions, and swap them out for something like “what can I do to make me more likely to…”

Avoid asking about how you will die. It could cause something called the 'self-fulfilling prophecy’, which according to the laws of attraction, is when something comes true because we’re acting as if it is true (when it isn’t or may not be).
