#classic books


Since my first post about classics, I have managed to accumulate quite a hefty list of favourites that I completely adore, so I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to share some of them with you. You have probably heard about most of these books but if you haven’t read them yet,  I will try to convince you to do so What is your favourite classic?

  • Les Misérables by Victor Hugo

“A garden to walk in…

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“No, thank you, I don’t mind the rain,’ I said. I always lacked common sense when taken by surprise.”

Libro:Anne Brontë, Agnes Grey

“It is certain that we cannot escape anguish, for we are anguish”

– Jean-Paul Sartre, “Being and Nothingness”

The way this page humbled me-

I got called ugly by fictional dudes. In my mind, this is what those aLPhA MaLe podcasts sound like.

My reaction after reading Patrick Bateman talk about luxury brands and listening to his friends ramble about rich people stuff for the 107393993th time:

unpetitgateau:Books in 2013, #7: The High Window by Raymond Chandler ★★★★ I’m always sad when I fi


Books in 2013, #7: The High Window by Raymond Chandler ★★★★

I’m always sad when I finish a Chandler novel because it means I have one less Chandler novel left to read.

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“sometimes I believe personalities are shaped more by damage than kindness”
