

Prompt #28

“You blindly follow what you believe to be good, without looking at what they’re doing to innocent people - yet, I’m the bad guy”

“What are you even talking about [villain] ?”

“Your ‘team’ is fucking hurting people ! They’re doing harm to the people you so claim to want to protect and you call yourself a fucking hero — OPEN YOUR EYES !”

Prompt #26

“Your smile looks beautiful on you my dear, please promise to wear it even in the darkest of times - it may seem hard but you’re a very strong person”

“I’ll do my best [lover], with you by my side I’m sure to wear it as much as you do”

kansassire:Petite maman, 2021, Céline Sciamma kansassire:Petite maman, 2021, Céline Sciamma kansassire:Petite maman, 2021, Céline Sciamma


Petite maman, 2021, Céline Sciamma

Post link

⊱┊dialogue : twdg - season 1

alamort (adj.) • half dead of exhaustion

change names/pronouns/tense as needed!

a new day

  • “regardless, could be you just married the wrong woman.”
  • “it goes to show, people will up and go mad when they believe their life is over.”
  • “well, do what you think you should.”
  • “frankly, i think it’s because he’s dumb as a bag of hammers… but he makes up for it with enthusiasm.”
  • “you two actually look relaxed.”
  • “people don’t want to die ignorant, i guess.”
  • “but at least you have the common sense to listen to a man giving you advice.”
  • “sorry? your son is alive. you don’t get to be sorry!”
  • “you’re gonna whoop me? you and what homo parade?”
  • “maybe you’re a murderer, but i don’t really care.”
  • “why don’t you want to talk about your family? do they like… hate you?”
  • “…you have a boyfriend?”
  • “there’s no happy ending to this.”
  • “you’re a good man.”
  • “god bless you.”
  • “i’m not letting somebody else get eaten today… especially not a good friend.”
  • “you like my daughter?” “her dad tried to kill me so…”

starved for help

  • “he was never going to survive.”
  • “god help us.”
  • “go ahead and run! we ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
  • “jesus… there’s a kid mixed up in this?” “was, more like.”
  • “you’re not men, you’re monsters. all men are monsters.”
  • “take a can of beans, take a little girl. it’s all the fucking same to you.”
  • “i’m putting this arrow right through your BALLS.”
  • “jesus, man! i’m from florida! crazy shit just comes out of my mouth sometimes… sorry.”
  • “it’s always something with this guy.”
  • “you’re all sick… sick in the head!”
  • “what the fuck… the fucking… what fuck?!”
  • “i’ll kill you!”
  • “you’re not worth to energy to hate.”
  • “you’re already tainted.”
  • “who the fuck do you people think you are?!”
  • “it’s over!”
  • “they’re not coming.”

long road ahead

  • “we just lost everything.”
  • “get the fuck over it.”
  • “i’ll die out here!” “i don’t care.”
  • “i don’t have anything left.”
  • “dead get ‘em?” “no.” “ah, livin’ got ‘em.”
  • “he’s out of time.”
  • “wake the fuck up, man.”
  • “how the fuck do you calm down after a day like today?”
  • “you’ll fucking lose everything acting like this!”
  • “what a mess.”
  • “i could kill you!”
  • “i had to tell someone…”
  • “that’s what everybody says.”
  • “oh, so he gets to swear.”
  • “god, you’re a real son of a bitch, aren’t you?”

around every corner

  • “confidence is earned, ben.”
  • “we are fucked!”
  • “if now ain’t the time for a drink…”
  • “i’m not leaving you with ben, i’m leaving himwithyou.”
  • “have you lost your motherfucking mind?”
  • “he ain’t shit now.”
  • “i don’t owe you anything.”
  • “are we really gonna do this now?”
  • “this is all i have left of her.”
  • “shut the fuck up.”
  • “you little pissant! you’re fucking dead! you hear me? DEAD!”
  • “my wife?! and child?! YOU GOT THEM BOTH FUCKING KILLED!”
  • “you can whoop his skinny little ass later!”
  • “you know she thinks the world of you.”
  • “she’s my family now. she’s all i got.”

no time left

  • “please don’t hurt her.”
  • “you’re fucking dead! i don’t know who you are but i will kill you, do you understand?!”
  • “if i don’t live through this—”
  • “we thought maybe we lost you…”
  • “you lost some blood.”
  • “i think i just peed myself.”
  • “why the hell are we letting the one-armed guy do all the high risk maneuvers?” “cause the one-armed guy insists. now shut up about it.”
  • “i’m fucked.”
  • “i lived through it; which is a start.”
  • “this is not happening…”
  • “everything is so fucked…”
  • “stop pushing me around and stop wishing i was dead!”
  • “give me a fucking break!”
  • “kill anything that gets in.” “you know you’re talking to ME, right?”
  • “i’m sorry, okay? fuck, we can’t do this!”
  • “then kill me, you son of a bitch, okay?! don’t even fucking hesitate!”
  • “is this really possible?”
  • “i’m sorry.”
  • “i wasn’t going to hurt you.”
  • “judging by the decor of this room, i’d guess they were pbs watchers.”
  • “i could’ve done more.”
  • “i could’ve been a better husband… a better father… could’ve been a better friend.”
  • “me and my fuckin’ mouth…”
  • “it’s just something i gotta do. you know that.”
  • “have you ever hurt somebody you care about?”
  • “do i look like a monster to you?” “we all do.”
  • “i hate seeing you like this.”
  • “i just miss your smile, honey.”
  • “i thought you were gone.”
  • “they’re dead… they really are…”
  • “i’ll miss you.”

i know this game is ten years old but i just completed all of it for the first time a few days ago so… this is my way of celebrating. this is also my way of coping.

also, the game is over nine hours long, i just knew i could get hella dialogue starters from it… which i did! instead of my usual 25-30 starters, this has close to (if not over) 90!

the funniest part? considering i’m taking these word for word from the game and not thinking of these myself, you’d expect this to have taken a few minutes. this took me 6 hours. today was supposed to be my lazy day but woah.

[requests : temporarily closed]

Therapist: “How would you describe your relationship?

Person A: “Lovingly adversarial.”

Person B: “You tried to kill me yesterday!”

Person A: “Like I said, lovingly adversarial.”

A bunch of different dialogue prompts #64

  1. “This isn’t going anywhere.”
  2. “This is making me very uncomfortable.” “Good, I’m glad.”
  3. “Move along, move along, nothing to see here!”
  4. “Where have you been?”
  5. “My will to live is dwindling at an alarming rate.”
  6. “Don’t get confused, you are disposable.”
  7. “Do you maybe wanna be friends?” “Go away!”
  8. “Yeah, that tracks.”
  9. “A friend of theirs is no friend of mine.”
  10. “Why did you cut it like that?”
Daniel Clowes, Mister Wonderful (2007; 2011)

Daniel Clowes, Mister Wonderful (2007; 2011)

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Wandering Around an Albuquerque Airport Terminalby Naomi Shihab NyeAfter learning my flight was deta

Wandering Around an Albuquerque Airport Terminal

by Naomi Shihab Nye

After learning my flight was detained four hours,
I heard the announcement:
If anyone in the vicinity of gate 4-A understands any Arabic,
Please come to the gate immediately.

Well—one pauses these days. Gate 4-A was my own gate. I went there.
An older woman in full traditional Palestinian dress,
Just like my grandma wore, was crumpled to the floor, wailing loudly.
Help, said the flight service person. Talk to her. What is her
Problem? We told her the flight was going to be four hours late and she
Did this.

I put my arm around her and spoke to her haltingly.
Shu dow-a, shu-beduck habibti, stani stani schway, min fadlick,
Sho bit se-wee?

The minute she heard any words she knew—however poorly used—
She stopped crying.
She thought our flight had been canceled entirely.
She needed to be in El Paso for some major medical treatment the
Following day. I said no, no, we’re fine, you’ll get there, just late.

Who is picking you up? Let’s call him and tell him.
We called her son and I spoke with him in English.
I told him I would stay with his mother until we got on the plane and
Would ride next to her—Southwest.

She talked to him. Then we called her other sons just for the fun of
It. Then we called my dad and he and she spoke for a while in Arabic and
Found out of course they had ten shared friends.
Then I thought just for the heck of it why not call some Palestinian
Poets I know and let them chat with her. This all took up about two hours.

She was laughing a lot by then. Telling about her life. Answering

She pulled a sack of homemade mamool cookies—little powdered
Sugar crumbly mounds stuffed with dates and nuts—out of her bag—
And was offering them to all the women at the gate.

To my amazement, not a single woman declined one. It was like a
Sacrament. The traveler from Argentina, the traveler from California,
The lovely woman from Laredo—we were all covered with the same
Powdered sugar. And smiling. There is no better cookie.

And I noticed my new best friend—by now we were holding hands—
Had a potted plant poking out of her bag, some medicinal thing,
With green furry leaves. Such an old country traveling tradition. Always
Carry a plant. Always stay rooted to somewhere.

And I looked around that gate of late and weary ones and thought,
This is the world I want to live in. The shared world.
Not a single person in this gate—once the crying of confusion stopped
—Has seemed apprehensive about any other person.

They took the cookies. I wanted to hug all those other women too.
This can still happen anywhere.

Not everything is lost.

[photos by Annie O'Neill - part of the “Out of Many” exhibit that was featured at the 2018 Festival of Friendship in Pittsburgh] 

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Whisper of Words - A Writing Discord Server

Whisper of Words is a small and comfy discord community dedicated to writing. 13+ and LGBTQ+ friendly!

Despite by merely having a hundred members, WoW is an active community for writers and creators that encourages you to keep learning and going forward the goal the most of us have in common: to write!

In here, you can talk about what you do and like. As we do not follow a strict “writing only” policy, you are more open to what you want to do in here. You aren’t a writer but want to read someone else’s work? sure, why not! Want to promote your writing tips/prompts website? go ahead!

Whisper of Words can be a place for you to enjoy, make new friends, help yourselves learn and improve your writing skills. In this server, you can find people who can help in what you need or instead, you can be the one helping others by sharing your knowledge.

WoW has many things to offer, such as:

  • Custom roles to identify yourself (activities, pronouns and more!)
  • Ranks that can be achieved by how active you are in the server
  • Bots for Sprinting and Writing
  • Self-promotion channel
  • Channels for specific writing processes (world building, ideas and feedback, character and plot discussion, etc.)
  • Seminars

However, WoW has a unique feature! In here, YOU can host your own seminar as you can participate in other’s.

We want to give more people the opportunity to help others by speaking to members of our community about topics to help out our fellow writers! A seminar is when a small group of students and a teacher discuss or study a particular topic. You may not be a teacher, but you can help other people learn things you know about! You can learn more about seminars once you join our discord community.

Whisper of Words can be your new home of knowledge, where you can make new friends, share your work and check other’s out!

Join us!

What are you waiting for? Because we are waiting for you!

Discord invitation: https://discord.gg/dAD5bVubtR

Writing Prompts

1. “I will punch them in the mouth right now.”

2. “You do realize that I’m a vampire right?”

3. “I’m sorry, did you forget that I don’t like you?!”

4. “To make things clear, I live for this drama. So, continue on.”

5. “I killed you once! Get over it!”

6. “Can we talk about how we never once had a snowball fight before?”

7. “Ready? Ready to get absolutely decimatedat UNO? “

8. “Who here wants to order a pizza and forget about their problems?”

9. “I’m winning and there is nothing you can do that can stop me!”

10. “It’s ya dude! Ready to make some amazing food!”

11. “Do you ever look at someone and their cheekbones have more structure than your life will ever have? Same.”

12. “Blood is starting to become an accessory for you at this point.”

13. “Wanna pet my dog? He’s so soft! Guess what his name is?”

14. “Looking at the mess before me I realized I had no motivation to do anything about it, and continued to plan on how to rob the bank.”

15. “Oh, come on! What is a little law breaking between friends?”


Writing Prompts

1. “What is wrong with a little mayhem?”

2. “You ready to win? I am ready to win!”

3. “I’m not going to encourage this, but, feel free to take my keys.”

4. “When I get taller, I am going to kick your ass!”

5. “Would I ever do such an idiotic thing?”

6. “Stop laughing! We have to be quiet!”

7. “Go ahead. Go to sleep. I dare you.”

8. “You’re going to succeed. It’s already written in the stars.”

9. “You think you can stop these hands? Come say it to my face!”

10. “My heart is full of love! Stop hating, you rotten salad!”

11. “I got a tattoo gun and I’m ready to make poor decisions.”

12. “There is nothing but positivity here! Get out with your negative vibes! I’ll slice you!”

13. “Ready to crack some heads? I brought some snacks for us too in case we get hungry.”

14. “I love y’all, but y’all gotta stop.”

15. “Yes! I accidentally punched them in the face! Is that so hard to believe?”

Writing Prompts

1. “What is wrong with a little mayhem?”

2. “You ready to win? I am ready to win!”

3. “I’m not going to encourage this, but, feel free to take my keys.”

4. “When I get taller, I am going to kick your ass!”

5. “Would I ever do such an idiotic thing?”

6. “Stop laughing! We have to be quiet!”

7. “Go ahead. Go to sleep. I dare you.”

8. “You’re going to succeed. It’s already written in the stars.”

9. “You think you can stop these hands? Come say it to my face!”

10. “My heart is full of love! Stop hating, you rotten salad!”

11. “I got a tattoo gun and I’m ready to make poor decisions.”

12. “There is nothing but positivity here! Get out with your negative vibes! I’ll slice you!”

13. “Ready to crack some heads? I brought some snacks for us too in case we get hungry.”

14. “I love y’all, but y’all gotta stop.”

15. “Yes! I accidentally punched them in the face! Is that so hard to believe?”


Writing Prompts

1. “I’m here to drop some knowledge on all of y’all!”

2. “And that is the story on how we got banned from that grocery store.”

3. “You’re telling me I died? That’s absurd!”


5. “How do the mortals say it? ‘It’s going to be lit fam.’ Is that how they say it?”

6. “Where did all this silly string come from?!”

7. “Your heart is soft and warm, that is something to embrace.”

8. “I’m dyeing my hair myself because I wanna look elegant.”

9. “The vegetables aren’t the only thing getting roasted tonight.”

10. “This isn’t how I planned it, but, it works.”

11. “You were having a bad day so I got you a cool looking rock from the store.”

12. “Don’t mind me, I just want to scream into the void for a while.”

13. “Um excuse you! Giraffes are so cool!”

14. “What? You ain’t never seen someone with this much finesse before?”

15. “Oh god, what have you done now?”


Writing Prompts

1. “Elegant? You want elegance?! I will elegantly kick you in the face!”

2. “Are we just going to pretend that there wasn’t a zombie outside?”

3. “Why aren’t you in a blanket cape? It’s cold outside.”

4. “Oh my god, I crack myself up! I’m hysterical!”

5. “Shut up and run, you wet piece of bread!”

6. “What an odd way to insult someone.”

7. “Before I had time to do anything else, I grabbed our dog and got out.”

8. “Oh my god! Did you just sneeze? That was so extra!”

9. “That flower is very handsome.”

10. “Just because I murdered someone, doesn’t make me a bad guy, it makes me a murderer.”

11. “I’m not sure why there is a cow in here and considering I’m not paid enough to care, have fun.”

12. “Have you ever died? I did a few times, it was actually quiet painful but you know what they say, no pain, no gain.”

13. “Want to take the sled and go down the stairs with it?”

14. “Yeah! Well! I am taller than you!”

15. “Let me explain. I was bored and you left me alone.”


Writing Prompts

1. “I will punch them in the mouth right now.”

2. “You do realize that I’m a vampire right?”

3. “I’m sorry, did you forget that I don’t like you?!”

4. “To make things clear, I live for this drama. So, continue on.”

5. “I killed you once! Get over it!”

6. “Can we talk about how we never once had a snowball fight before?”

7. “Ready? Ready to get absolutely decimatedat UNO? “

8. “Who here wants to order a pizza and forget about their problems?”

9. “I’m winning and there is nothing you can do that can stop me!”

10. “It’s ya dude! Ready to make some amazing food!”

11. “Do you ever look at someone and their cheekbones have more structure than your life will ever have? Same.”

12. “Blood is starting to become an accessory for you at this point.”

13. “Wanna pet my dog? He’s so soft! Guess what his name is?”

14. “Looking at the mess before me I realized I had no motivation to do anything about it, and continued to plan on how to rob the bank.”

15. “Oh, come on! What is a little law breaking between friends?”


Writing Prompts

1. “Elegant? You want elegance?! I will elegantly kick you in the face!”

2. “Are we just going to pretend that there wasn’t a zombie outside?”

3. “Why aren’t you in a blanket cape? It’s cold outside.”

4. “Oh my god, I crack myself up! I’m hysterical!”

5. “Shut up and run, you wet piece of bread!”

6. “What an odd way to insult someone.”

7. “Before I had time to do anything else, I grabbed our dog and got out.”

8. “Oh my god! Did you just sneeze? That was so extra!”

9. “That flower is very handsome.”

10. “Just because I murdered someone, doesn’t make me a bad guy, it makes me a murderer.”

11. “I’m not sure why there is a cow in here and considering I’m not paid enough to care, have fun.”

12. “Have you ever died? I did a few times, it was actually quiet painful but you know what they say, no pain, no gain.”

13. “Want to take the sled and go down the stairs with it?”

14. “Yeah! Well! I am taller than you!”

15. “Let me explain. I was bored and you left me alone.”


Writing Prompts

1. “I will punch them in the mouth right now.”

2. “You do realize that I’m a vampire right?”

3. “I’m sorry, did you forget that I don’t like you?!”

4. “To make things clear, I live for this drama. So, continue on.”

5. “I killed you once! Get over it!”

6. “Can we talk about how we never once had a snowball fight before?”

7. “Ready? Ready to get absolutely decimatedat UNO? “

8. “Who here wants to order a pizza and forget about their problems?”

9. “I’m winning and there is nothing you can do that can stop me!”

10. “It’s ya dude! Ready to make some amazing food!”

11. “Do you ever look at someone and their cheekbones have more structure than your life will ever have? Same.”

12. “Blood is starting to become an accessory for you at this point.”

13. “Wanna pet my dog? He’s so soft! Guess what his name is?”

14. “Looking at the mess before me I realized I had no motivation to do anything about it, and continued to plan on how to rob the bank.”

15. “Oh, come on! What is a little law breaking between friends?”

OTP Prompt 358

I’m gonna call this the demi-chat challenge— tag it and me if you use it, or send it my way and I’ll reblog it.

Write five conversations/scenes between your OTP (or OT3+)

The first is how they first meet.

The three in the middle are key points in their building relationship.

The fifth is when the last member realizes they’re in love.

For a special twist: don’t ever show them touching or interacting in a physically intimate way up until then.
