#enfp mind


People should learn to distinguish between attachment and connection. You might be deeply attached to someone with whom you do not actually have a connection with, meanwhile you can also have a genuine connection with someone whom you are not attached to - aka not feel strong emotions towards.

Attachment is an illusion of the mind. It tricks you. It simply means you are ‘so used to someone’. Not that you are really connected to someone.

Stay aware. Do not mistake attachment for a connection.

The society’s idea of success and productivity is fundermentally fucked up. You are stuck at home for weeks, yet you are supposed to achieve something, create something, follow free courses and get certificates.

But not everyone can do it. Not everyone can stick to a strict schedule and achieve something all the while being stuck at home.

I binge ate, binge watched movies, binge read books, binge texted, flirted around.. did everything that is supposedly unproductive.

Do you know where this lead to?

I discovered more and more about myself. I realized, I do not like or enjoy watching movies and I only do it because everyone else do it. I realized I do not like texting much even though I text a lot. I understood that I value face to face conversations rather than behind the screen interactions.

I realized I like flirting a bit even though it is not socially accepted.

I discovered what I really need in a partner and what trait I find essential for attraction in a person.

I realized, I have more self confidence than I had an year ago.

I discovered how much I enjoy writing, not just anything but my experiences.

I discovered that I feel drained working according to a schedule and I figured out it is alright to work in random bouts of energy.

I realized it is alright not to work in a strict schedule as long as I get things done. After all not everyone is the same.

I discovered that I work more productively closeby to a deadline, and to induce my productivity I should assign me a deadline.

I also realized that I do not have to finish a book I don’t like.

I realized it is alright to do whatever the fuck I want to do.

Just do whatever you want to do. Don’t let the society’s idea of productivity and success fool you. All that matters is how much you learned about yourself when this ends.

Have you noticed yourself struggling to spell simple words in recent times? It happened to me and I realised it was because of the usage of suggestions in my phone keyboard. I am a heavy texter and with more and more texting I started losing accuracy in spellings.

When we use ‘suggestions’ we do not have to recall the spellings of words and thus the neuronal pathways linked to words’ spellings fade off with time. Our memory depends upon recalling/ using the stored information. The less we use something we are going to lose it.

Try switching off the suggestions.!

Sometimes in life you wreck your mind with questions. You keep asking “why” repeatedly, expecting an answer, an answer that will satisfy you. You expect the situation to change, just by wrecking yourself. But deep down inside, you already know the answer, it is just hard to accept…

We were never taught self love. We were never taught what confidence is about. Instead we were taught to seek for validation outside. We were taught to evaluate our self worth based on marks and grades and ranks. We were taught to compare. Compare our ranks, skin colour, height, weight… Whatever you name, anything and everything. While self love is all about accepting your own self for who you are, the pluses, the minuses, the beauty and the quirks and confidence is all about NEVER FEELING THE NECESSITY TO COMPARE yourself to anybody…

Oh.. darling.. can you see the extent the society is fucked up?

(the text in the image is copied. All the credit goes to the original author).

“Healing your inner child” is the most powerful form of growth!

This idea may sound absurd to many. If you Google you’d come across as many articles as to what it is.

Simply put, it’s talking to your own self as you would talk to a child you met somewhere!

It’s just as simple as that. But the effects are profound.

I’ve suffered childhood neglect and separation. As a result I *was co-dependent in most of my relationships. I was determined (still I am) to become a better person and started working on healing my inner child. I felt change immediately!

Everyone should try it..

Is our generation trying to using humour as a mode of escapism from all the buried trauma and emotional problems that should be dealt with???

How many of you have watched the movie IDIOCRACY? It’s supposed to be a science fiction comedy but now whenever I catch me laughing at a funny tik tok or meme all I can remember is that movie.. are we going towards there?

We have become more mindless about how we spend our time. Mindless laughing, mindless scrolling… I wonder where we are going towards.

Life begins the moment,

You start searching for yourself…

You start creating yourself…

You start moulding yourself….

Reality changes according to your perspective…

Or is it rather,

Your perspective shapes your reality…?

Our thoughts, they have power… We can change our life by our thoughts! I always trust this. I believe in Law of Attraction. I strongly believe that I can change my life with my thoughts..

Life….. Just happens…!?

A question that constantly nags my mind is…

What is life? Why are we here?

And the quest goes on… Somedays I totally forget it.. Somedays I search for answers…

Probably life is fair, in it’s unfairness??

Hello guys!!

This is my first post in tumblr. I’m new to tumblr and still learning how to use it..

I’ve always wanted and loved to share my thoughts with the world. Hope this will help me do that.

Most of the ENFP blogs are filled with memes. This is going to be different. This will be filled with crazy thoughts right outta my mind, qoutes I love and about my life! Hope you guys enjoy!!

I want to travel,

Passing mountains,

Passing oceans,

Passing planets

And universes.

Not in a spacecraft,

But, within my mind,

Sitting in a corner,

In solitude.



They say that part of our life is fate and the rest is free will. Choices… are what differentiate free will from fate. Even though it is “free” we all get only a limited number of choices.

Some of the choices are made for us by our parents & friends. Some, made by our ownselves.

Looking back at the choices I made…

I have made stupid choices, embarrassing choices, ruthless choices, brave choices & intelligent well thought choices… I have made choices when I was happy, lost, sad, mad & in love.

I also made choices which, given the chance, I’d go back and change….

But… maybe not..?!

All those choices I made, made me who I am today. Hence, I wouldn’t alter the choices I made even if I were able to!

I have so many thoughts, so many ideas within my head. I love to share my ideas with people and love to be heard.

But, the world is so busy scrolling by and resharing memes. Nobody cares anymore about originality. Nobody really register what they read or come across in their minds because of the constant overflow of information.

People are becoming zombies that scroll and tap. It is depressing when my ideas and thoughts are being disregarded, forgotten and buried. Being unheard is a tragedy in itself!
