#excerpts from my mind


We haven’t spoken for a couple of months after I left, because I was losing myself in the process of loving you. We were toxic for each other, we both know that. But all I can remember is the beautiful moments and laughter we shared. And looking back at those moments, I suddenly forget why I left.

You showered me with lovely words from the very beginning, even when I told you I don’t fall in love easily. When I finally let my guard down and gave in to your love, you changed. Your friendly manners turned mean and the goodnight calls disappeared into thin air. This is why I don’t let people in.

I can’t listen to shitty breakup songs about you leaving me, because I am the one who left. You drove me to the point where I just couldn’t take it anymore. And that doesn’t mean that I don’t love you anymore, it just means that I lost myself in the process of loving you.

Every time I feel happy for a moment, I wonder when life comes crashing down. And usually it doesn’t take long for something to happen that ruins my perfect moment. Maybe I’m not supposed to be happy. Why?

Every night I try to remember the time we were happy together. How we stared into each others eyes and couldn’t believe this love between us would ever fade. But now I’m alone with a hole in my chest. Your love for me did fade, but my love for you never did. So here I am, feeling incomplete, while you move on with your life without me. 

Before I fell in love for the first time, I didn’t get how two people could just break up and never talk to each other again. How could you do that after all the history you made together, I thought. But now, as I am heartbroken, I get it. You can’t just go back to being friends and pretend like nothing happened between you two. You can’t watch your ex-lover move on and meet someone else. It’s simply too hard to watch the person you once loved more than you loved yourself, look at someone else the way they looked at you.

You always told me I shouldn’t worry about her. She was just a friend, you said. I notice the way you talk about her with that spark in your eyes. You used to look at me like that. What did I do to deserve your betrayal? Am I not good enough?

I can’t believe how he could just betray me like that. I’ve done nothing but support and love him no matter what, with only disrespect in return. I’m unsure about a lot of things, but I’m certain I did nothing to deserve being treated like this. That’s why I have to walk away now.

I’d like to believe we will meet each other again when we’re slightly older. Maybe then we could love each other unconditionally, and nothing will be in our way. Maybe we will be right for each other. Maybe.

I can’t believe we went from strangers to friends, from friends to lovers, and then turned into strangers again. I shared everything with you, even my darkest secrets. But now a simple hello seems too hard to say. How did we get here?

I don’t want to lose you in my life but we can’t be together the way I want us to be. I guess I’ll have to accept to only have half of you, just so I won’t lose all of you.

If you push me away, you’re not gonna find me where you left me. My heart is big, but not big enough to deal with people who decide to love me when it’s convenient for them.

Nobody told me staying friends with an ex you truly loved is impossible. We can end on good terms, but I can’t be around you anymore. Every small thing reminds me of our time together. And don’t even get me started on your scent, it’s intoxicating.

Reading your old texts is enough for me to fall apart once again. I wish you were the same person as you were in the beginning. How did you turn so cold?  

It hurts so much feeling like I’m never good enough. I feel like I’m only someone temporary until something or someone better comes along. I don’t wanna feel like this anymore. It’s breaking me.

We’ve never skipped a day without talking, until now. It has been three whole days. I don’t know what you have been doing or why you don’t text me anymore. All I know is that I miss you like crazy, but I don’t want to bother you. Maybe it’s supposed to end this way?

All I wanted was to lay down with you after having sex. I just wanted to be held by you. But you didn’t want that. You wanted my body, while all I wanted was your heart.

You always told me I would be better off without you. I used to think you were just insecure and you wanted the absolute best for me. That wasn’t the reason. It actually was a warning. I am better off without you and you knew it all along. It just took me a bit longer to figure this out.

As time passes by and memories start to fade, I’m beginning to see the red flags I missed when we first started talking. I used to make excuses for all the rude things you said, but I’m starting to realise it wasn’t okay at all. Maybe I truly am better off without you.
