


Kinda tired of seeing nothing but light skinned and stick thin, conventionally attractive Hijabis everywhere in Muslim modest clothing companies, fashion shows and popular beauty/fashion bloggers and youtubers. I can clearly see how much we prefer to comment and like and subscribe these women over our darker skinned, fat Hijabis with different features, and we all know why. We say we want to show the world that beauty comes in all forms, including modesty, but we’re literal hypocrites if we believe we’re making a revolutionary change from Western beauty standards and creating our own space of positivity. When it still excludes the same people who couldn’t find there place before, what change have we actually made in the world of fashion and beauty?


@theintuitive_rd on Instagram

Words cannot express how important this is.




Contrary to popular belief dieting, exercising, and watching what you eat isn’t bad or evil as a woman or man.

Aesthetic beauty is an ideal and takes qualities like discipline, temperance, and delayed gratification which are all noble in their own right.

Stuffing your face and indulging in the trash considered food the industrial food complex has created to deteriorate you is the real evil

You seem incredibly confused over what feminism means, because fatphobia has no place in feminism.

You assume fat people are eating “"bad”“ foods, and that’s what’s causing everyone to be fat. One problem, millions fat. I don’t think it takes a genius to realize that fundamentally doesn’t make sense. Even if everyone at the same thing every day, we’d all be different sizes. Human diversity is *beautiful*

You also don’t think fat people can have a good visual aesthetic?? Maybe we don’t see the same fat folks bc I’ve never seen an ugly fat person, they simply don’t exist!! Fat people are some of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen, but even if they weren’t, they’re still people and still deserve respect from skinny people.

Fat people are beautiful but it’s unhealthy to be overweight I’m sorry if facts hurt your feelings

Facts huh?? I’m positive these ‘facts’ you speak of are less hard truths and more the diet industry tightening its grasp on folks.

First off, there’s a difference between overweight and ob*se, and usually it’s ob*se people considered unhealthy. Overweight folks sure, but its ob*se people that you’re supposed to be hating here. So you’re starting off incorrect, and I’m left wondering how you got so turned around.

Anyways, doesn’t matter, you just don’t know what you’re talking about and are parroting what you’ve been told using incorrect language, happens to the best of us (jk, you sound dumb as hell, open a book and get off tumblr girl!!!)

You seem very preoccupied with "health”, but I’d be willing to bet I’m much healthier than you, even being fat. That’s besides the point. Your preoccupation with health screams 'I’m currently slim and able-bodied, and those who aren’t are less than I, and health is the most important thing in life, not actually living life and enjoying myself". Which is sad. Disabled people still live great lives. Fat people live wonderful lives. Unhealthy people live long and happy lives.

Worry not, dear fatphobe, you don’t hurt my feelings. I just mourn for the day you’re no longer slim and able-bodied. The day all your shallow beliefs come crashing down around you and you are forced to realize health is fleeting and meaningless.


Tumblr isn’t letting me share this YouTube video as anything other than a link, but watch this short video in horror with me at how normalized diet culture/fatphobia is that Tom Holland was forced onto a FIVE HUNDRED CALORIE DIET that caused him to starve so much that he felt the need to steal food and somehow the big takeaway here is not how horrifying diet culture is. The takeaway is apparently that he’s a meme. This is something you would hear in a fucking dystopian society, but it’s real.







Perfect. But maybe just say ‘larger’ instead of fat next time xx






it’s also fucked up that fat people literally fear going to the doctor for anything because they know the first thing out of their dr’s mouth no matter what their ailment is, is gonna be “lose weight lol” broken leg? lose weight. rash? lose weight. whooping cough? lose weight binch!!!!! like we get it. but can you just write my prescription you bitch so i can go eat a salad and not call you again until im about to die of the plague????

I would not be surprised if someone did a study and found an increase in misdiagnosis of fat patients due to doctors focusing solely on weight loss as a panacea and ignoring other vital issues

In fact there are plenty showing this kind of thing, so you’re right on the money.



NYT article from September which cites these 2 studies.

Have I told the story of how a fatphobic doctor misdiagnosed a tumor in my spine for years and might have cost me the ability to walk lately?

I’d highly recommend Big Fat Science for anyone interested in learning more about the intersections of medicine and fat people’s experiences.



I wish that anti-bullying campaigns would stop arguing that “anyone can be bullied”/that “it’s completely random who the bullying victim is” cause it’s usually not just “anyone” who’s being bullied - it’s the disabled kids, the neurodivergent kids, the kids of color, the fat kids, the mentally ill kids, the poor kids, the transgender kids, the gender nonconforming kids, the non-straight kids. We won’t get anywhere with stopping bullying if we don’t confront the underlying reasons causes it’s no accident that it’s the kids belonging to marginalized groups who ends up being bullying victims. Bullying is not just a “random” evil it’s an expression of the ableism, racism, classism, sexism, homophobia, fatphobia and transhobia in our society and it’s about time that we confront that in our anti-bullying campaigns. 

Edited version. Please reblog this version instead if you’ve reblogged the unedited version. 


fatphobia and ableism are inextricable from one another and we really need to talk about it.

when someone is fat and disabled, people are suddenly obsessed with finding out whether they’re fat because they’re disabled or they’re disabled because they’re fat (and usually conclude the latter). when a fat person uses mobility aids like wheelchairs and scooters or gets caught wearing diapers, they get mocked for it.

this extends to mental disabilities and chronic conditions too–if you’re autistic, have memory issues or chronic pain/fatigue, suffer from crohns or IBS, etc. people will blame that on you being fat, which is often shorthand for “lazy.”

don’t even get me started on how socially acceptable it is to mock and degrade fat people for having poor hygiene.

there’s just so many ways in which the two overlap, it’s overwhelming to even try and list them all.






i am so tired of ppl not watching the video and rbing with their ignorant opinions going on abt “dress for your body type” and shit like…. that’s not the point. the point is that almost everything deemed trendy and attractive is awarded these qualities BECAUSE they are worn by tall, skinny and usually white bodies.

if y’all had bothered to watch the video, you would’ve seen the comparison between gigi hadid wearing denim shorts and a regular ass shirt and a normal fat woman wearing the exact same fit, and how drastic the reception was for the latter. it’s the exact same outfit, nothing revolutionary or new, i can’t even call it fashion—denim shorts and a t-shirt. yet the fat woman was mocked relentlessly online and said she looked like a racist, while miss hadid was praised for being a trendsetter and a fashion icon.

and not for nothing but y’all have to shut the fuck up abt dressing for body types. it’s bullshit. women should be able to wear whatever the fuck we desire without needing others’ approval for whether or not our bodies are attractive enough for you to let us get out of the house or post pictures online. the most important thing is that YOU like what you’re wearing and YOU feel confident and comfortable in your outfits and your expression of yourself. wear a long skirt “even if” you’re short. wear 6 inch heels “even if” you’re 6 feet tall. wear crop tops and hot shorts and backless dresses “even if” you’re fat. cover up and take off whatever you want as long as you like what you’re wearing.

I am so tired of fashion rn, finally someone said it. These trends are for skinny women

If i may throw my 2 cents in. Im no expert but I am a nerd who likes fashion and likes to study it… To whatever that may mean.

So, the irony that the lovely lady who made the video got ripped apart is hilarious and id feel bad for the people who missed the point if i didnt also think they were stupid.

So fashion, in the more modern sense anyway, has kinda always been this horrible size obsessed nightmare. Before standardized sizing, you drafted the patterns yourself, and made your clothes/had them made to your exact measurements. When you go to fashion school, they teach you figure drawing and sewing. In both of these you are creating your garments for thin, tall mannequins and models. Dress forms in fashion school come in one size and one size only. Now this isnt actually the worst thing simply for the fact that its easier to judge and properly grade when you are working with the same thing (same figures and measurements), so i do get why fashion school does this. However, in my very limited understanding as i have never been to fashion school, there is no classes or any kind of education on how to dress or draw “real” (ie an average person) people or how to build garments that suit their body. I have even heard stories about students being told to stop drawing larger figures because thats not how things are done.

Which essentially leads to the point of the video - fashion is made for the tall, thin, super rich and is not made for the average person. The only times you really see people who arent that 1 body shape/type, is when they are put into the box of plus sized and dress in the way that these oppressive jerks expect them to dress (loose, flowy, boxy garments that hide everything because god forbid you have even a little back fat roll peeking out from under your top).

Im not plus sized (maybe in sewing patterns but those are way more fucked then standard sizing), but i am curvy with a smaller chest and wider hips, the pear shape if you will. Im also short. I have some rolls, stretch marks, and scars all over from like living. My body, because genes, has a decently even weight distribution (meaning and extra fat is distributed all over rather then just in the stomach or legs or whatever). My waist is only 30 inches, im not that big, and i could not wear and look “good” in the outfits shown in the thumbnail.

Now i use and think the whole body shapes/types and dressing for your body is a good guideline. But thats just it, they are guidelines. Guidelines that are sold to us as absolutes because fashion is made for the tall and thin. The sucky thing there is anyone who isnt that feels shamed, and anyone who IS that is shamed. The fashion industry is a producer of shame in all sense. Trends exist to keep the cycle going so that no one feels quite ok when shopping, so that the shame can continue and the industry can continue to make money off you. Because trends will always exclude one or more groups of people, who will be shamed for being off trend and thus will try to be trendy, only to be shamed for not looking right.

Fashion brands and retailers profit from our shame and purposefully teaches its professionals and students to not be inclusive. Plus sized people need their clothes built differently, i need my clothes built differently, but they dont know how. Because to make clothes that actually fit people and fit them properly, would stop the shame and stop their cash flow.

Wear whatever you want. Learn to sew so that you can alter your garments to fit YOU and make YOU happy. You are more then deserving of feeling good about yourself and what you wear, do not let this bs industry hurt you.

I’m getting slightly off topic, but during my costuming program, I was one of the few people who didn’t do a fashion design undergrad. The difference in skill level was very telling.

I was behind the curve when it came to actually constructing garments. The other students had three continuous years of sewing under their belts, and I could barely keep up.

But pattern drafting/fitting? I was not only on-par with them, in some ways I was even ahead. Because the costuming world makes clothing for individuals, not set sizes. You need to be able to work with many different body types. The fashion students were basically re-learning everything from scratch. The process is THAT different.

Prior to mass production, clothes were made to fit our body. Nowadays we’re expected to make our bodies fit the clothes.









Shout out to the RN who, upon diagnosing me with postural orthostatic hypotension, did not follow through to maybe figuring out I have POTS?

Shout out to the many doctors who have looked at my perpetually weird blood pressure and my inability to thermoregulate and my weight gain and everything and decided “ah, well, we can’t do anything about that”.

Shout out to all the doctor who, after being told I was dizzy all the time, said “ah, it’s a shame we can’t do anything about that”.

Shout out to the doctor who, when I showed up to his office with a cane, diagnosed me with agoraphobia and told me I was too pretty to be depressed.

My mom (the one I chose, not the one I was born to) is a doctor. One of my very best friends is a doctor. I still don’t trust doctors as far as I can throw them. Some of them are great. Most of them are ableist fucks, and most of them fully deserve your distrust.

Shout out to the surgeon who wrote fatphobic garbage in Ryn’s medical record (that I don’t even know the extent of because Emi knew it would make me too upset) and gave them a halfass hernia repair after removing their tumor. (AS A FUCKING TEENAGER)

Shout out to the doctors (PLURAL) who Ryn went to about “hey this seems weird” with their surgery scar who just told them to lose weight about it.

Shout out to the dietician their mom took them to at age six to get them to lose weight (and shout out to mom the nurse too).

Shout out, even, to my own doctor who I have always liked and respected, when I went to see her about possible acid reflux who said “well weight loss is on the list of things we usually suggest” immediately after I had told her about my experiences with Ryn AND my issues with making myself eat regularly (yay executive function and grief). At least she sounded fucking apologetic about it.

Like, I cannot speak highly enough of the people at Children’s Seattle, including the pharmacist who also raged about medical fatphobia with me, and Ryn’s surgeon, who filled me in on stuff about what had happened the first time that neither of us had known about. And like Birdie, I count Emi as one of my dearest friends, and I know she too is carrying the responsibility forward.

But also, the system is stacked against good care for fat people.

“Just lose weight” is bad medical advice, especially for chronically ill patients. Many chronic illnesses directly cause weight gain or make it too difficult to exercise. Doctors know this, but still tend to view a patient’s excess weight as the cause of their health problems rather than a symptom. They’re less likely to run important diagnostic tests on overweight patients and more likely to dismiss their health concerns. I’ve been taken more seriously by doctors since I lost a significant amount of weight, and that’s definitely not the way that things should be. 




You people realize the body positivity movement is literally a political movement right. Like it’s a movement that was started to improve the rights of fat people and stop discrimination against fat people. You realize that. It’s not a tea party where everyone just compliments everyone else on their looks.

One time I was teaching undergrads and we were talking about how you can even define what is “fair” in employment. And I was explaining how there have been court cases about employers forcing their employees to wear makeup or do their hair/nails, etc, so of course we end up talking about flight attendants. And my students, predictably, are like, “Well ok but in the case of flight attendants, being good looking is literally just part of the job description.” So I point out how applying this principle universally would basically make it so that any employer could refuse to hire someone who was fat or ugly. And That One Kid was like, “Well if it affects the business’s ability to make money, I mean, that’s just smart.” And so I say, “Yes, that is certainly what a capitalist would say. But don’t you think that allowing that capitalist interest to take precedence would lead to a world in which it’s legally permissible to refuse to hire someone just because they’re fat or ugly? Basically legalizing discrimination and blocking access to work and livelihood?” And this motherfucker is like, “Well, yeah. ”

When I tell you I almost had to leave…I was full-body shaking and afterward, my queer students came up and were like, “omg are you okay?”

So yeah, it’s fucking political. What you think is about personal aesthetic preference is actually oppressing huge groups of people, so.

This is a fascinating example because I actually am a flight attendant, and no the fuck it isn’t a part of my job description to “be good looking.” It hasn’t been since the 60s. We’re literally first responders. Should your ER nurse have to wear makeup in order to save your life?


wlw are not less fatphobic than mlm. sure, you don’t have “no fats” in your tinder/grindr bio, but you make you still make your dislike of fat women apparent. the sapphic art you create, the representation you hail as perfect, the wlw singers you listen to, the fashion you label as having “gay vibes”, etc. It’s all painfully, stupidly apparent. I’m tired of staying quiet about this.


sending love to all fat people struggling with gender stuff, to those whose dysphoria is worsened by gendered views of weight and body type, to those who are denied transition related medical care bc of their weight, to those who feel alienated even in lgbt and gnc spaces, to those who struggle to find gender affirming clothing designed to fit them, to those who feel they need to work twice as hard to have their identities respected. you deserve better. you’re lovely and deserving of respect and autonomy just as you are.

This reminded me to the lovely lady that keeps whining in most of my posts (except in the ones she can’t refute, of course)

How do you chose where not to argue? Because you know it’s true ;)

Of course they are anti bodyshaming!

Where’s that nice personality to accompany that disgusting body? All lies.

If you think like this, you are ugly on the inside and out.


“Fat is genetic!” 

So is this?

“Food doesn’t correlate to weight!”

That means these two must have similar diets!

“You shouldn’t change your body, it’s healthy at any size!”

Totally empowering, amiright?

Don’t be a hypocrite, get the facts and know your body’s limits!

Oh my God.

I don’t usually post this kind of images, but the juxtaposition of this set is amazing.

HAES people are the first to jump to an anorexic girl’s throat, the same principles apply to both extremes.

Isn’t fat acceptance begging/demanding allies all the time?

So skinny people have to help, but can’t because they can’t understand, but are assholes if they don’t do anything, but full of bullshit if they do… What?

Also, Tess can eat an entire cake, which is inspiring, yet “fat people stuff their faces” is just a stereo type… PICK ONE!

Telling a dangerously overweight person not to lose weight because they’re beautiful, is like telling an alcoholic not to stop drinking because they’re fun.


We need to spread this far and wide guys. Please do not like just reblog. I found this recently and I wish I found it sooner because it now serves as a huge motivator for me. When you’re overweight like me, it is so easy to fall into “body positivity” and fat acceptance because you can continue to point the blame on something else and not take action. I convinced myself that for a long time, it was my parents fault, it was the medication I take, I did not even think for a second that I was the problem. My very grotesque eating habits. Two boxes of pizza in one sitting. Large sodas. Food that’s meant for a party were my breakfast lunch and dinner and late night snacks. I use this blog to motivate myself as well as others that you do you not want to be the average overweight person and be a part of a community that would rather make excuses than put in the work.

I wish I had found these videos sooner. To those who get offended and angry at what he says instead of feeling motivated then that means you are enabling yourself and a lot of other people. Health should not be controversial. Fat acceptance have no place in other communities. The reason why you see a fat acceptance post with over 80,000 reblogs and a anti fat acceptance with only 80 reblogs is because they pretend to be part of other groups, real groups fighting for real issues. An issue that can be fixed is not an issue. I want this to be my most reblogged post. Let’s get this to 100k because this needs to heard by more than a million people.



Also stop using fucking PCOS and Hypothyroidism as excuses. I have both, no joke. And I still manage to be a healthy weight. So stop finding excuses. The only one you have to blame for being obese is YOURSELF. You become obese from eating too much and not being active enough. You’re the only one to blame for that and if you try and blame anything/anyone else frankly that’s pathetic. 

So true. My dad has hyperthyroidism and a whole shit-ton of medical issues and bottles upon bottles of medication. He used to way 260lbs (at the highest) but now, since someone is finally making him eat right and he isn’t eating all crazy, he’s down to 190lbs and it didn’t even take that long. Simple as that. Also, my cousin has PCOS and she’s literally one of the slimmest people in our family because she just knows not to shovel food down. Lol.


There is no form of hating fat people - including concern trolling or hating fat acceptance - that doesn’t amount to you saying, “Uh, excuse me, what made you think you could go around having a body without justifying it to me?”

When you talk about “fat” diseases - you’re saying: “uh, that body better be perfectly healthy in all instances forever before I give you my approval.”

When you talk about “it’s just not attractive” - you’re saying: “I think I made it clear that if your body isn’t pleasing to me, I’m not signing off on it.”

When you talk about “just eat less and exercise more” - you’re saying: “who gave you permission to live your life as you see fit instead of how I see fit?”

So let me just be clear: all anti-fat arguments are always and completely invalid because fat people will never owe you an explanation or justification for their bodies, their health, or their lives. 

Fat acceptance is simply the assertion of a right fat people have always had, and one it’s long past time others started accepting.

You all are out here saying bullcrap like “girls don’t date nice guys,” and “I got friend zoned” and “girls are so shallow, they only want guys with Magic Mike bodies.”

You’re f**king kidding, right? 

I’m closing in on 30 years old. I’m a straight, single female. I’m open-minded, giving, passionate, and don’t have a single body type I like to date. I am a redhead who’s crazy awesome at f**king. I have a job. I love cats, reading, musicals, playing Pokemon Go, and Doctor Who. I don’t want children but I do want to travel and experience as much of this damn planet as I possibly can. I’m a low-drama, high-adventure woman who’s in the market for a soul mate.

 Do I sound like someone you would date? 

Wait, I forgot something. I’m also fat.

Whoops, suddenly I’m not your ‘type,’ right? 

Y’all motherf**kers are whining over here like “girls are so picky!” Well, let me tell you, sailors, I’ve encountered more men rejecting me for a date (and even a no-strings sexual relationship) because I’m not the waiflike, tiny, delicate little thing society expects me to be than I’ve EVER seen/known men being rejected for “being nice” or having a “dad bod.” I’ve NEVER had a man approach me in a bar for conversation or a drink. I’ve NEVER had someone tell me I’m beautiful. I’ve NEVER had a man take me seriously. MEN HAVE DUMPED ME AND SAID ITS BECAUSE I GAINED TOO MUCH WEIGHT.

But do men  care? F**k no. 

Funny thing is, I actually prefer ‘nice guys.’ I like a dad bod. I like someone I can have fun with as well as deep conversations. I’m easy to get along with. I’m low maintenance, but I do appreciate validation every once in a while…but try learning that when you’re passing me over for the skinny girl who WILL be picky and reject you…probably less because of what you look like and more for your shitty attitude.

When you say “girls don’t like nice guys” what you really mean is “hot girls don’t like nice guys.” When you say “I got friendzoned” you’re only saying it when your friend is a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. While you’re b*tching about not having rock-hard abs, you won’t even give the size-18 girl who’s been crushing on you for ages so much as a date. Until you give women of every body type equal chances to win your heart, you don’t deserve a single chance with any of us. We’re too fat and fabulous for you. 

We aren’t the shallow ones. It’s definitely you. So shut the f**k up. 
