#girls who squat


And back. Needed time to do other things. Still slowly working on my latest cosplay. But progress has been slow. I also had to take step back from the gym. I did not stop going but for health reasons I did not want to burn myself out. So took it more easy. Now I’m back trying to hit my prior goals. Deadlift conventional 215lbs for 3, last set obviously the hardest. This was also my last set for dead lifts. Trying to make my way back to my original PR of 225lbs conventional grip.

And now it’s gaining season. Abs will kinda go away but feel full and strong as fuck. My traning also changes. I focus on heavy compound lifts and just generally heavier lifts/sets. Focus on strength/getting stronger.

I do not really do a “bulk” being I respond to training. I do build my metabolism up by slowly adding calories. I bring it to maintence (2000cal I’m 5'2 at 123lbs) then add 300cal over the course of 1 ½ months. I’m a tiny person so this is a lot. It’s your training that determines your results. The SAIDs principle is a good example of this. Especially for females, who are honestly the worst at this. Seriously drop the booty bands, light weights, pick some heavy shit up and eat a little more. Gaining 1-2lbs of body fat is OK. When you have high calories, more lean mass, this is what you need to do if you wish to actually get lean and easier next go around. Most people do not understand that bulks do not = eat a shit ton of food. Rare to find a true hard gainer. I know a few, and it’s not fun for them ,It’s hard.

135-155lb squats. Training on a caloric deficit + less then 5 hours of sleep the last few nights has not been fun. Cardio has also been upped to: 45min or more at times. Being it’s now the stretch before I “diet break” myself. I also have introduced running back into my routine 2x a week. I used to run daily until my piriformis syndrome pretty much did not let me. I can deal with: shin splits, plantar fasciitis just fine. Piriformis syndrome hurts so bad. I’ve tried every stretch and release prior. I’m lucky to live by some amazing trails and parks too. Completed 3.71 miles in 35 min or so. Could have been waaaay less if I did not stop to pet dogs along the way.

Day after legs usually major swelling and such. I pretty much lose definition for 24-48 hours after heavy sessions. My summer shred is going pretty well. Currently learning mandatory posing as well. Let’s just say after a workout. That is so painful to do, I see why guys cramp up on stage and fall over.

I never plan on doing a bikini competition ever but learning posing and mandatory. I’m also learning from my training partner who’s competed a lot. So learn from those with experience.

Being I do not post a ton of my workouts lately. I want to get in, and gtfo, avoid as much of the crowds as possible. Also I try and really zone in a focus solely on my workout also make sure each rep is quality. Never talk or socialize. It’s not a social club for me. In it 100% for myself and no one else.

Not fully recorded but started with heel elevated, body weight squats (warm up) -leg press, various positions: wide, narrow and cannon ball started with 90lb and worked up to 230lb then back down.

- canonball back squat around 6 sets, worked at 95lb, obviously could have went heavier, wanted to keep it light. I need to try this with my heels elevated as well.

-back squats at 135lb for 3 sets.

- Bulgarian split squats, superset 80lb dumbbell pliè squats+deadlift.

Finished off with adductors/abductor machines. I’m more focusing on my quads due from my glutes/hamstrings grow easy and just more so cause discomfort. I prefer having balance between my upper/lower body.

Incline walk 3min

Squats 5x5, 2x3
RDLs 4x8
Leg press 4x8

Leg curl 3x8
Leg extension 3x8

Hip abductor 3x20
Hip adductor 3x20

Standing calves 4x25

Incline walk 5min

I’ve been a loyal user for nearly all 10 years of its life, but I am officially locked out of this account on a dashboard & the email account required to reset the password & have a different phone number than the one associated with that old email address now.

I’ve worked hard to build this (but will now have a more relevant username). Please please please follow @youshouldsquatmore. I will continue to post motivational pics, my daily routines, recipes, answer questions, etc.

Squats 8x3
Sumo deadlifts 6x3

Leg curl 4x10
Leg extension 3x10

Leg press 5x20

Standing calves 3x10
Dumbbell RDLs 3x10
Sitting calves 3x20

Leg extension DBLs x2

Incline walk 5min

Lifting has been a slow process for me,having a weak back and pelvis has made my journey into weights rather problematic.

But tonight I hit the 30kg mark and for me it was comfortable to lift,hopeful to increase the weight next session
