#high class heaux


Ways to Overcome Low self esteem Part 2

Hey loves! You are viewing part 2 of my “How to fix low self-esteem series” CLICK HERE to view part 1!

What is low self Esteem..?

Low self-esteem is caused by feelings of unworthiness or the feeling that we are far behind where we are supposed to be in life. How did we come to decide that we are not good enough? How did we come up with the “ideal self” that we do not seem to attain?

4.Practice Gratitude

Be grateful for what you already have, be it your health, your family and friends, your home, the food you eat every day. Don’t take these things for granted.

5.Make time for yourself

Time is the most valuable thing we have because it is the only thing that no money on earth could buy. Do not spend with the wrong people! Time is better spent alone than with people who don’t appreciate and value your company.

6.Do not tolerate mediocrity from anyone!

The main reasons people tolerate mediocrity & bad behaviour. Is either because they view themselves as inferior based on superficialities or because they need validation from that person. People will only treat you the way you allow them to, so the way people treat you is your responsibility.

Why you must Make Yourself a Priority

There is a lot of talk about self-care on this blog, but the truth is that self-care begins with prioritizing yourself. There are a lot of benefits to making yourself a priority. On the other hand, if you ignore your needs and put the needs of others first, many problems can arise.The consequence of putting others before yourself is people pleasing.

So Why You Need To Make Yourself A Priority?✨

If you truly want to love yourself and respect yourself, you must put yourself first. We can also influence how others treat us by how we treat ourselves. It is also important to carry yourself in a certain manner for people to treat you the same. Here are 4 ways that have helped me make myself a priority in my own life…

Create a weekly schedule

Make sure you take time for yourself! You can do anything you like, whether it is studying new things, hobbies, relaxation, crafts. Whatever your interests are, make clear time for them unapologetically. This is one of the ways you’ll begin to love yourself better since you’ll get to know yourself better.

If You Need Help, Ask!

In all this, remember to ask for help whenever necessary. Being your own priority doesn’t mean alienating yourself. Build a network of trusted and dependable friends, people you can be yourself around. Our guards are much more heightened when we’re surrounded by the wrong people and nobody needs that

Create Strong Boundaries!

Establishing boundaries will help you avoid situations you do not want to be in. The moment we do not set boundaries, we are inviting everything into our lives, good and bad alike.By knowing what matters to you, you will be able to create some boundaries. When you know yourself, putting boundaries against things that aren’t aligned will be much easier.

Learn How To Say No!

This is a part of going with the flow. Saying no and being firm about it are two important skills. Don’t give in to the temptation to do something you don’t want. Your tendency to change your mind easily is something people will recognize and know they only have to ask several times before you agree. Some ideas illustrate how to say no politely if you think giving a flat no is rude.

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