#i love you

i love you
infectedscrew:Got my lady friend her birthday gift. Sailor Moon hash upon set 3, since she won’t b


Got my lady friend her birthday gift.

Sailor Moon hash upon set 3, since she won’t buy them for herself.

Look how awesome my Girlfriend is!! Gashapons!! ACK

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“It’s really quite simple, see? I love you with my whole entire heart and every blub blub it has..”

I loved you yesterday and I love you today, there’s nothing stopping me from loving you tomorrow - eUë

“Deep down in me, I feel eternity by the moon’s glow.. with every breath it is my love for you I will show. I taste you with every breath, tasting on your neck like a snack.. ooh girl, I’ll never go back. I love you like the night loves black, like the sun loves light.. I’ll love you girl, every single night.”

I will love you and love you and love you some more - eUë

“She’s so hot that when she holds my heart, it’s like a meteor.. her atmosphere tears me apart.”

And just like a meteor, I fall and fall and fall through time and space until she burns me up - eUë

“It breaks my heart to see you cry, dry those eyes and show me a little smile to melt my heart..”

It ALWAYS melts my heart when you are beside me, I could live forever in a look - eUë

“Hi, yeah.. can I kiss you? Ummm, can I actually kiss you like 7 million times please?”

Hahahaha.. I just want a few million little kisses, is that too much to ask??? Haha - eUë

“I will massage your heart in my hand, loving all of you as much as I can.. I will love you in ways that your mind couldn’t even dream, I will hold your hand at night as you scream. If you have a nightmare, I will care.. don’t be scared, I will always care until you aren’t there. If you die, I won’t cry.. I will devote my whole life to your eyes, beauty to be remembered every time that I look at the sky. Don’t even think I won’t, your heart is here forever in my spokes.. twisting and turning as you have my heart yearning. I love you and I always will, so tell me.. how do you feel?”

I will love you forever and a day, maybe longer.. never less - eUë

“I am like a flower, I would die without your light.. such beauty, such splendor.”

And every time you smile, it feels like light beaming into my heart - eUë

“My heart must have butterfly wings cause I have this insanely fluttery feeling in my chest when you are near like I could fly away..”

I always did say that loving you was like having butterflies in my veins - eUë

“I can do anything in this world when you are holding my hand, it’s almost as if my heart slips onto my palm and it beats against the flesh of your hand.. and for some reason, that honestly makes me feel invincible. Just knowing that you are there with me, supporting me and you have your skin snugly up against mine.. there is no greater feeling of support than that. Well maybe a reassuring hug, but that is something different altogether.. in reality, anytime that you are up against me I feel as if I can take on the world. I forget my sadness, my pain, all that bad stuff and there is just us.. right there sharing air and warmth and it is truly the most beautiful thing.”

I could never feel blue when I am with you - eUë

“Just pretend that you are a bird for a second and my lap is a nest, now let’s hatch some affection from this egg of love..”

Hahahaha.. I’m such a fuggin dork - eUë

“Nothing is going to stop me from loving you, I could be hit with a semi right now and I would would be using my last breath telling you that I love you with all of my heart.. it’s not a waste, never that. I think loving is the most important thing a person can do, not even just romantic love either.. I think everyone should love everyone and the world would be a better place. I mean, doesn’t it make you happy that I love you?? It means a lot when you are loved, at least it should. So love people today, tomorrow, and the next day cause it makes the world a better place.. I will start by loving you and it will grow from there.”

Who knew that we could change the world just by loving someone - eUë
