#incorrect slytherin quotes


Hufflepuff:Hey, I like your shirt.

Slytherin: You do, you know what its made off?

Hufflepuff, confused: No, what is is made of??

Slytherin:Boyfriend material ;)


Gryffindor: I’m a Renaissance Historian.

Ravenclaw:Oh really? Name 4 Renaissance artists.

Gryffindor:Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael.

Ravenclaw: That’s on me, I set the bar too low.

Slytherin: The world feels weird

Ravenclaw: *without looking up from their laptop* Have you taken your meds?


Slytherin: *going to the other room* No need to call me out

Ravenclaw : The real question is would you rather fight King Kong or Godzilla?

Slytherin : Godzilla if you give like 5 mins to prepare.

Hufflepuff : Why do you need 5 mins?

Slytherin : Gotta stretch and shit

Hex Girls

Slytherin: let’s go hex someone. *unbuttons robe to reveal a Quidditch bat*

Other slytherin: You are a delight and I would let you murder me.

Study hall

Abbey (slytherin): Bro if you want to help someone write an essay go write mine and go away.

Jo (slytherin): How about you write your own and I’ll fix it when you’re done?

Abbey: damn ok.

Heart thief

Ravenclaw: you know, bisexuality isnt that hard to understand. Girls are cute. Guys are cute. What do you want from me?

Slytherin: I want your wallet
