#incorrect slytherin quotes



Slytherin: Hey, we’ll be right back. It’ll only take a few hours. We’re just going to go talk to a dead person.

Hufflepuff, mid-sip of tea: …Right. Okay.

Remote learning

Professor: *Giving a lecture via Zoom*

Hufflepuff, in the chat: Is anyone going to tell him he’s muted?

Slytherin: absolutely not, delete that shit before he sees it.

Labels and titles

Slytherin: I like to do things subtly.

Ravenclaw: So you’re passive aggressive…

Slytherin: One time in 3rd year, I punched someone because they were making fun of my friend.

Ravenclaw: That’s not passive aggressive.

Hufflepuff: That’s aggressive aggressive.

Intelligent life

Ravenclaw, stargazing: Do you think we are alone in this universe

Slytherin: I hope not.

Ravenclaw: Yea I guess it would be kinda scary if we were.

Slytherin: Well that, and I really want an alien girlfriend.

Ravenclaw: … That’s valid


Gryffindor: Rock slide? I didnt know rocks could slide.

Slytherin, sarcastically: No it’s a slide made of rock.

Gryffindor: Really!?

Slytherin: … no.

Hex Girls

Slytherin: let’s go hex someone. *unbuttons robe to reveal a Quidditch bat*

Other slytherin: You are a delight and I would let you murder me.

Study hall

Abbey (slytherin): Bro if you want to help someone write an essay go write mine and go away.

Jo (slytherin): How about you write your own and I’ll fix it when you’re done?

Abbey: damn ok.

Heart thief

Ravenclaw: you know, bisexuality isnt that hard to understand. Girls are cute. Guys are cute. What do you want from me?

Slytherin: I want your wallet


malfoy had a brief year after hogwarts where he tried to become a freestyle rapper

it went…poorly

Dr. Malfoy ft. The Snakes - Slyther into my life
