
sunrise-designer: UM ya girl just put a BIG pride collection on her Redbubble. Help your local queersunrise-designer: UM ya girl just put a BIG pride collection on her Redbubble. Help your local queersunrise-designer: UM ya girl just put a BIG pride collection on her Redbubble. Help your local queer


UM ya girl just put a BIG pride collection on her Redbubble.

Help your local queer artist pay rent, and find it here: https://www.redbubble.com/people/dlpalmer/collections/1131073-pride-hearts?asc=u 

✨Check out my Ko-Fi, and Patreon in my bio!✨

This is me! Check it out if you can - there’s 50 designs on over 50 products each!

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sunrise-designer: UM ya girl just put a BIG pride collection on her Redbubble. Help your local queersunrise-designer: UM ya girl just put a BIG pride collection on her Redbubble. Help your local queersunrise-designer: UM ya girl just put a BIG pride collection on her Redbubble. Help your local queer


UM ya girl just put a BIG pride collection on her Redbubble.

Help your local queer artist pay rent, and find it here: https://www.redbubble.com/people/dlpalmer/collections/1131073-pride-hearts?asc=u 

✨Check out my Ko-Fi, and Patreon in my bio!✨

This is me! Check it out if you can - there’s 50 designs on over 50 products each!

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torbooks: Have you pre-ordered your copy of A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows yet? Sub


Have you pre-ordered your copy of A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows yet? Submit your receipt for the hardcover, ebook, or audiobook by 7/25 to guarantee this STUNNING print, designed by @nicoledealart

Submit your receipt here: bit.ly/ASASE-preorder

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Ah yes, the holy trinity

But who is the the father, the son and the holy spirit?

I propose Dolly is the mother, Trixie is the daughter, and Tammy is the holy ghost

I commented on Jaidens new video saying how accepting we are, someone didn’t agree

I will fight any of y'all who doesn’t accept my ace and aro pals (or any other identity)


happy tdov! 

as a trans man whose gender is not entirely binary I want to debunk some common misconceptions. 

  • making jokes that equate genitalia with gender is transphobic even if “everyone else is doing it” 
  • trans men are not always twinks.
  • trans men are not more compassionate or empathetic than cis men by nature
  • cis men can express gender in many ways just like trans men 
  • trans men can be discriminated against in ways specific to trans men 
  • everyone’s experience with gender is different and is often shaped by their race, ethnicity, culture, and economic standing among other things 
  • non binary encompasses a range of gender way more varied and complex than the binary system, so acting like it is “trans-lite” is both incorrect and transphobic / discriminatory
  • not everyone whose gender lies outside the gender binary proliferated in European/European-colonized countries identifies with the label “non-binary”
  • trans people are not obligated to identify themselves as trans. cis people are not obligated to identify themselves as cis. no matter who you are, your gender and your genitals is your personal business. 
  • drawing a hard line between trans people and cis people just creates a new binary that is not useful for anyone

*if there is a better word to use here than nbphobic i don’t know what it is. 

If any of these points are new/unfamiliar to you, that’s okay. We are all constantly learning and what’s important is that we have a mindset of growth. Being unnecessarily aggressive towards ourselves and others for not always having all the information helps no one. This is not shared out of a sense of “moral superiority” but just things I want to get off my chest that I see people having the wrong idea about a lot. Thank you and happy birthday trans 

I love queer scientists so much. Seriously, if you are a queer scientist, then you are literally my idol, regardless of your field.

This, of course, includes POC scientists, disabled scientists, neurodivergent scientists, trans scientists, nb scientists, aro/ace scientists, bi/pan/poly scientists, and xenogender scientists.

I’m still a baby scientist. I’m barely treading water trying to get my B.S. and seeing all the work done by a huge diverse group of scientists, researchers, and engineers gives me a bit of hope for the future.

Thanks for being you

[Image description: The Is He Though meme. The first line of the caption says, “CisHet Christians: Your only identity is in Christ!” The second line says, “Queer Christians,” with a reaction gif of Thor talking to Bruce Banner, saying “is it though?” End description.]

@ohlawdthebirds brought up an excellent point:

So oftentimes, when hearing church leaders talk about queerness and about how its a sin, I’ve heard the argument “Your identity should be in Christ, not your sexuality/gender identity.” I find this very ironic and somewhat hypocritical considering how many conferences, merch, books, and sermons are centered around being straight and cis (i.e. biblical manhood/womanhood, singles ministries).

And anyways, aren’t we made in God’s image? Are our identities something to be ignored, or something to be acknowledge? Why can cishet Christians openly parade (and dare I say idolize) their identities [while] queer people must divorce themselves from them?

This is also something I’ve been stewing on for a while. It didn’t occur to me until recently that I could embrace both identities without offending God.

For example: In Matthew 4, Jesus didn’t order the disciples to give up their identities in order to follow him. In fact, their personalities, backgrounds, and occupations influenced their ministry.

But back to the point.

I don’t think many cishet Christians realize that being cisgender and heterosexual isan identity, not the default setting for human beings. And that lack of awareness is why they tell us to tone down our queerness. To minimize ourselves. Because we don’t fit the mold.

But you know who Jesus called to be his disciples?

The outcasts. The oppressed. The “sinners.” Sound familiar?

TL;DR: Being a Christian doesn’t mean you have to downplay your sexuality/gender identity.


The problem is you don’t really believe what you think you believe.

You say that someone with male anatomy poses a threat to women and girls. If that’s true, and you believe folk with penises are inherently dangerous, why don’t you believe this should exclude them from positions of authority or leadership? Why are you comfortable with male anatomy in the Oval Office, but not in the bathroom cubicle next to you? If you can’t trust “men” to behave reasonably in a public toilet, why are you happy to give one the nuclear codes?

You say you want to protect women and girls from being alone somewhere isolated with a man. I shared a small office with a male boss for years. He locked the door for meetings all the time. Why aren’t you campaigning against that? Why do you believe that a male co-worker poses no danger to me, but a transwoman in the next bathroom stall does?

You say it’s unfair that transwomen athletes have a biological advantage over ciswomen. Why don’t you believe we should ban Kenyan athletes from long distance running? Why is one biological advantage fair, but another sends you into a frothing rage?

You say you’re worried that if we allow people to change gender, it somehow “erases” my same sex attraction. (Firstly, when did you start caring about gay rights?) Why do you see my attraction to women as an attraction to vaginas? Is your attraction to men just an attraction to cock? Why do you believe your sexuality is about an entire person – their personality, their choices, the rich tapestry of their whole life – but mine is all about the genitals? If your male spouse lost his penis to disease or injury, and you still found him attractive, would you no longer count as straight?

You say you don’t want someone in your changing rooms who might be attracted to you. I hate to tell you this, but you’ve been changing and peeing in front of me for years. Why do you worry about sharing a changing room with a transwoman, but you’ve never thought twice about gay women? Why do you shrug when I stroll in, but you lose your mind over my trans sister?

You say that “men” are going through gender transition in order to access somewhere they can spy on you while peeing. Gender transition takes a great deal of courage and money. It’s emotionally gruelling and comes with painful costs – the loss of friendships, the loss of respect from colleagues and family, the loss of employment opportunities. If the goal is simply to hear people peeing, why not avoid those risks and become a toilet cleaner? It would be much easier. Why are you campaigning ferociously against transwomen in your bathroom but not male toilet cleaners? Why don’t you worry about their intentions?

Why do you want to believe there are good and noble reasons to demonise transfolk?

Why do you want to frame this as ‘a discussion’, rather than a vicious campaign against the basic human rights of very marginalised people?

It’s Because You’re Transphobic

I’m gonna be releasing a ton of music on YouTube, Tumblr, BandLab and Instagram this week. I’ve got about 30 unreleased tracks. I think this one is a BANGER.

AND, I tried a new voice…channeling my inner Yelawolf…check out Relentless! Please?

I love superhero stuff… my first superhero track was themed after Superman. This new track is self explanatory!! Please check out “The Dark Knight”, it’s an exciting fast paced track!


I’m the dark knight

Never conceded and still undefeated, you cannot believe that the stories are real, they warrant a prequel

Although I’m stark white

the greedy elites hope that I disappear, cause I’m freeing the people from ominous evil, and I’m making things equal

It’s a hard life,

If you are a villain, I’m ready and willing,

I don’t wanna kill you, but I fucking will if you need an idea for the sequel

I’m the dark knight, you can bet my heart is right

I’m the dark night, catch you in the light, bitch.

There’s a spectre that exists within this cold city, a Hannibal Lecter kinda figure that has grown bitter, the electors and officials really don’t get it, we need a protector in this bitch before it grows bigger, you better find you a hero, to turn up when evil appears, alleviating all your fears, dry away all of your tears, it’s been so many years weve been depleted by gold diggers, now they owe arrears, I came to retrieve our souls from these old sinners.

It’s a special kinda feeling fighting injustice

Especially when the wheels are stuck we’re in Flux, amenities are unequal and the systems busted, making enemies out of the weary and the downtrodden, so grab your cape Robin, it’s time to catch some robbers, if you a joker or a goblin, no it ain’t a problem, the batmobile is idling on autopilot, Chief Gordon put the symbol in the night sky,

I never said I was all that…

Just a lil something…

Ya’ll sleeping on my hits! No worries though…I forgive ya. However, if you REALLY love Miah, please show up on my YouTube.

Do you know what it feels like

To be a ghost in the daylight?

All alone, etched in stone, meant to roam, never home, floating in between these lives.

Wander around in the meantime

We all wanna be real right?

Never here never gone, never right never wrong, floating in between these lives

Of course I’m here, can’t trust a mirror, a hopeless fear, can u see me when I appear?

Do you notice me, do you know it’s me, when the poetry really flows to the beat, can u finally hear

All the things that I’m holding dearly

Carrying weight that makes me feel weary

Celebrate the anniversary yearly

Of the date I just ceased to be

Friends and family ignored me

Many of em ghosted me and disowned me, never had the decency to call me, to see if I was falling.

Into a shallow hole someone else dug for me,

Forced to live alone with my glory,

They think I dress this way cause I’m horny

The story really has lost control see, whoa is me, unfortunately the outcome is only loneliness, can’t cross a bridge that you burned that’s simple common sense, even if I’m deserving, they might as well have murdered me for being perfect, every bit of proof I had no one heard it, every single truth I said was reworded.

Only nice things today for #transvisibilityday. ️‍⚧️#nicethings #trans #visibility #lgbtqia #queer

Only nice things today for #transvisibilityday. ️‍⚧️

#nicethings #trans #visibility #lgbtqia #queer #manchester #plantshop #plants #the_neon_hunter #LEPhotography #photography #outandabout #blogger #project #tumblr #insta #neon
#iphoneography #shotonaniphone #shotoniphone13 (at Manchester)

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