#low cal ed


Im on day two of a liquid fast.

I didn’t lose any weight.

I had to start over on Tuesday because I broke and b/ped

Normally I lose at least a pound by now. I’m lowkey terrified.

However I’m gonna keep going. Not because I want to, because I’m broke from binging. I’ve got 30$ left lmao.

I say lmao but honestly I wanna Kms for blowing through my savings. I gotta get this under control or I’ll be homeless lol.


Hi loves

I was with a group chat on tumblr, before it got deleted and me and a few other people had made a discord server because we all struggled with the same things. I’m offering the link to join, there is no proana, just simply there for a way to communicate to each other and not feel alone. Anyone is welcome to join it and we decided to post this on tumblr as a way to reach more people struggling with the same thing. There is about 5 of us girls in there right now, please feel free to join <3 I would love to make new friends.
